Orono WeelyTimes. -Weédneda.Decem ber 1 9717 Appreciate the wonderful ara- mas during the holidays What's That Smell? Our sense of smell is the most powerful and perhaps the most instinctual of all our senses. Have you ever smelled something that trlggered a rememnbrance. Many smells remind uas of our childhood such as mother's perfume, crayons, playdough and cooked apples. Some aromas make us feel good and others make us feel i1. Did you know that there are about 30 million smell (olfactory) receptors in each nost"i which is why we are so sensitive to odors. Much of what we taste is really through smell, perhaps tlhis is a built in warning system. When we have a cold our nasal passages become blocked which is why food seems duil and tasteless. Test it out, cut a small piece of apple and small piece of pota- to, pincli your nostrils togeth- er and taste, it is very difficut to tell the diffrence between them. Scientists have discovered that our sense of smell is inbomn rather than acquired. Newborn infants will screw up their faces to an unpleas- ant food odor even before they have ta-sted any food at ail. What is Aromnatherapy? Aromatherapy is the use of organic compounds known as essential oils which are obtained from plant mateial sucli as flowers, grass, leaves, stems, bark and seeds. The knowledge of aromatics lias developed gradually since 3500 BC. The Egyptians bumned gums and resins sucli as Frankincense to clear the mi. The Romans used à zi BRrigitte Brown E',' . FIW E JRJf'$ G rtifica 13 Ealbe Pedicures E Manicures CHIZISTMAS i Waing Nail Extensions 1 SiPECIALS 3Ear Candling ESTHETIC STUDIO 1L,% OFF E 11Mill St., Orono, Ontario LOB3 iMO *90i5983-8169 [1JFuneral Homje THOUGHTFULNESS, SERVICE & CONCERN A Fandly Owned Business, Offein#e Traditional Funeral Services Prearranged & Prepaid Servicçs - Creniation Airangements Alternatives te Traditional Funerals - Out of ToWn' Shipping Cory Kuipers - President 53 Division Street Bowmanvilie, Ontario Li C 2Z8 essential ofis for massage. Durlng the llth century the English made pom-anders made of oranges and cloves to ward off the Black Death. Essential ois have been used extenslvely -for years in the flavour, fragrance and even in the pharmnaceutical industry. Research lias proven that essential ois are anti-viral and anti-bacteriail, that they help to reduce stress and mlld depression and are especially helpful in skin tissue repair. For many years scientists have been able to recreate the moiecular structures of aromatic com- pounds in the laboratory. However, our world is full of man-made chemicals and they are causing il-effeets on our health. Wlth the lncreased awareness of pre- ventative health care, Aromatherapy is becoming an area of great lnterest in North America. With this increase there is great demand by the consumer to insist that man- ufacturers use natural and environmentally friendly ingredients in such items as household cleaners, skincare 623- 5668 FFSTREET PARKING products, cosinetics and most importantly in our food. Thfiese demai¶dls are causmng the natural essential oil industry to flourish, howev- er, standard@ need to be set in the educalion and use of essential oils- For more infor- mation on the~ use of essential oils contact yaur local library. There are alsO two non-profit associations that are imple- menting stanidards in this field and they are The Canadian Federation -,of AromatheraplstS located in Toronto and the-Natural Ofis Researchi js5ociation located in Beacon. New York- Wlth. the lholiday season. coming, take timne to appreci- ated the wouderful aromas that we have been blessed with. May your mmnd be com- forted with the scent of orange, clove-and pine, your spirit warmed wlth frankin- cense and mnyrrh. Have a wonderful and scentsational Christmas! Sandra Topper is a Certified Rellexologist. Aromatherapist and Natural and Hollstic Health Consultant. z y,, 'z BALLS RADIO & T.V. REPAIR REPAIRS TO MOST MAKES STEREOS, COLOUR AND B&W T.V.s AND V.C.R.s P.O. Box 27 (0)9352 R.R. 2, Orono, Ont. (0)9352 *Complete Car & Truck Repairs. * Diesel En gifles -, Gummins, Detroit & Cat.a *Radio Dis patched Tow Trucks a e Mobile Mechanical Service Truck e 4 Miles North R.R. 1, Orono (0)93 151 of Hwy 401on Ther~ Noplace Ltke Home ForThe Hltdaijs Here's hoping yours is filled with joy. Our very best wishes to ail. - Seming the Orono area for over 25 years! Charlie Reid Sales Representative ESTATE LIMITED B ~234 King St.E. Bowmaniflle Off. 623-3393 Res. 983-5914 £ooLnq ra ci b wj ei oru ikt e-ýP()1in 1m i ,l ig(111ear. Krystyna Jones ReaIty-Net' ............