RONO WEEKLY TIMES Il~ ~ Sevn Eas Clrnt adbydsic C1937 Sr. Citizen of the year award bestowed on Hatrry Wade Wednesday, November 26, 1997 Orono torestry to remain in local hands The frst order of business at the annual meeting of the Durhamn County Seniors Complex. was to present a "Senior Citizen of the Year Award" to Mr. Harry Wade. Mr. Klaas Schoenmaker, Chairman of the board at the Seniors Centre, was pleased to officially recognize Mr. Wade's work. The Provincial Governiment issued a plaque for the occasion which Sally Barrie of CommunitY Services presented on behaîf of Mayor Hamnre. Mr. Wade has been a mem- ber of the Board of Directors at the Seniors Complex for the past 20 years, since the complex was built. The award also acknowledges Mr. Wade's many other contribu- tions to the commn-unity. He is a miember of the Oddfellows Lodge and the Masonic Temple. Mr. «Wade has served for 19 years on the local and township school board, 3 of those years as Chairman. Politlcs, especially at the party level also held Mr. Wade's interest. Congratulations. On November 23, Mr. Armond (Sonny) Young of Sonbon Homes, issued a press release stating he has signed an Agreement of Sale with the Ontario Realty Corporation (ORC) regarding the 370 acres of land that comprise the Orono Forestry. Mr. Young also purchased al the equipment and chattels offered for sale by the province relating to these lands. Mr. Young is not expected to take full possession tili some time next year. Details as to what Mr. Young intends to do with the land will be released upon the closing of the sale. "We have been advised by the ORC to keep our intentions private until the sale has been closed," said Mr. Young. He did hint however, that the use of the land will remamn pre- dommnantly agriculture in nature, and that public access to some of the lands will be maintained. "As long as vandalism is kept to a min- imum, the property will be open for the people to enjoy," he sald. Measures are being put in place to discourage vandal- !Sm. Many of the buildings will be boarded up and a few roads may be blocked off tli possession occurs. A securi- ty guard will be patrolling the property, and someone will be staying in the main residence. The release stated that more details will be made available in the upcomlng months. Clarke High School hosts annual awards evening Nearly 180 students and Pauline Storks Award for the their parents were in atten- highest standing in grade 1Il dance Wednesday (November Advanced History, white 19) evening, for Clarke High Elizabeth MacNeill was the School's annual academic sole winner of the award. Over 90 students who Bowmanville Legion's award were in grade 9, 10 and 1l for grade 10 Engl ish. last year were honoured for Local trustee Bob their high overaîl averages as Willsher brought greetings well as outstanding achieve- from the Northumberland and mients in individual courses. Clarington Board of Several students-were also Education and assisted in giv- given the distinction of ing out awards. receiving certificates and Leigh Facey-Crowther, monetary awards from local Clarke's principal, said .that clubs and citizens. the Academnic Awards share The Newcastle Lions Club the distinction of being one of presented an award to the three most important Amanda Green for the high- events at Clarke, along withi est marks in grade Il Commencement and the Geography. Trish Barber and Athletic Awards. Jennifer Jones split the award The evening finished off fo r grade Il Soc iety with a desserts and refresh- Challenge and, Change. mients social in the Clarke Andrea Etmanskie and Katy cafeteria Evans also tied for the Plans weil under way for Town HaII's anniversary The Town Hall Board is events that will.make this well on the way ti organizinjg best birthday party this t( Ilhe i OOth Birthday of the has ever known. îOrono Town Hall ncxt year. Thursday night's meet S The board meets again oit is ini the Orono Town Hall; Tlhursday evening and wel P n. comes any interested parties See you there. to join them in plannine the the twn cting at 7 Vo1flume 61, Number 46 Happenings.. SING-ALONG MESSIAH Celebrate the 150th Anniversary of the Orono United Church - Sing-along MESSIAH featuring the Amradeus Choir of Greater Toronto, Saturday, December 6 at 7:30 p. m., Orono United Church, tickets $20,00 available by phoning Marie Tamïblyn 983-5550. ORONO HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY Christmas Show, Annual Meeting & Pot Luck Dinner, Orono United Church, Thursday, Decemrber 4th, dinner - 6:30 p.m. For further information calI Carol at 983-5326 or Flora at 983-9761. KIRBY UNITED CHURCH Monthly Evening Services - 7:.00 - 8:30 p.m., - Sunday, November 30, guest speaker: Myno VanDyke, Police Instructor at Durham College, special music - English Handbell Ringers from Bowmanville. MUCH MUSIC VIDEO DANCE Much Music Video Dance is being held Friday, November 28, 1997, Newcastle Communily Hall, 6:.00 - 8:45 - ages 10-14-19:00 - 12:00 - ages 14-18 at a cost of $5.00 each. Sponsored by the Optimist Club of Newcastle Village. RED CROSS BLOOD CLINIC The Red Cross Blood Donor Clinic will be held Thursday, December 4th, 1997 from 12:30 - 7-.30 p.m. at St. Gregory's Auditorium, 190 Simcoe St. North, Oshawa. AIl blood types are urgently needed. New donors are very welcome. Please bring signature identification. Thank you to The Oshawa Ski Club for sponsoring the December Blood Clinic. CLARINGTON OLDER ADULT ASSOCIATION The Clarington Older Adult programn on Tuesday, December 2, 1997 includes line dancing at 9:00 a.m. or square dancing at 1:-00 p.m. At 10:.00 a.m. join the card players for bridge or euchre or, at 10:15 a.m., the stitching and chatting group. Lunch at noon and local transportation for a nominal fee can be arranged when requested in advance by Monday noon. Programs are held at the Lions Community Centre, 26 Beech Avenue, Bowmanville. Phone Community Care at 623-2261. (continued page 11)