RONO WEEKLY TIMES- Sevn as C. rngo a . sine 1937 Wednesday, December 10, 1997 Sing-Along-Messiah was awesome Major musical production didn't just happen A fu11 house at the Orono United Church greeted the Amnadeus Choir of Greater Toronto Saturday night. Under the direction of Lydia Adams, the Choir, which con- tained mnembers of the Oronio United Church Choir, the c Orchestra and soloists played and sang their parts expertly. When Mary-Clare MacKinnon moved to Orono in 1990, she just knew it would be a good place for a "Sing Along Messiali." 0f course it didn't hurt that the director of the Amadeus Choir had been her best friend since the age of two. When the position for *7.Church Organist/Choir Director at the Orono United Church became available in 1995, Mary-Clare applied for Sthe job and mentioned her dreamn to.the interview com- mnittee. The committee, sug- î fgested 1997 rnîght be a good year for, such a project, it being the church's 1 50 anniiversary year. Mary-Clare wasted no tïime. Early in-1996, she booked the'bass soloist, Bob Stewart, afier hearing him in a concert at the Ford Centre. ~ Director Lydia Adams had already agreed to corne with the Amadeus Choir as soon as Mary7-Clare had the okay The audiélPce were inivited 'The Choir responded to from the church. to sing aîone with the choir the arousing applause with a Now the dream needed on Il choruses, which they second offerinig of the serilous money. A fundrais- were reluctafit to do. Hallelujahi Chorus. (continued page 11) Industrial Park no alternative for Lishman image Bill Lishimall opened the public meetilig bY telling the audience that they hiad calîed this meeting to "inif*orîn the commllunlity regarding theïr intentions of rejuvenating the old Benniett's Gravel Pit. The Lishmafl's application to have a portion of the old gravel pit rozoned from per- manrent agriculture to indus- trial hias met with opposition since the day it began.- Lishimanl stressed the imlpor-tanlce of keepingi( an open mmnd while he tried to clear the air of'sornle mis- informationi. "Te ishiman image hias garnered an international fol- lowving" sIaid Bill, it is because of thiat Iimage we can't build our newý facility in anr indsti -ak, lhe added. Mr. Lishrnianl's cdaim that the land at thie site is useless in ternis of' agriculture was refuted by AlNa Reid. Shie bias farmed cattle f'or many years and dlaimis thiat grasses that grow on theý Moraine are quite suited for grazing. She also poinited out that Agriculture is the largest industry in Claringto. Reid and others feel tha rezoning this pîece of land front agri- culture w,3ill set a president for future applications. Lishman's reply was that he is flot puttîng in an objec- tionable piece of industry. The Officiai Plan is in place, but so are the methods for changing the Officiai Plan. wîith lots of stop gaps along the wvay. Buit before Lishmian couild repiy a yoting w\oman wvith the Lishmnan party toid Alva Reid that farmers are not as envir-onrnentally friendly as they Ike to por- tray, wvith the insecticides and fertilizers they use on the land- Stan Racansky. ai Courtîce resideni brought up the fact that Ontario Hydro have iiiii- ated a large porton on their Darligton site as a %vwldlif habitat. "I -would like to see, your plan for 10-1Il5 years from now, will the site look worse or better than it does now?" "Prove to me you're a good environmentalist," said Racansky. Lishman's first response was that Darlington needed to dlean up their image. Then he saÎd that he loves wildlife, "we live with wild life at our home" Ted Kilpatrick, asked why this parcel of land had to be used. Why not go to an industrial area and present your image for future indus- trial developments. He also said that Lishrnan seemed to have a flippant attitude to the people concerns. Bey Wakefield too won- dered why this parcel of land was needed. She pointed out there is industrial zoned land il, Cýourtice that \would suit hiis nieeds. "But canIi lanld m) planles itee" aske-d Lishmanii. 1lli as 8 ultra lîght x,,,flrued page 3) Volume 61, Number 481 Happenings ... isi ORONO GUIDES ANNUAL CAROLLING & FOOD DRIVE On Monday, December 15 the lst Orono Guides wil be conduct- ing its' 3rd Annual Carol Sing & Christmas Food Drive in the Orono Estates Subdivision. Ail proceeds will go to the Clarington East Food Bank. KIRBY UNITED CHURCH A variety of Special Christmas Music, Vocolists and Instrumentais, CAROL SINGINO, Sunday, December 14, 7 p.m., Kirby United Church, Corner Hwy. #115 and County Rd. 9, Refreshments. Free WiIl Offering. HEARTH PLACE EVENING STRESS BUSTER Relaxation and guided imagery techniques for cancer patients or caregivers. The program will run if we have sufficient registration. Please cail Hearth Place at 579-4833 to preregister. Classes will run from 7:00 - 8:-00 p.m. at 86 Coîborne St. W., Oshawa. GIVE THE GIFT 0F YOURSELF Share just a few hours a week with someone who is elderly, dis- abled or chronically il]. Cal the Friendly Visitor Program, Victorian Order of Nurses today. (905) 571-3151 or 1 -800-263-7970. DURHAM REGIONAL POLICE FOOD DRIVE 9th Annual Christmas Food and Toy Drive. Dro off a new unwrapped toy or food item at any police station or at the Oshawa, Newcastle, Whitby or Ajax firehalîs, or set up your own Christmas Dropbox. Cash donations may be made at any police station or at the Drop Off Centre. December 1 to December 22, 1997. Visit our Drop Off Centre at 1 Mary Street in Oshawa. Cal 571-6699.