Ju 8 Or~flo Weekly Tunes, Wednesday, N~ovember12. 1997 )rn Clarington Hydro appears Kendal Hlall'News before Select Committee Clarington Hydro tells Nuclear Panel Ontario Hydro lines ln Clarington need repair Clarington Hydro Chair George Van Dyk. accompa- nied by Vice Chair Pauline Storks and General Manager David Clark appeared before the Select Committee on Ontario. Hydro Nuclear Mffairs. The, Committee Is holding hearlngs on the Independent Integrated Performance Assessment. prepared by Carol Adognini's teain, and Ontario Hydro's proposed nuclear recovery plan. George Van Dyk told the Select Committee that Ontario Hydro must ensure that there is justification for the $5 to $8 billion dollar nuclear rehabiitation plan. On behaîf of Clarington Hydro, the following recom- mendations were made to the commlttee members: 1. The Govemnment must release the White Paper on restructuring the eectricity industry. 2. Ontario Hydro must ensure that other important Hydro assets are properly maintained. 3. Hydro must be made accountable through stricter regulatory enforcement. The panel was told that there are aging Ontario Hydro lines in Clarlngton that are in great need of repair or replacement. These Uines have been the source of numerous power outages over recent months, particularly affecting Newcastle customers. "We've got customers that are hopplng mad over this problem and we don't blame them .. .If there isn't an ade- quate transmission system to deliver electricity to the cus- tomer it wont matter how much generating capacity there is in the province", Mr. Van Dyk told the panel. The 1 Clarington Commission is concerned that massive expenditures on nuclear generating assets wfll compromise expenditures needed to keep the rest of Ontario Hydro's systemn in good workçing order. Sorry I don't have the resuits of thé~ last Card Party, I understand there were not many out as it was Halloween night. On Satu day, November lst Kendal L.O.L. 405 put on the Royal fflh Purpie Degree for two memibers. on Wednesday, Novemnber 5th the reguWa meeting of the L.O.L. 405,Àas held. On ThurPday, November 6th Brooks Mvemorial Junior Lodge met. On SatuÉday, November 8th Kendal 4IlIls Ladies Lodge 1420 held u-Çir Annual Penny Sale. The U.C.W. held their Bake Sale as part of this function, in the afternoon. There was ar' excellent atten- dance with many of those who camne ffir the Bake Sale also bought Penny Sale tick- ets and DraW Tickets.- This year instead of just charglng admission ln the evening, evefyone was asked to purchase a ticket, this Included admission, and a chance of wlnnlng haif of the money taken in at the door. Peggy Frank of Kendal U.C.W. was the winner. The winner of the Comforter was a lady from Port Hope, the same lady who won the Quilt two years ago, I didn't get her naine. The Penny Sale tick- ets were almost sold out, there were 216 prizes to be won. Our Worthy Mlstress counted them. Hope those who didn't wln will try again next Fall. Thanks for sup- portlng the U.C.W. Ladies and the Lodge Ladies. The evenmng closed with a light lunch. Thursday, November l3th is the regular meeting of thse L.O.B.A Sunday, November 3th not 3l1st as 1 wrote in the last column, the Men's Lodge is sponsoring a Turkey Supper at Kendal United Church. Serving 5 p.m. to 7 p.m-. Once again they will be giving $ 1.00 off each admission towards a needy famlly, also they will be accepting food for the Local Food Bank. Bingo is held every Tuesday evening - starting Eariy Bird games at 7 p.m. Euchre party on altemnate Frldays from Newtonvllle, next Card Party at Kendal, November l4th. P. Lowery Recycle the "physcal" Research confirms that chitdren Who partiipate in daity physical education are more fit, have better heatth habits, are iess susceptibLe to stress and perform betteracademicaly. Heannga Hedhier Futre B & P Club Iearns about moving on and moviln-g up The Bowmanville and Professional Women's Club rediscovered the best kept secret in Clatington, accord- ing to Gail Rickard, Dean of the Centre of Individual Studies. The Courtice based CIS supports 300 students who attend at differlng times and seek credits in the fol- lowing areas: cooperative education, business and life sills, computers, and adult basic literacy. Students can also obtain their grade 12 equivalence credentials. Gal pointed out that aIl students must have a Secondary school level diplomia today to cope and succeed in a world where many will need to change careers four times In their lives. Therefore, a com- mltment to llflong Iearning is essential. Students at the Centre for Individual Studies range in age from .15 to 90 years. The CIS offers full classes and self-directed studies. The staff of approximately nine people work in partnership with the students; teachers helping students, students helping students, and students help teachers. Two graduating stu- dents, Pat Lake, now a pub- lished author, and Renee Bruce, currently studying Science at the University of Toronto, gave glowing testi- monlals of the program and staff at CIS. The theme of moving on and moving up continues at the November meeting with guest Siri Brown, of the Intercede Diversion Program. Siri will speak to this pre- charge diversion program for first time offenders. The 'penalties' these individuals serve help them move on by glvlng back to society and move up by reducing the probability of repeating mis- demeanours. We welcome guests at our meetings and invite you to join us on Thursday 20 November 1997 at Silks Cafe, 73 King Street West, Bowmanville. A social time begmns at 6:00 p.m. and is fol- Iowed by dinner at 6:30 p.m. The cost for a full course meal including appetizer. entree, dessert and beverage is $20.00 For dinner reserva- tions, plea se cail Helen Devitt at 623-3915 by Monday 17 November. Pat Adamns RECYCLEr Food. thought!l Along with eating right daily physica activity is one of the best ways of reducing the nlsk of cardiovascutar disease Sharing a Heaithier Future%. PaTi witp eTU