Orono WeeklyTlmes. Wednesclay, November 12. l9~7 - Family Auto garnish champ> honours in weekend tourny It was another busy week of hockey for the OMHA Orono 'Family Auto' Bantam Leafs. Upon playing three games in four days, the Leafs emerged 'C' champs in a tournament- hosted by Mariposa. Orono dropped a 2-1 deci- sion to Ennismore in gaine 1 Thursday, November 6 in Oakwood. With three regulars out of the lineup due to the flu and an injury, the Leafs strug- gled in the first two periods and felI behind 2-0. Orono out- played Ennismore in the final frame however, but Greg Shetler was the only marksman on the power play with his sec- ond in toumnament action. Final shots were even at 12 apiece. Game 2 Saturday, November 8 saw the Leafs overpower the Beaverton Blades 7-2 at Little Britain Arena. Orono goalscorers were Bob Witheridge (3), Greg Shetler (2), Ryan Leddy and Ryan Tresise. Leafs held a 21- 18 edge in shots. Game 3 on Sunday, November 8 was a much dloser affair as Orono did battle with a feisty Peterborough 'All Saints' entry. The score was tied 1-1 after one period with 'AIl Saints' gaining a 4-2 lead after two frames. Leafs fought back however, scoring three unanswered tallies to win the match and the tournament champîonship. Orono had a wide edge in shots with a 29- 13 result. Ryan Leddy (2), Ryan Tresise (2), and, Tyler Robinson supplied Orono's goal production. Sandwiched in between the Mariposa tournament for the Leafs was a league encounter Fricfay, November 7 against a visiting Millbrook club. Seemingly of late in league offeringsOrono coasted to a 6- 2 victory in a rather lacklustre affair. Leafs led 1-0 after one and 4-1 after two periods. Final shots overwhelmingly favoured Orono by a 30-13 deficit. Leaf marksmen were Bob Witheridge (2), Greg BeSter, Jamie Parry, Andrcw Bcacock and Greg Shetler. Orono has a busy league game schedule this coming week as they travel to OPS Arena to play the Flames on' Wednesday, November'12, host Cannington Friday, November 14 at 9 p.m. and hit the road again Sunday, November 16 to tangle with Bobcaygeon. See you there! Leaflets... Leaf winger Ryan. Leddy was the unlikely hero in Sunday's game 3 tour- nament match. Ryan opened Leaf scoring as welI as tallying the game winner with just 6 seconds remaining... He came within an eyelash of earning a career high hatrick on a failed penalty shot attempt in the sec- ond period! ... He's 110W a bonafide tourny 'sniper' with 5 goals... .2nd only to Bob Witheridge with 7 for the club!... D.S. Fir st ever nuclear power referendumn calis for envîronmental assessment Plumbers working -overtime,, The Russ Major Plumbing OMHA Novices finished off a busy weekend in fine form by winnnng tbree out of four games in less than forty-eight hours. The first victim to fail was Cannington, Friday, November 7th in Orono. The Plumbers won the contest 5-0 with Shane Winters earning his second shutout of the season. Orono's first goal was scored by Cam Delorme fromn Adam Wood and Ryan Knox. The second, third and fourth goals were scored by Andrew Fothergill with Tyler Young assisting on the first, Denis Beenen and Josh Flynn assisting on the second and Flynn again help- ing with Fothergill's third goal to earn a hatrick. The fifth marker was scored by Tyler Young with Fothergili assist- ing. The next morning the 'Plumbers' were up before dawn and off to the Mariposa Minor Hockey Association OMHA Toumnament. The team, suffering from jet lag, slept through the game losing 3-0 to Ennismore. Orono came back with a vengeance in game two to defeat Scarborough 'in over- time 3-2. The team showed a lot of grit coming from behind 2-0 to dlaim victory. The first goal was scored by Matt Bester from Daniel Reilly. The second by Daniel Maclsaac from Doug Debooand Matt Bester with Andrew Fothergili scoring the game winner on a feed from Tyler Young. This win put the Novices into the 'B' championship Sunday, November 9 which was a goaltender duel. Orono defeated Beaverton in a close 1-O decision. Shane Winters earned his third shutout of the season. The Orono defensive tandems of Sarah Donnelly and Josh Flynn, Brandon Ernst and Daniel Reilly, Darcy Mitchell and Matt Moffat were strong at the blue line ail weekend and every member of the offense received one point or more. Great job team! Special