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Orono Weekly Times, 3 Dec 1997, p. 2

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r ' ,i, ,, Subscriptions $21.50 + $1.50 G.S.T.- $23.00/year. Publications Mail Registration No. 000368 Puiblishing 50 Issues Annually ýat the Office of Publication 5310 Main Street, P.O. Box 209, Orono, Ontario LOB IMO E-Mail Address: oronotimnes@ü Phone/Fax (905) 983-5301 Publisher! Editor Marg Zwart New Council, tough road a head The new Claringtoni Counicil took their seats, in alphabetical order, arouind the council table for the first timie Monday nighit. Some of themn barely able to contain their glee as they swiv- elled in their purpte chairs. The honieymoon will sooni be over, however, with the budget being one of the first items on the new agenda. The Mayor said in her speech Monday nighit, "It is a timie when local government's rote and responsibiliies are changing atmiost daity, uinder the direction of the provincial goverinment, and with no answers as yet as to what the implications or costs are going to be, it will not be easy." John O'Toole in his address to the niew counicil, did not apol- ogize for is govemnment's bungling the downtoadingl of infor- mation to the governing bodies involved. Municipatities and School Boards, across the province stili do not hiave the tinanciat information needed to imptemrent thec changes aninouinced by the Province last February, and that are to take effect next month. 1 ami not sorry Clarington elected a Mayor with experience to1 gude the virtuatly inexperienced council thoughi the unrchart- ed waters aheacF. Is public humiliation a deterrent? It hias been reported t hat the Durhamn Regional Police witt be releasing naines ofmnotorists charged during the six-week R.I.D'.E. programn. hIspector Smith of I 6thi Division, said in a conversation on Monday, that thie maiter of releasing namnes of imipaired drivers in thre Durhamn Region is stiti up in the air. In reflection, 1 wonder what could be achieved by this type of publicity,. Ini my esimiation it does tittie to deter somneone who is drunk fromn getting into a car anid driving ii. It does howvever feed our insatiable appetite to "gjet the dirt" on1 our neiý,hbours. On the other hiand, there are stili motorists whio aren't hear- ing the mnessage that drinkingj and driving kilts. If the naines of those cauight drinking and driving becomne public, we have to decide whiether or not we prînt themn. 1 woutd reatty appreciate hearing from you, our readers, on this mnatter. Woutld you like to see that list publishied in the newspaper? Do you think the threat of publisingiý the namnes of impaired drivers witl act as a deterrentl With your permis- sion, I1oud ike to publishi youir letters in an upcomning edi - tion. Thank you. Town Hall Centennial Plans The meeting of the Orono Townv Hall Board, and inter- ested persons hietd tast Thursday, Nwent a long way to finalizing plans and activities for the anniversary year. In 4lheir attempt to have the buildig used as mnuçh as pos- sible, the TFown\ Hall Board, will offer the building free of charge for "flot for- profit" funictions. The poem contest to mark the opening of the hall 100 years ago, carried a $3) prize. In tocla's econormy that wýold translate Io $900. It is hoped thiat another poemn con- test couIIldie lheld, hover thle prize w\outld be a fraction of $900. The first event to take place in the hiall in the new, year is the Mayor's Levee, to be hield on Jan 4. A teen dance to be hield on February l4thi, wil be orga- nized by Sandy Cook. l'le, tweu events schiedule d for Marchi, are a PuIb Night, w.ith a Trivia contest, to be organiiized by Ursula Fletcher. TIle trivia questions arehbeing developed by Heleni Schmidt. Alex Mofflat is org>anizing ,a EuLchrIe 0Tourn 1am1entl for1 March 28. Th'leBMA plan to org(anilze an Ea1ster Egg Hunt for- April 1l. Also in April, Ilhe Hlorticulturail Society w'ill mlove their 1rnonthly miIeeýting anId plant Sale1from thIle iit ledLIChuLr1chIlto Ithe Town É O""%RONO "~WEEKLY ,TuMES Hall. M/abel Goode hias volun- teered to develop a "Memory Lane" theme for May 9111. The Orono Public Schiool hias plans for May 5th. The Town Hall Board will have their annuat Strawberry Social in June, hopefully on the awn of the Library. lThe Social could be tinked with the Horticutturat Societies Garden Tour, providing- Spring is on1 time this year. July lst will be cetebr-ated wvith an "Orono Town Hall Centennial Parade," and retat- ed cetebrations, organized by the BIA. The Fire FighIter-s Association wîlt have their annual pancake breakfast at the Town Hall on the week- end ofthie Orono Fair. October w\ill see the Rebeka Lodgec hold their 111n11h11 meeting in thle Town 1fun( "'nelss.'l'nere was an on loss of $5.161 -ed to an operation of$4,828 in 19,96. re does exist an ýn surplus ofl 6 in the operating Old Mili sold The bidiglocally referred to as the '"O1d Mill, at -5414 Maini St. hias ane ownier. ThioughI three parties have showN, l'great initerest iin pur- chiasing, the old flax miilIinM the last mionith, ontly a real estate comlpany was willting to pay the price. The new ownier of the buildinig is Excel Realty Iic., of the Suttonl Group. The deal wil close oni March 1, 1988. 