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Orono Weekly Times, 26 Nov 1997, p. 8

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8 - Orono WeeklyTbnes. Wednesday, Novexnber 26, 1997 The drop off box set up on by the Club, several bas- Nichols and president Marion for the last month at tbe 4-T kets of non-perishable food Tennant presenit the donations Club bas grown to a sizable items and a cheque for $284 to Isabelle Jones, Family donation for the Salvation were donated to the Salvation Services Director for the Army Christmas Food Drive. Army. Salvation Army At Thursday's supper put Club Secretary' Bill Bowmanville. Winter mnust surely be here, on Sunday there were a couple of dozen cars parked in the lot at the ski bull, I don't know what they were siing on, there doesn't seem to be anuy man-made snow as yet. Christmras lighits are showing Up in more places, it seems that Halloween decorations corne down and Christmas lights go up. Sunday was breezy and cool, with a liglit dusting of snow. There was a good attendance at Church, this was the twelfth Sunday in Creation. The choir sang "I Found The Answer, 1 Leamned To Pray". Rev. Black welcomed everyone to Worship, the Christ Candle was lit and prayers of thanks were given for the continuing recovery of Joan Anderson, she is missed. The Gatherîng hymns were, "We Have Corne Into This House", "Where Could 1 Go But To The Lord" and "Unto ThceeO Lord". The Affirmation of Faith was repeated. Don Peddar, Chris Webster and Grant McGonaghy sang, "The Way That He Loves". The children camne forward, David asked them, how many like to eat? All hands went Up. Then he asked their favourite food, carrots, shepherds pie, chicken, turkey, ice cream- all were favourites. David asked them if they liked to drink milk, pop, tea water, bot chocolate. Hot chocolate seemed to be their choice. David said rnaybe it could be arranged that there was h(. chocolate for alter theSric David asked tbem wba.t did they think would happ)en if tbey didn't eat or drink? The cbildren answered that they would die. David told themi, God wants you to eat and drink, to be healtby and happy. He also wants us to nourisb our souls and minds. We do this by siniging bymns and readîng our Bible, by coming to Sunday School and of bow to attract more people to the Church, the kitchen was renovated and an up to date nursery was built. From this group a choir has been once agamn formed which bas added so much to our Service, the enthuslasm- of this group bas poured over into tbe Congregation. So 1 maniy more activities are tak- ing place, the appearance of George Hamilton IV, tbe Hymn sings, the "Radio Show" and many other events have had a great effect not only on our own people but on others fromn outside of the community. David reminded us that it was 2 years ago that we learned of bis daughters ill- ness and of their having to go to France to bring ber home, the first Breakfast meeting had just been held. He won- dered how the next would go with their Minister not pre- sent, he said be leamned that the absence of their Spiritual leader would not interfere witb their meeting. Many things have hap- i pened since that time and Davil said that, if you were to ask him the most important thing that happened he woul say. was the Saturday morning that the people car- ried on witbout the leadership of the Minister, their commit- ment. The meetings continue, r Breakfast, Prayer and Ieliowslii 1, 6:30' a.m., Kenidal United Cburch, CE room, corne out and join in. The hymn, "Prayer 0f St. Francis" was sung. Everyone was lnvlted to corne to, the Altar to present their Offering and to take part in Communion, this was done during the singîng of "I Corne With Christians"'. communion was servedi, the Prayer of Approacb and Self- Examination given followed by the Words of Assurance. The Prayer of Concemn and Commitment was followed by the closing hymn, "Because He Lives". The Service closed with Threefold Amens. A time of fellowsbip followed in the Cburcb and learning about God. The childrens' hymn was, "Read Your Bible, Pray Every Day". Grant led both children and adults in the actions and singing of this bymn. The Scripture reading was from John 17:1-11. The Sermon was titled "Two Years Plus A Day". We were asked if we remembered wbat happened that day, miy mmnd was way off I was thinking of the assassination of JFK, but