Q -Ooo ekl 'ies edesa-- oem- r1. 7i ) i Local woman wins distinction award Mary Lofthouse, a long- time Kendal resident was honoured last Thursday with a "Woman of Distinction" award.* Mary received her award in the "Non Traditional Roles" category. The awards, hosted by the Durham Region YWCA, honour women throughout the Durham Region. Mary received her nomination from Ed Lukow, of BDO Dunwoody. In 1984, after receiving her University diploma in Library Science, and Fine Arts, Mary went to join her father in the 'brass forging' business he had started in 1957. "It was not a patb 1 had chosen", said Mary, "but it became apparent that some- one from. the family had to step in." When her dad died in 1989, Mary and her sister Jean took over the business. In 1990, they decided to develop the business and make it a success rather than seil it. Since that time both of the Lofihouse Brass plants, in Whitby and in Burk's Falls, have received IS0 certifica- tion. "Now we are among the best in the world for what we do," stated Mary in an inter- view last Friday. At the time of her father's deatb, Mary became the president of the company. Recently she has become Chairman of the Board, and credits the success of the business to the many great, people wbo run the day-to- day operationis. Other women who received awards Thursday night were: Marjorie Kirkconnell, Lydia Francis, Laurie Argent, Kay Buffet, Paula1 Lishman, Leah Houston, Lesley Poole and Kaye Egan. Ministry of Natural Resources MNR Iays charges, seizes 526 tish - Georgina Twp. The Mlnlstry of Natural Resources hias laid 18 charges and seized 526 fish from vehicles during a rou- Unie check of new regulations for perch fishing on Lake Slmncoe. New regulations for Lake Simcoe were put into place last spring because yellow perch populations have been fluctuatlng dramatically ti rec ent years., The new regul11a- tions reduce the number of yellow perch anglers may take from Lake Simcoe and will help ensure the long-term, health of yellow perch ti the lake. "Our officers initiated a highway check station pri- marilyto see if anglers are complying with the new catch and possession limits on yel- low perch caught in Lake Simcoe," saidITim Boyd, MNR Aurora district enforcement supervisor. "With a seasonal fishing licence, the daily limit for yellow perch on the lake Is now 50 wth a maximum pos- session limit of 100". Conservation Officers (COs) from MNRs Aurora dis- trict with the help of a min- lstry detector dog unit and officers from the Ontario Provincial Police and York, Reglonal Police operated a check, station for vehicles travelling west of Pefferlaw along Highway 48 on Sunday, October 19, 1997 for flve-and- a-half-hours. They seized more than 500 yellow perch. bass, northemn pike and other species from 14 non-resident and 4 resident vehicles. Charges laid by COs include angling without a licence, possession of fish over the permitted limit and trans- Farm .News STILL TImI;ý FOR FARM OWNERS TV) QUALITY FOR LOWE[i 1998 TAX RATE Farmners whp have not yet applied to receive the 1997 farm tax rebat,@ stilI have trne to subrnit their application so that their farffl property can be properly assessed for the new farmn-land tax rate in 1998. More than f'inety per cent of eligible farffers have met early fling dgtes and have already filed applications. The remaing farmers who stili need to submlt applications ore encouraged to do so prolnptly so that their taxes ne--Kt year reflect the new rate. Due to an unprecedented number cf calls resulting from the changes to the tax system, O)MATRA has added additional operators to pro- vide farmers who have not submitted applications more time to contact Mlnistsy staff. Farrners who stilI need to make submlssions should cail 1-800-469-2285, or fax (416) 326-3507. Extended waiting perlods are anticipat- ed. If callers are unable to connect to an operator, they can contact their local oMAFRA field office. Lift weights, ift your spirits, . Nx Ume you'ie onying the weift of the mentiun your shoulders, tet phydcaol actiety ighten the toad.'0Ë Shadng a Healtfner Futur U My name si the beginnln ofn my store. Etrhstid has t/he r/ight