14- ()Ono-W eel 1y T 11 im - esWenedyNoebr2 97 The ~Apple Blossom Shop FLOWERS & GIFIS Orono 983-9155 Oshawa 433-2515 Vie don t just spectolize We moke every rder speccil 1 t IU For LADIES and GENTS Main Street, Orono 983-5333 C.D.A. (1988) 1k94& " SttpÛi 1ande&i* Studio open Wed. & Thurs. 12 noon - 4 p.m. -other times by appasntment- 86 Church St., Orano 983-6408 BARINA HOME CHECK A-Let us imakýe yor homne looked lived in" *Vacaion Homne Checking* *Wedding Day Services* ".or whenever you're iaway" INSURED RELIABLE REFERENCES (905) 786-2996 Barb Shetier - Ina Cox Seing Newote, Nwc eOrno Plus FLO-WERS, GIPTS, ANVD CRAFTS 46 King Street Fast Newcastle 987-1500 Betty Lyeett 983-5908 Wlda Middleton 983-9819 3TleIloiaà ORONO ELECTRIC Ltd. ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES COLOUR TV'S - HI-FIS SALES AND SERVICE Hotpoint - R.C.A. avhite Westinghouse Frigidaire - Whirlpool Wood's Freezers- Magic Chef - Hoover GRUNDY'S Countn1i Upholst.rij Quali:tyWork In Upholsterg R.R.u 2. Orono Bryon Grundy L.A.C24'.C. preseuts A4 fLYuetile 'Tour ofjwcast(e 's Fine "fomes E njoy q& e 9agic QOJ tAClrs t ma-, Pas t Homiemade Holiday Fare Live Music & Traditional Decorations are some of the touches that maake this tour uique Suinday, Novemiber 3th, 1997 from Il until 4 Tickets: $12 Avalable November lst AtL The Apple Blossom Shop, Main St. Orono & Newcastle House, 210 King St. W., Newcastle For further information contact Linda Kiff at 1-905-263-80r45 Janie Dodds at 1-905-983-5926 Al Tickets are llmited s0 reserve earlyl NE= Efs 1984 Hlonda CR 80 dirt bike, good condition. great Christmas present. Askîng $700.00 O.B. offecr. Cali 983-9088. 26 ap 1991 Suzuki RM 80 dirt bike. in great condition, very powerfui & very fast, great Christmas present. Asking $1.600 or best offer. Cali 983-9088. 26 ap Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier Puppies. good natured, non-allergic, CKC Registered. excellent companlon. Cail 905-797- 2266. tfin Set of tractor chains, like new, tire size ________ 11.2/12.4/24, $250.00, oeil 983-5877. TRILLIUM MORGANS 8TH ANNUAL XMAUS FESTIVAL Sat. December 6 1-4 p.m. Stali decoratlng contest, demos, door prizes. refreshments. Free Admission. Fun for the whole family. lst Rd. W. of Main St. on Ochonski Rd. 26, Dec. 3 ac ST. SAVIOURS ANGLICAN CHURCH Mill St.. Orono. Ontario TURKEY DINNER CAROL SINGING December 7, 1997 6:00 p.m. $10.00 Tickets available by ciling Charles Gray 987- 4551 or Beryl Clark 983- 5591. 26, Dec. 3 ac CHRISTMAS TURKEY DINNER Kendai United Churcli Sun. NOVEMBER 3Oth 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. $10.00 $ý1.00 from each ticket to go to a needy farnily at Christmas. Sponsored by Kendal Orange Lodge Food Bank Donations Accepted 26 ap l£11I01lial ique0trirn (Frutre HORSEBACK RIDING Colonial Equestrian Centre,- 3706 Rundie Rd. (Courtice> is now accepting new students (children and aduits) for aur riding and horsemanship programs, summnrer camps, etc. For further information and to register eail 1-905-623-7336 Home af the Bowmanville Pony Club Kirby United Church MONTHLY EVENING SERVICES 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. Sunday, November 30 GUEST SPEAKER: Myno VanDyke. Police Instructor at Durham College. TOPIC: Policing and Ethics. SPECIAL MUSIC: Englishý Handbeil Ringers fromt Bowmanvilie Sunday, December 14 Mark this one on your calendar for Christmas. Variety of Special Chrismas Music and Carol Singing. 19, 26 ac Heather Rebekah Lodge #3S4 BAZAR DECEMBER 6, 1997 2 to 4 p.m. Oddfellows and Rebekahs Centre Quilt draw, refreshmnents, petnny sale, crafts. country store, baking, candy, inew to you table. 