rne,, mà e. le;S ................dnsay N ve be 1~ 99 : : C»te ~App1e Blossomi Shop * FLOWERS &8kIJUS Orono 983-9155 Oshawa 433-2b5 We don't just specioliee - We Mke everp oroer specialc For LADIES and GENTS Main Street, Orono 983-5333 C.D.A.(1988) j74& (ae sup.p£ie4, and ?fadô& Studio open Wed. & Thurs. 12 noon - 4 p.m. -other times by appointment- 86 Chu rch St., Orono 983-6408 RARINA HOME CHECK "Let ua make your home looked lived in" *Vacation Home Checking* * W.edding Day Services* INSURED REge , 3LE REFERENCES (905) 786-2996 Barb Shetier - Inla Cox 'Plus FLOWOERS, GIi'Ts, AND CRAFTS 46 King Str'eet Hat Newcastle 987-1500 fBetty Lyoett 983-5908 Wilda Mideton 983-9819 ORONÔ ELEC TRIO Ltd. ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES COLOIJR TV'S - HI-FIS SALES ANID SERVICE I4otpoint - R.C.A. White Westinghouse Frigidaire - Whirlpool Wood's Freezers Magic Chef - Hoover GRUNDY'S CountrU Uphoieru Quality Work In Upholsterg R.R.w 2. Orono Brijon GrundU L ýAC. 4C. presen ts 4 Yuttide Tour cf 9çc s èçf il9oe aremoneo!thetoch: j a m1ruath ine toumqe Enjoy MWic (j .ACluistmas fPast Homnemade Holiday Fare LeMuisic & Traditionai Decorations Sunday, November 3th, 1997 frmIl untii 4 Tces 1 Available November lst A.TeApple Blossom Shop, Main St. Orono &Newcastle House, 210 King St. W., Newcastle Frfurther information contact Linda Kiff at 1-905-263-8045 Jante Dodds at 1-905-983-5926 Ail Tickets are ilted so reserve earlyl C-ARINGTON OLDER ADULTS present Smiles Theatre production of BANDSTAND Tues. November 25 7:30 p.m. Basellne Communlty Centre - Bowmanville 19 ac Klrby United Church MONTHLY EVENING SERVICES 7M0 - 8:00 p.m. Sunday, November 30 GUEST SPEAKER: Myno VanDyke, police Instructor at Durham College. TOPIC: Policing and Ethies. SPECIAL MUSIC: Engllsh Handbell Rinigers from Bowmanville Sunday, December 14 Mvark this one on your calenidar for Christmas. Variety of Speclal Chrismas Music and Carol Slnging. 19, 26 ac 1FLORIDAI LongStayComhTour GopDeparture onl satsIleftJ (901nial qIquesriaux c'entre HORSEBACK RIDING Colonial Equestrian Centre, 3706 Rundle Rd. (Courtice) is now accepting new students (children and aduits) for our riding and horsemanship programs, stimmer camps, etc. For further information and to register cal, 1-905-623-7336 Hone of the Bowmanille Pony Club CARURBEAN Droam Cru se February 8, 1998 Group Departure only 6 cabins Ieftt General sewing donc in my home, 5 days a week. Phone 983 -976 1. It'. time to try SHAKLEEI Nutritional supplegnents and Earth-Friendly cleaners SHOULD make a difference to your health. Cail Marie Nelson, 983- 8278, for more information. SNOWBLOWER - 3 hltch, single stag good worklng oi asklng $330.00 or offer. 983-9659, Reid. Soft Coated Wh' Terrier Puppies, natured, non-alle CKC Registered, exc companion. Cail 905 2266. point BELLAMY - e, Howard & Bessle ýrder, Memorles of loved ones is best ail that's left. Bert Love of those mema ries will rieverparish because 19 ap of the lave from the - beginning ta the end of time. . 1 eaten Aiways remembered by good Gerge &Edle rgic.Goge&Ei ellentDavid & Darla 797-la Uni- 1 Inglis Dryer, Excellent condition, $100.00. Cali 623-8831. Uni 1989 Ford 250 van, 136 K, V8 Auto, PS., P.B., $5,000.00. Caîl 623- 4395. tfn '85 Plymouth red mini van, excellent rebuilt enginie, $1,800.00, cal 786-1127. tfn Clarington Computer Clearance Centre -used- IBM 386 SX55 2!30 $130. IRm.»6 SX65 260 S'195; IBM J86 SX55 4/80 $275. VGA monio monitor rom $45. VGA colour monitor t rom $135. - new Micro Mania systema - 486 2/66s rom $679. 486 2/60'a rom $735. 486 4100's f rom $775., 486 8120's liom $1098. 486 8/1 33's sdNoeok-f rom $1240. IBM 386 4/80 new. batt.> $750. ZEOS 486 81120 mono $1199. Diital 486 4170 Mono $1500. NEC 486 4/210 coloUr $1695. We buy used computera. 1 or00Oor more 164 BaselIne Rd. E. -t(Id Many thanks to al] those who attended my retirement tea, for ahl th e cards and best wlshes. It was a pleasure for mne ta have served the people of Oronio as postmnaster for all these years. 12, 1 ac to Blamn, Connme and Mali for ail their efforts in maklng this such a speclal tUrne. 1 will have pleasant memories for a long time - to corne. TFwo great worl<lng 386, Computers wlth colour monitor. Great for wordprocessing. Affordable. Caîl Bert nights at 983-5434. tfn Carole Boyd 19 ap Recycle Thîs 1Newspaper Subscribe to the Orono Weekty Times onty $23.00 a year 983-5301 *Building Supplies and Hardware eBarn Steel - Sikkens Stain *Hemlock for Fences and Stalîs »A Centre for AlYour uilring Need» (705) 277-3381 or (905) 434-6665 (evenings) ON HWY. 35,2 MILES NORTH 0F HWY. 115 Hooper's Jewellers.. Antique Pocket Watches and Modern Watch Repainng Corne ini and see our collection of -Howard Miller Grandfather Clocks -Sales and Service - Hooper's Jewellers 39 King St. W. 623-5747 Bowmanville THE NAIL STATION Career Training Center. Become a technician, career training available in artificial nails, ear candiing, tips, coatings, pedicures, waxing. Student financing now available. (905) 723-8083 -Daniel G.-q3anting une fFirearms e& Coffctib(es Collections & Estate Appraisals A-Speciahty In Home Service Available GUS BOUGHT, SOLD, TRADED 5_331 Main Street, Orono 983-6480 FutMarket Hgway 351115, South of Orono Telephone: 983-5628 Farm Fresh, Crisp and Juicy APPLES & PEARS Macs, Emnpires, Spartan, Cortiand, Royal Gala, Doudcous, Spy, Russet, and Johna GoId SPECIAL...FIiI Your Own Apples $3.95110 Ibs. Blemish Beauty & Bosc Pears Avalable FREE SQUASH OR PIE PIJMPLIN WITH $15.00 PURCHASE Wg'wappIos, undw lie rdIp rhrt .... ........fpelT ld a m g odb e .... Browns Potatoes - Fred's own 100% Pure Apple Juice OPEN VEAR ROUND C= SUTTON, Reglnald G.L. in loving memory of a dear husband, father and grandfather who passed away November 25, 1976. Sa many things have happened Since you were called away Sa many thlngs ta share wlth yau Had you been lefi to stay. Everyday i sorne small way Memnorles of you corne our way Though absent, you are ever near SUIU mlssed, loved, always dear. Lovlngly remembered by wife Frances and famfly. 19 ap AUCTION DEATH NOTICES (contnued on page 17)