two years ago on the 22nd of November the first Prayer Breakfast was held at Kendal United Church. This ail came about because of a Board meeting, we were told by the treasurer that the way our finances were and the cost of keeping the Churcb open, we would only be able to stay open another 13 months. No one present wanted to see our Cburch close, many ideas were discussed, someone suggested baving a Prayer meeting and ask for guidance. A morning Prayer meeting was suggested. Rev. Black said he would be available any morning except Sunday moming, one Elder said the only time she could be pre- sent was Saturday momning at 6:30 am David said if they were going to meet that early he had to have something to eat. It was decided that those who wanted to corne would do so on the following Saturday. Breakfast would be cooked and they would have Prayers and discussion. This would be given a trial period of five weeks, this took themr tîp to the morning before Christmas, those wbo had been attending decided to miss the tbîrty-first of' Decem-ibeýr butf start mneeting againi the first Saturday in Januaw,-ry. Tbey bave bad meigs every Saturday sinice, despite weatber, con- strutionici,, slometimies tbey brave f'ourteen attending and there have neyver been le-ss than ive From- this bre-akfast f'ellow- sbip bhave come miany ideas CE Roomn. Don't forget the For Men Only meeting Tbursday, 7 p.m.. discussion on Inherit The Wind". Sunday evening November 3Oth Kendal LOL 405 will be sponsoring a Turkey Supper in the CE Roomn, admission $10.00, $1.00 of each ticket will go_ to a needy farnily ini this area, also please bring a non-p erishable item for the Food Hamper. On Saturday evening November 29tb at Newcastle U.C. t-here will be a Gospel Musical evening with the Benders and the Devries fain- ili esfor the Clarington East Food Bank. On Thursday, December ,lltb Zeke Mazurek & Friends will be presenting an evening of sea- sonal music at Kendal United Cburcbi. Cbiristmas 15 fast approaching remember, "it is more blessed to give than to receive". Dro)p some food off for thse wb-o need it, buy a toy for a cbild even tbougb youl don't bhave aly , give it to those whocoet for othiers. Your Cbiristmias will be mucb bappier if you d o. P. Lowery Appointment te Library Board The Council of the Corporation of the Municipality cf Clarington will be considering appointments to the Clarington Public Library Board pursuant ta the public Liraries Act. The Board that is appointed wilI be responsible for the. administration of public library service in thec Municipaliiy cf Clarington. Service is voluntary citizen participation and there is ne remuneration. COMPOSITION The Board wiIl be comprised cf up te 9 members te be appointcd on the Following basis by the Council of the Municipality of Clarington: a) Twe members shaîl be persons rccommended by the Northumberland-Clarington Board of Education. b) One member shaîl be a persen recommendcd by the Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Clarington Roman Catholic Separate School Board. c) The rcmaining memb6ers shail be persens nominated and appointed dircctly by fthc Counicil cf flic Municipalily cf Clarington. Applicants must be at lcast 18 y cars of age, be a Canadion Ciizen and a resident cf the Municipality of Ciarington. If you wish ta, be censidcred For appointment ta the Clarington Public Library Board, as one of the members nominated and ýppointcd by flic council, application Forms are available from fthc lek's Department, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville. Completcd application forms must be reccivcd by 4:30 p.m. on Friday, December 5, 1997. If you wish te be considered for appointment te tMis Board on recommendlation cf ene cf the School Boards, please contact the applicable office noted bclow. Northumberland Clarington Board of Education 834 D'Arcy Street Cobourg, ON K9A 4L2 (905) 372-6871 (~MUNICIPALITY 0F _C alngLon ONTARIO Date of Publication- WednesdayNov. 12, 19 & 26, 1997 Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Clarington Roman Catholic Separate Board School 1355 Lansdowne Street West Peterborough ON K9J 7M3 (705) 748-4861 Marie P. Knight, C.M.O., CMM il Deputy Clerk Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington 40 Tcmperanoe Street, Bowmanville ON LiC 3A6 P.O. #51 le

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