thanks to the coaching staff-- Boyd Knox, Gord Lowery, Jeff Donnelly and Doug Delorme. The next home game for the O.M.H.A. Russ Major Plumb- ing Novices is this Friday, night (November I4th) vs. Omemee. Game time is 7:00 p.m., In Canada's first ever ref- erendumi on. nuclear power, citizens of the, Town of Pickering have voted over- whelniingly to cali for an envi- ronmental assessment on the Pickering Nuclear Generating Stations, before Ontario Hydro proceeds with rehabil- itation of the aging reactors. The referendum was placed on the, ballot of Plckering's municip al election held on Monday, 87% of Pickering voters supported the YES side of the referendum, calling for an environmental assess- ment. Durham Nuclear Awareness spearheaded a campaign of door-to-door leafleting, postering, and advertisements urging resi- dents to 'Vote YES to Assess!' The referenduma follows a decision by Ontario Hydro last August to temporarily shut down the four reactors at the Pickering "A" nuclear What is the World Wide Web? (NC-Ifyourenotalrad "o un,"wbiich are ail linked toehr, you might veillibewodeingwat the somiething akin to an enormous spider's wbole World Wide WNeb, tbing is aIl "web". Each site has lin)ks to other' about. Tl'le World ideL Web (WWW'ý related sites which makes searcingiL for for short) is mnade up of bundrcds of information quick andeay thousanids (niobddy can say f'or sr The Internet as a wbole consists of' ex-actty bow many because it'sgrig the WWW, e-mail and "newsgroups" sfat) of sites kiown i as "homie pages." E-mail works pretty mucb the same way These are created by indiIduLsý1,, rguflar "snail mail" works, except comIpan1ies, governmpnclts and others\wblo ceverythiing is dune clectronically. wan t sar tei iformiation with the inicoming mail is stored until you're woldL. reaidy to read it. The speed with which Thle Web is a vailuable research tool \you can get responses back is often truly if yo're tr ing to track something down amaiiizingý. InIa hutrry. Hugt-e am-Iounits ofinformation Newsgroups play a-similar role. They are, stored ini the m(imoies o! thousands serve& as forums for groups of people to of personal comipuiter s around the world discuss topics of mutual intcrcst. Think station -- at over 25 years of age,,the oldest most accident- prone nuclear power reactors in Canada. Ontario Hydro has called operations at the Pickering Stations "minimal- iy acceptable', but intends to restart the aging reactors beginning in year 2000. Chief Nuclear Officer Carl Andognini has stated that work on the plant will begin on January lst 1998. of any subject under the Sun and there' s probably a newsgroup chatting away about it somewhere. Until recently Internet access bas flot been particularly easy for rural residents. This, however, is ail cbanging. To belp provide rural communities witb affordable public access to the Internet, as well as the skills to use it etfectively, a national network of community access sites is being established to nielp create new anideciin opportunities for growth and jobs. iThrough acompetitive process, communities are selected to establisb and operate public access sites in low-cost public locations, sucb as schools and libraries, to serve as Information Higbway "on ramps." The aim of the Community Acccss Program (CAP) is to connect up to 5000 communfities across Canada by 2001. The actual number of sites will depend on the availability of resources. Closing date for the next set of CAP site funding competitions is October 31, 1997. For miore information cal I 800 268-6608, e-mail: comaccess @ic.gc.ca, or visit the CAP web site at http://cap.unb.ca 4w - f - ' "-" Memory Lane Calendars A wonderful Christmas gifg idea! Pers onalized calendars made from your 12 favourite photos Now available at the Orono Weekly Times 5310 Main St., Orono - (905) 983-5301 To view a samnpleca lendar, drop by our office. Order forms can be picked up or dropped off weekdays 8 to 5. Orders ready for pickup in 10 days. $25 for first calendar-- save 20% on any additional copies (using saine photos). Other Memory ýLane gift ideas also $25.00 each * Beautiful, wooden calendar frarne customn made to fit your Mernory Lane Calendar * Personalize d 24" Christmnas photo stocking * 14", adorable, cuddly, personalized 'Friends Forever" Bear