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Orono Weekly Times, 26 Nov 1997, p. 10

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-----(10-Orono WeelyTime, Wednesday Novemjbr 20,'1997 INTERACTIVE HEALTH Spring Forward: For any- one who would be interested1 in being lncluded in a six week nutritional support group, beginning in Mardi, please cail Pat. The Slippery Elm is a small tree abundant in various parts of North Amnerica , par- ticularly in the state of MichiÉgan. It is an officiai drug of the U.S. Parmacopoela, though thiùs Is not the case tn Canada. The inner bark, the oiy part used in a variety of imp ortant medicai remedies is coliected in the spring, dried and reduced to a grey- tsh or fawn-coloured powder. The powdered bark is sold in two formns - a course powder used for poultices, and a fine powder used for making a mucilaginous drink. The mucilage is said to be sîrnilar to that found in lecithin, another quallty nutrient. Slippery Elm is considered to be one of the most valu- able remedies in herbai prac- tise, the mucilage having wonderfuliy strengthening and heaiing qualities. Some of its properties are as foiiow: It acts as a demuicent - giving a protective coating to inflamed internai areas. As an emnoient - it softens and protects extemnal surfaices. As an expectorant - it ex,,pels toxic mucous from the respi- ratory system. It is a diuretic helping to increase urine flow%. It also promotes growth and nourisbment, possessing, in fact, as miuch nutrition as is contained in oatmeal! One teaspoonful stirred weil into a pint of boiling water makes an interesting drink, a little more flavourful with some added honey or cininamon. SLIPPERY ELM REPAIRS ALL TISSUES. For this reason, because of its coating and soothing effect, it is helpful in treating ulcers and hiatus hemnia. I have seen it work wiell in reiieving the symptoms of pain and burning associated with this type of hernia (a protrusion of the stomach tbrough the diapbragm,. often expostng the esophagus to the effects of stomach acid). In the case of gastritis or enteritis it is said to be toler- ated by the stomach when al other foods fail. Now that the cougbing sea- son is upon us, you mîght try adding a pinch of cayenne pepper, a slîce of lemnon and some honey to slippery elm in boiiing water (1 tsp to a pinit). Let the infusion stand for 20 minutes, then take fre- quently in smrall doses. This .roils up' thermucous mnateri- ai and passes itLd1o v:ri tiogh the intestines. Slippery Elm-r is said tobe usefu-l in treating bronchitis, To Proteet-Sofren- Nourish! The aim of the multi-faceted Herb SLIPPERY ELM by Pat Irwin Lycett, R.N., Registered Nutritional Consultant, Certified Iidologist pleurisy, as a heart remedy, and in the treatment of dis- eases of the female organs. It has been used in an enema for constipation, and in the treatm-enit of worms, includ- ing the dreaded tapeworm. Aboriginal peoples made great use of this herb in var- tous ways. As a heaiing salve, it was constdered one of the best possible poultices f'or wounds, boils, ulcers, bums and ail inflamed surfaces, greatly reducing pain and inflammation. One of my all-time favourite uses of -Slippery Elmn is, of course, in the anti-can- cer remedy, ESSIAC. This preparation, also contains burdock root, turkey rhubarb and sheep sorrel. It works by cleansing the blood, remov- ing toxîns, and making a cleaner place in each body celi in order foi' incoming nutrients to do their job - that of building health. Ganigrene, though not the problemi it once was, can also be assisted through ustng slippery elmn mixed with brew- er's yeast and miik. A poultice for 'gouty' artbrttis afflictions uses equal parts of wbeat bran and slippery elm in hot vinegar. It is stated ini "Mother Nature's Library" that slip- pery elmi preserves fatty sub- stances fromn becomîng ran- cid, Rancid ois witlhin the body is a topic of great inter- est to mnany people concemned with moving forward the vast amounts of available nutri- tional inf ormation. if slippery elm does, indIeed, protect fats anid oiîs against their greatest destroy- er, there seems to be a con- nection here. Fats, and the functions 41n the body, good bad and dangerous, their var- tous types, and their noted proclivity towards rancidity, are the subj ect of many ongo- ing studies (and the focus of much media attention). Perbaps part of slippery ekn's efficacy in heaiing can be par- tiaily explained by this func- tion. Pat Lycett sees clients for nutritionai and/or tridologi- cal assessment, at her home. Shre is aiso trying to make available nutritional educa- tion in cancer recovery, on an individual or group hasts, open to ail. For ail youar heaith needs please be sure to see your health care provider. References are available upon request. Keep the "physical Research conflrms that chtdren who partidipate in daily physical education are more fit, have better heaith habits, are tess susceptible to stress, and perform better academnicat[y. Shurin a Healthfier FutureU BhOARD% AND COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS THE COUNCIL 0F THE CORPORATION 0F THE MUNICIPALITY 0F CLARINGION WILL BE CONSIDERING APPOINTMVENTS TO VARIOUS BOARDS AND COMMITVEES. THE FOLLOWING IS A LIST 0F THE BOARDS AND COMMITTEES AND PERTINENT INFORMATION RELATIVE TO FORTHCOMING VACANCIES. APPOINTMENTS WILL BE FOR THE TERM EXPIRE ON DECEMBER 31, 2000. COMMITTEE/ BOARD Property Standards Comm ittee Fence Viewers Pound Keepers Livestock Valuers Game Commission Orono Arena Community Centre Board Abandoned Cemeteries Board Bowmanville Memorial Hospital Board Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Comm ittee Bowmanville Museum Board Clarke Museum Board Commîttee of Adjustment DESCRIPTION TERM To review matters relative to the prescribed standards for maintenance and occupancy of property within the Municipality of Clarington. To arbitrate an-d settle fence disputes. To provide a f acility on appropriately zoned land to house livestock until claimed by the owner. To evaluate livestock damage caused by wolves and dogs. To buy and release pheasants and seil hunting licences for designated areas. To operate a community centre in Orono on behaif of the Municipality of Clarington. To care for abandoned cemneteries in the Municipality of Clarington. Board of Directors (Appointments to be made in June, 1998). To make recommendations on the preservation of structures of historical significance. To operate a Museum in the former Town of Bowmanville on behaîf of the Municipality of Clarington. To operate a Museum in the former Township of Clarke on behaîf of the Municipality of Clarington. To review requests for Minor Variances in respect of the land, building or structure or the use thereof. 5 positions 4 positions 2 positions 2 positions 6 positions 2 positions Applicants f rom the former Township of Clarke 5 positions 2 positions 1 Year Term June - June 10 positions 7 positions 7 positions 6 positions FREQUENCY OF MEETINGS As required As required As required As required Minimum 4 times per year As required Monthly Third Tuesday evening of each month As required As required Twice monthly 0 F COUNCIL AND WILL REMUNERATION $28.26 per meeting $26.96 per viewing $50 per cali & mileage $29.51 per evaluation None None None None None None None $28.26 per meeting If you wish to be considered for appointment to one of the above Boards or Committees, application forms for appointment are available at the Municipal Administrative Centre, Clerk's Department, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario. If you are interested in serving on more than one Board or Committee, please ist these in your order of priority. Completed application forms must be received by 4:30 p.m., Friday, Decem ber 5, 1997. Dates of Publication: November 12, 19 & 2C, 1997 Marie P. Knight, C.M.0., CMM il Deputy Cîerk Corporation of the flun'icipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street, Eowmanville, Ontario Li C 3A6 Telephone: (905) 623-3379 P.O. # 5117

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