2 6, 3 ac NEW YEAR'S EVE at Casino Rama *Building Supplies and Hardware Barn Steel - Sikkens Stain *Hemilack for Fences and Stalis "A Centra for AU Your Building Neada" (705) 277-3381 or (905) 4346665 (evcningnl ON HWY., 35,2 MILES NORTH OF HWY. 115 26 ac 1 Inglis Dryer, Excellent condition, $100.00. Cal 623-8831. tUn Pentium Co mputer, large harddrive, CD-romn, sound. monitor, etc., $ 1,000.00, cail Herman at 983-5301. 26 ap 1989 Ford 250 van, 136 K, V8 Auto, PS.. P.B., $5,000.00. Cail 623- 4395. tUn '85 Plymouth red mini van, excellent rebuilit engine, $1,800.00, cal 786-1127. tfn Clarngton Computer Clearance Centre - sed - BM 386 SX55 no3 $130. MBM 386 SX55 260 $195. IBM 386 SX55 4/80 $275. VGA mono moniltor from $45. VGA colour monitor t rom $135. - new Micro Mania sy.5temns - 486 2/66s fIQrom $679. 4862/80s trom $735. 464/1 00s trom $775. 4868 1 20S rom $1098. 4868/1ý33s f rom $1240. 'tsed Note books- IBM 386 4/80 (new. baft.> $750. ZEOS 486 8/120 mono $1199. Digital 486 4/170 mono $1500. NEC 486 4/210 colour $1695, We buy uised computera 1 or 10 or more 164 Baseine Rd. E. ,aeoueey Bowmanvilte 90-197-30591 Person with a smaii snowbiower to remove snow from Orono Public School sidewalks, cali (905) 242-5941. 26 ap Paying top prices for coin collections, paper currency. old cigarette and post cards, pocket watches, medals and badges. Paying $7.00 each for 1991 quarters. 37 Years Appraiser & Buyer Mister Murray (905) 623-7901 126, Dcc. 3, 10, 17 ac Two great wor Computers wl monitor. Great for wordp Affordable. Ci nights at 983-5ý General sewlni my home, 5 da3 Phone 983-9761 LOST: Black and (tri) coloured coli Cone. 7 and Towi answers to Edge,1 phone 983-5395. LOST: a large ch pouch and mans signet ring, November, bst newspaper box bý Donut Gallery. Cal 9043 - reward. AUCTION DEATH NOTIC @&;Pm The fariy of the late klng 386 Doris Mercer is most [th colour appreciative to friends and family for the many processing. acts of kindness shown to 'ail Bert us during the recent loss- 434. of our mother. tfn The support shown to us at the time of ber death will. not be forgotten. Special thanks to Dr. Ward, the nurses of 2 ig donc in East Memoriai Hospital, Lys a week. Heather Rebekah Lodge 1. #334 and Rev. Russell. tUn Ross Mercer and Family - 26 ap white e near rnline, piease COOPER In iovmng memory of our 26 ap dear mother- and grandimother .(Nan), Maude Elizabeth Cooper, hange who passed away s gold November 30, 1989. early Loving and kind in Ail ler t at ways, y the Upright aridjust to the U 983- end of lier dlays, Sinoere and ktnd in heart 26 ap and minci. What a beaut(ful memory she left behid. Lovingly remembered by your family. 26 ap =ES (continued page 13) THE NAIL STATION Career Training Center. Becomne a technician, career training available in artificial nails, ear candling, tips, coatings, pedicures, waxing., Student flnancing now available. (905) -723-8083 ~Danief G. Banting Fine jFirearma & ~Co((ectibes Collections & Estate Appraisals A Specialty In Home Service Available GUNS BOUGHT, SQLD. TRADED 5331 Main Street, Orono 983-6480 Fruit Market Highway 351115, South of Orono IQ Telephene: 983-5628 Farmf Fresh, Crisp anld Juicy APPLES & PEARS Macs, Empires, Spartan, Cortland, Royal Gala, Delicious, Spy, Russet, and Johna Gold SPECIAL ... FUI Yeur Own Apples $3.95110O Ibs. Blemish Beauty & Bose Pears Avalable FREE SQUASH OR PIE PUMPLIN WITH $15.00 PURCHASE Wé rô w ppI ï1fettu to fflep proe Brown's Potatoes - Fmed's own 100% Pure Apple Juico OPEN VEAR ROUNDj ffl IN MEMORIAM m am mouri MO