RONO WEEKLY -TiMES S .e. n at lrnto n ey dsie 193 650 GST include Wednesday, December 17, 1997 Fire burns roof off the OId Sehool House in Leskard and friends removed the debris and water fromn the home and put tarps over the open roof. The DeVrieses are thank- fui for the quick response and the efforts of the fire depart- ment to save their home. The family of seven are stili looking for a place to live while their home is being restored. "We are so tliankful to ïrmoved theïr 5 chidren God for keeping us A safe,"' fromn the homne. said Anita DeVries after their Thei fi re departmient house fire on Thursday. The received-the cail at 9:00 p»rm., DeV'ries faily who ',ive in and shortly thereafter fire- what once was the Leskard fighiters were on the scene. Sehool H-ouse were alerted by Once the blaze was con- somneone pouinding on the tained, somie firefighters front door telling themi the threw, tarps over furniture on roof of their home was on the lower floors fihus saving fire, They phonied 911l and Happenigs.. CHUM FMI CHRISTIMAS WISH- FOUINDATION This year, here at The Children's Exchange, we are going to, alonig with your help, remember thosewh are less fortunate. We are going 10 fui one 0fourij front windows,,, with presents for the CHUM FM Chisrias Wish Founidation. ! know that there will be lots of support from ourimmunity to make this a successful endeavour to help cout ai!lite kîds, so keep your eyes peeled for our "special" inoand if y0u t100(can h îpilinto a "wndow'of hope and l ove, we would be very, very gratefui! For every itemn donated ct he CHUM FM Christmas Wish, The Children's Exchange will give ouùt a Thank-You dollar, which can be redemmired for merchandise at 1the store. HEARTH PLACE EVENING STRESS BUSTER Relaxation and guided imagery techniques for cancer patients or caregivers. The program will run if we have sufficient registration. Please caîl Hearth Plarce ai 579-4833 10o preregister. Classes will' run from 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. at 86 Coîborne St. W., Oshawa. GIVE THE GIFT 0F YOURSELF Shaire just a few hours a week wýith someone who is elderly, d.iis- abled or chronically il. Cal the Friendly Visitor Program-r, Victorian Order of Nurses today. (905) 5711-3151 or 1 -800-263-7970. DURHAM REGIONAL POLICE FOOD DRIVE 91h Annual Chrismas Fond and Toy Drive. Drop off a new unwrapped ltoy or food item at any polie station or at the Oshawa, Newcastle, Whtby or Ajax fir ehalîs, or set up your own Christmas Dropbox. Cash donations may be made at any police station or at the Drop Off Centre. December i1 t December 22, 1997. Visit our Drop Off Centre at 1 Mary Street in Oshawa. Cal 571-6699. what th)ey cou Id fromn water damnage. The fire whichi started in the chimney, neyer got into the house itself said Fire Chief Creighton. The police report estimate the damage at V/75,000. There wvere a total of 22 firef-ightier from f'our stations On the scene- The blaize was under control by m-idnight. The next day tneighbours Kirby class on the Town The grade 5/6 class's ai Kirhyý Centennial Sehool got out of the classroom on F'riday and toured the M'Vun îic ipality. At 11 :30 they tuirned up at the Town Hall to mieetfltheimayr. Once inside thie hall, th class wenl to the' council chamnbers where the Mayor and Joe Caruana explaîned thec goings on of the counicil anid the Town. Also pr-esenit was Ward ci4 CounIcililr, Charlie Trimwh along with) Joe Caruana hiad childrenin i this class. Afrer Town Hall it was off to l-unch and other points of interest. By the end of the day they had been on the east anid west boundary of Is muniicïpality, seen evidenlce of ail three levels of govern- menit, and posed for a pieture oni the steps of Town Hall. 00"- - --- = GIVE THE BEST GJFT 0F ALL THIS HOLIDAY SEASON The Red Cross is asking area residents to add the Gift of Life to their gift-giving list this holiday season. G;iving blood is a generous way of sharing the holiday spirit. December is oflen a difflicuit time for the Red Cross to collect blood. People are away or busy with holiday festivities and may have less opportunity to donate. Healihy individuals age 17 to 60 are encouraged to bring a frlend, share the holiday spirit and give the best gift of all -- the Gift of Life. (Regular donors can continue to donate until their 7lst birthday.) Your gift can brlghten the holiday season for accident and burn victims, cancer and leulkemnia patients, transplant recipients, people with blood disorders and those undergoing major surgery. Please visit the following clinic to fr11 one of our bags with your glft. MONDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1997 Bowmanville Lion's Centre 26 Beech Ave. Bowmanville 4:.00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. The Red Cross needs to colleet at least 90 blood donations ai this cllnic. - MI1 i REMI