'The niew ownier was niot available for commnent. Citizens Lodge (cantinued tram page 1) $1.065 million. The complex, as most know, is a ground level complex wlth 34 one- bedroom units, 2 two- bedroom units and 5 bacli- elor units. 0f the 41 units 16 are quallfied for social housing assistance by the province. Rentai charges min from $389 to $493 per month. The rentais are being increased by 1.5 percent as of September of 1998. Over the past three years S omeC maj or refurbishing lias been undertaken by the directors with the installation of new roofs on ail units, major repairs to foundations, caulkcing of windows and a plan to replace some windows in 1998. The total revenue for 1997 rang'in at $225,577 with expenses amounting to $230.738 including expenditures in capital Hall, with a portion of the mleeting open to thie public. The Rebeka's witt be cete- brating their 5Oth year in Orono next year. On the 31 st of October, the BIA witll hotd a Halloween dance in the hall, and on Novem ber I 3th they will put on a Murder Mystery. The Rev. Mervin Russell hias offered to organize a Christmas Concert in Decemnber, and the MIA will hotd a New Years Eve Dance. Events that wNere discussed but not confirmed are a cemne- teryI wýalk, a talent show. and a movie nighrt. In ail effort to host events that appeal to ait age groups, Greg Shetier and Mark Fletcher, tw\o area youths, have offered to organize an C\ein of music in Jun1e. Investm-ents at the present lime amount in the neighbourhood of $170.000. The Lodge does have a continuous waiting list of some twenty to twenty-five active possible tenants. The recreation centre does operate as a separate entity on the site and is not involved with CMHC or the province. Rentais and investment interests for the centre amounted to $8,488 in 1997 wlth expenditures of $10.167 for the year. Total assets including funds invested in the centre rested at $58,759 as at the end of August 1997. Three retiring directors, Gerald Shackelton Gardon Berry, Marjory Best were retumned to office for another three years at the recent annual meeting. Other members on the board are: Harry Wade, Alvirf Blewett, Klaas Schoenmaker, Joyce Gray, Bob Chaters and Roy Forrester. The Seniors Lodge in Oroiao does differ from most others ti the area as it is a series of ground levél individual units rather than a multi-storey complex as in Newcastle and Millbrook. Lift weightU, Lift your spirts!J Nex ýme yol(oe cnying the weight of thle wdd on pour shoudeý (et physica[ actMty igiten thel oad. Shaning cl Heoh1bi&FilJre'~ KENDAL UNtTED CIJRCH Kendal, Ontario "The IHeart of Ouir Comm u7 nity Suinday, Dec. 7, 1997 "The Second Suniday P.reparinýgfor Christmnas" 11: 15 a.n. "Christmas: A Time For (2) Healing" Thurlisday, Dec. il, 1997 7:30 "A Baroque Christmas" A wide range of seasonal miusic by Zeke Mazurek, Alex Lunin, & Carolyn Stewart Tickets: $10 - Cail 786-2950 Sunday, Dec. 14, 1997 "Stories Behind the Story" Original Christmnas Presentation by the Youth Group & Choir Pot Luck Dinner: 6 Presentation: 7:30 p.mi. Pleasejoin ius Minister: Rev. David Black 786-2950 St. Saviour's Anglican Ch urch MILL- ST., ORONO, ONTARIO Rev. Cliff Evans 983-5594 - 983-9639 Sunday Service, Sunday School & Youth Group 9:30 a.m. 1lst & 3rd Sunday of Month HOLY COMMUNION 2nd & 4th Sunday MORNINO PRAYER ORONO SPASTORAL CHARGE , Rev. Mervyn Secretaryi Marlene Risebrough 983-5702 Church Office 983-5502 CHURCH SERVICES Kirby United Church at 9:-30 a. m. Orono United Church 11:-00 a. m. Sunday School Classes and Nursery facilities available during Church Services A A. meets every Thursday L - 7:30 p. m. House Tour (cantinued tram page 1) entire farm W Nitli its numierouis buiildings looks tike a page fr-om one cff Steve's wýild west nmagazines. At sonie timie, Steve hopes to comnbine Doc Ville w\ith is sining iicareer. Jenniifer- Cooke,' the Town's Developmient Director hlas been wor-king withSeve to tryN and lattract sonne imovie business to hits Town i. Th'le L.A.C.A.C. 1997 YufletidJe Tour attracted 400 peopie to er tour on Order ldinivitat li, ions r(rom te OronoTms Tlîere 's a ty lle t-ý)r ail rastes! 1-'Ione 83-501 510 3ain5t-. rono

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