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Orono Weekly Times, 10 Dec 1997, p. 10

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-mýýý0-qOrno Wé(eIdyfl mes½ Wednesýday%Decexnber i10, .1997 ýv Success fui bazaar for Rebekah's The; Rebekah Lodge held curling iron as her friend their Christmas Bazaar on Brittanyy Robinson looks on, Saturday afternoon in the There were many hand lodge. made items, new and used Brenda Burt puts her last items, and home make bak- ticket of the penny sale on a ing on sale at the bazaar. it. CanadiaAV entomOoogsts, as a matter Of faeî, in the employ of t4ite Unliversity Of Manitoba. The U oQif M, like mlost non1-profit ijrýtItttÎ0 l tring to live through ithec Chretien Crunchl, is stape or cash. But the InivirsitY,'s depart- mient of ent0nmology is flot going to die wvithouit a whIiml- per. IfsfightlPg back. By selling immnor-tality. It \wor-ks ike this: a bunch of the boys iii the bug1 depart- mient wvere pU{ing around one day talking dibout what they could do to _generate some cash flow. Ope of them mien- tincetatsi heyAd in the wvay of assets were several huondred biliOn cr-eepy crawly enfters -Auj," added one of them ru-LefuL1, hneal af of them hve"teven beenl named jyet." Which is \whenilthe lighit bulb of opportunitY %went incandescent for the entomol- ogisis. Why not, they as.,ked themiselveys seil finsect labeling ig(htS to well-heeled, i i nio r AîIy-seeking Caniadiains'.' Said Canuck customner-s \wold gel to see their namjjes ive on in learned scientific juuirals, and the scieific côlrlmunitY would picJk Lup 50PIevery mnucli needed cash. ",Most of fhese namnes last forever" says Robert Rouighly, a spokesmian for- the Enitomlology Departiment. Roughly alsci admits that the idea \wasni't txactly original. The London Stock Exchange has been selling off namecs of bus founini i Costa Rica f'or mcre than a year now. "Cer-talinly it's been doue in the past" admnits Roughly, "But we think %t an idea w hose tme has corne back. HIow docs il\work? Deaid simple1,. Yo, ith V iscad in hland, I ýc a1il up the Univesityof Manlitoba Departiment of Etrooy They read you out a Iisi of, inisects that are ready( wlln and able 10 carry yo)ur naine dowu the corrisof eteri- ty. Us it cep Depends on whalt yonýu1n. You caniv\e y our moniker to1a lowMly wajter- beetle for as utale as $200.(0f course if youre in the market for someèthing a hltefncier -- a moîh, say, or a katdi --welthat's going- t0 cost you a utale more. And jusi to gelt te ball rolling, the f'oks in the U of Ml Entomnology Department have named two hitherto anonymous inseets after one of our former illustrious lead- ers. You w\on't be surprised 10 learu that, among his miany national depredations a prt ime reseýarCh anddclpict sever-ely crippling wýork at universities 1right a'cr-oss thec counjtry, flot Ieast aI the Un1iver-sity ofManiloba. Do the Manitobani acade- mies bear a ýigrudge? Hah! You underestimatte the gen- erosity of spirit 10 be found 'i1 the U of M's Entomnology, Departiment. \Whyi, already they've named tw\o bugs after the ex-PMI, ,absoluitely free. One is the Mlrioney inseet, a near-sighitedbg w\ith a nasly, bite. The other- is Ilhe Meech Fly, a1 srnall wigdcreature talivi es on dung and inhabits the Meech Laearea. A spontanetous gesture of good \\ill, dhe entomologists eaul il. 1Type casting, 1 caîIl it. àA à- Durham Central Agricultural Society are looking for a Manager as a part-time job to oversee the Fairgrounds and the Fair. Must be a good people person & promoter. Send application and resume to Durham Central Agricultural Society, Box 90, Princess St., Orono, Ontario LOB 1 MO P ARTHUR BLACK Immii-ortality? A fate worse than death! I don't think a lot of f'olks wýould agree w\ith Ega Shoaff, the matn who penned the aforemientioned senti- ment. I think mnost people would ive their left lung for- the Chance 10 live fore-ver. We are not the least bit salis- fied, swallowing, the bitter kniowledge that we are no more than flïimsy moths around thle candle flamie of' Life. FThat's Mwhy we wear girdles, dye our hair, lather on wrinkle creamn and mnake doctors ich by purchasing hip enhiancemrents, boob lifts anid bumi tucks. We like îo pre- tend Io the rest of the \\orld that wýe're uitterly ageless. Unfitortunatel, in the gaile of body alterations, thiere's oly ýone rule: Gravity bats ast. If you don't believe mie, look aI Nancy Ret(aan, Joan Rivers and dhe actress Eýartba Kilt. Th'le've ail spent for- tunles on plastic sirgeýry. They ahh ook like anorecxie vamipire bats. Thecre are other ways Io Mervy christmas Advertisers and Readers of the Orono WeeklTimes December l7th will be a 5,000 issue publication for the Orono Weekly Times. It's the perfect opportunity for ail local businesses 10, thank ail their customers for another great year. Take advantage of this opportunity to extend your holiday wishes or thank your customers in Clarke Township (and beyond) for their continued support. Phone the Orono Weekly Times to place your ad for our December- l7th issue today!. Cati r 983-5301 chase immnortality -- famne, for- instance. But ils no lead pipe cinch elîher. I am sure, in their hieydays, that Rudolph Valentino and Clara Bowý thought thie'd be household wvords frvr But a modemn teenager wouldn't know if' they wýere people or ice creamn flavours. Somnetimies fate eau be especially cruel. Your namie becomes immnorta but yOu utterhy forgotten. Do yOLI 1,no0, who0 1BuiCk is? Or Chevrolet? How\ about the Amna wh\11 o gt ail those freesnamied afier him. Or the Norden who invented the World Wýar Il bomibsighit?. Gone. For-gotteýn like Lumpteen hun11dred thou)Lsand1( Smniths and Joneses before themi. Fortunately, there is a wayl 10 becomne immortal. And wouldn't you know il -- Canladians are responsible for Advertising Rates $6.00 a column inch $ 110.00 quarter pa ge $200 haif page $375.00 full page The last paper of the year wiJI bie published December 24th. mm ...............

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