P/cse. support uN/CEF unicef (416) 487-4153 portation of fish in a manner thàt prevented offîcers from identiffing elther the specles or the quantity. "With the help of their counterparts from the reglon- ai and provincial police forces, MNR COs checked 2,000 travellers for Fisherîes Act violations as well as Hlghway Trafflc Act and Liquor Uicence, Act offenses," said Mr. Boyd. MNR Aurora enforcement personnel remind anglers that when transporting their catch, they must leave some skin on frozen fillets so that conservation officers can readily conflrm the species they are carrying. They also recommend that anglers freeze fish lndividually or pack them in a way that allows them to be counted rather than freezing the fish into an unidentifiable block. SALE 0F LAND BY PUBLIC TENDER MUNICIPAL TAU SALES ACT THE CORPORATION 0F THE MUNICIPALITY 0F CLARINGTON Take Ntice Iliat tenders are învited for thie purcliese of the land(s) described below and wiII be received until 3:00 p.m. (local time) on Tliursday, December 18, 1997 at the Office of thec Clerk, Thse Corporation of the Municipality cf Clerington, Municipal Administrative Centre, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, Li C 3A6. The tenders wiii flien be opened in public on the same day at 3:00 p.m. at thie seme Municipal Administrative Centre. Description cf Lands Minimum Tender Amount 1 ) No. 18-17-010-020-11800!-0000 $ 2,927.82 Lots 50, 51 & 52, Plan 97 Formerly Township cf Darlington now part cf the Municipality cf Clarington Regional Municipality cf Durham. As registered in the Rcgistry Office for the Registry Division cf Durhiam. Zoning: Agricultural (A) 2) No. 18-17-010-020-11813-0000$ 3,426.68 Lots 40, 41, 42 & 43, Plan 97, Formerly Township cf Derlington, now part cf fthe Municipality cf Clarington. Regional Municipality cf Durham. As registered in the Registry Office for thec Registry Division cf Durham. Zcning: Agriculturail <A) 3) No., 18-17-010-020-11715-0000 $ 5,421.37 Lots 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 & 18, Plan 97, save and except for Part cf Loti18, designated as Part cf Lot 6 in Plan 1 OR- 3017. Formerly Township cf Darlîngtn now part cf flhc Municipality cf Clerington Regional Municipalily cf Durham. As registered in the Registry Office for flhc Rcgistry Division cf Durham. Zoning: Agricultural (A) 4) No. 18-17-010-020-11725-0000 $ 2,174.15 Loti1, Plan 97 Formerly Townshiip cf Darlington now part cf fthe Municipalify cf Claringtn Regional Municipaliiy cf Durham As registered in thec Registry Office for thse Registry ivision cf Durham. Zoning: Agricultural (A) 5) 18-17-010-020-11804-0000 $ 2,174.15 Lot 49, Plan 97, Formerly Township cf Derlington, now part cf flic Municipalify cf Clarington Regional Municipality cf Durliam. As rcgistered in flic Rcgistry Office for fthe Rcgistry Division cf Durham. Zcning: Agricultural (A) 6) No. 18-17-010-020-11805-0000 $ 2,174.15 Lot 48, Plan 97, Formerly Township cf Darlington, ncw part cf flhc Municipality cf Clarington Regionel Municipality cf Durham. As registered in thec Registry Office for the Registry Division cf Durham. Zoning: Agriculfural (A) Tenders must be submifted in tlic prescribed form and must be accompa- nicd by a deposit in tlie form cf a money order or cf a bank draft or cheque certif ied by a bank, trust compehi> or Province cf Ontario Savings Office payable to-the Municipalify <or board) and rcpresenting et lcast 20 per cent cf flic tender amnount. The Municipelify makes no representeion regarding flie tîfle to or eny oflier metters relatcd to flie land to be sold. Responsibility for ascertain- ing these matters rests witli fli potential purcliasers. Tliis sale is govemed by flic Municipal Tax Sales Adt and tlic Municipal Tex Sales Rules made under flic Act. The succcssful purcheser will be rcquired to, pay thie amount tcndcrcd plus accumulated taxes and flic rel- evant land transfer tex. Tit/c: Name of Municipafl/oard: Mrs. Lou Ann Birkett, CPP, AMCT The Corporation of the Purchasing Manager1 Municipality cf Claringtcn Address of Municipalit>' or Board 40 Temperanoe Street, Bowmanville, Ontario LiC 3A6 (905) 623-3379 (extension 268) PO #7317