2 O W~eklyT1snes. We n~sday, D~een~ber I 7. 1997 Subscriptions $21.5() + $1.50 G.S.T. = $23.Oolyear. Publications Mail Registration No. 000368 Publishmng 50 Issues Annually at the Office of Publication 5310 Main Street, P.O. Box 209, Orono, Ontario LOB IM10 E-Mail Address: oronotimes@aspeedline.ca Phone/Fax (905) 983-5301 Publisher/ Editor Marg Zwart No ]Report Cards by Roy Forrester Both the local Public School Board and local Separate School Board have negated to issue a report card on the resuits their school by school Grade Three testing. The tests were undertaken by the provincial Education Quality and Accountability Office in March and April with resuits being sent to the various boards in recent weeks. The tests involved reading, writing and math. It is flot mandatory that school boards make public the school by school results but surely there is much to be gained in the testing and in some of the comparing.. It is conceded that there are extenuating factors to be considered if making comparisons between the resuits of classes. Differences are recognized as to home environments but as well in the classroom and the curriculums. As well we cannot rely on one set of tests to make judgement on the educational system within our area. An evaluation officer with the York Region Public School Boardl makes a good point when she states, "the purpose of the assessment was to promote improvement in students' learning by providing infor- mation to the community to help kids learn more effectively." She has also stated that her board will be revîewing and analyzing the data to design improved curiculum and staff developmnent strate- gies. Incidentally the York Board has made public their school by school results, as have others, thus opening the educational debate to the general public and all interests, of which there are many. This opportunity has been lost locaily. It is as if the tests neyer existed. Are the boards not interested in developing an informed communityas to the local educational sys- temns? Share your Christmas As Decemnber 25th approaches, we find ourselves in various stages of preparedness. While it is evident that a large portion of the population looks forward to this tirne of the year with greatjoy and happiness, it is also a very joyless timre of year for others. Those who find themnselves atone after having shared their lives with famnilles and loved ones find Christmas holidays especially diflicuit. The need for agencies of mnercy--such as food banks and the Salvation Armny are also acute at thisbtime of year. There are hurting people ail around us. It's too bad that ina country as affluent as ours, that such agencies are needed, and the need for themn is on the rise. It is donations fromi you and 1 that keep the doors ofmiany good service organizations open. As well as mieeting the needs of the financially challenged in the commnunity, these organizations have to actively seek their own funding. This Christmias, open your circle juLst a 1ittie wider. lt is in giving to others that we are truly blessed. A gift fromi the heart, whether it be your time, your patience, or your Christmnas dinner could mnean the world to somneone on the darker side of Christmras. Correction Thle article fast week regarding the new regional chair contained an error. Corrected, the article should read: Mayor Hamre and Coun-cillor- Novak voted for Roger Anderson, Counicillor Mutton voted for Wayne Ariltrs. QRONO WEKýLY TMEuS Sandy Arcilibald appeared befor-e council and thanked themn for the support given to the Durham Countryside Adventure. The tour was deemied a suQccess, and next year's tour w1 be expanded to included Sciigog township. -Todd Hoffmýfl, Chairman of the Aiiniiii Advisory Committee (AAC) gave a short revie)w of the AAC's first 12 mionths of operation. He asked that their mandate be extended Io the end of C-oUncil's tenUf. That wish was granted. *Corresponjdýnce received fromn Linda Gasser, Bill Woods and Dan Hooper regarding th(, frontage on Taunton Rd. ielating to the Officiai Plan atid Zoning By- law Aiiendi-e!it Applications submitted by the Lishmans, were received ïnd referred to the Region of -Durham. , Correspondance fromi the City of Brockville requesting the Province to increase the percent of proceeds from Charity Gaming Clubs, to be paid to chariics and munici- palities was received for information. Mayor Hane advised council that in Janiuary a large delegation will be asking council to take a, position on Charity Casinos. - A By-law was passed to authorize the sale of the Orono Armories to Apogee Production in the amnount of $88,400. Councillor Mutton saîd it was an awfully good deal. Mayor Hamre agreed and added that it was a win- win situation for the Municipality. There is now a business operatîng out of a building that was sitting empty and being vandalized. POUd for thugpht! Along with eatwng nght, daily physica actMvty is one of the best ways of reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. Shoning a Helh er __ tre',, PcaRrCc7Carî0n disease. Heaithier Future- È I ~1ft S3na ? n® çê-%OUNCIL NýOTES KENDAL UNITED CHURCH Ken)dal, Ontario "The Heart of Our Community" Sunday, Dec. 21, 1997 "Th., Fourth Sunday Preparing for Christm as" 11: 15 a.m. "Christna s: A Time For (4) Joy" Christmas Eve Wednesday, Dec. 24, 1997 5:00 p.m. "Christmas Eve at the Heart of Our Community" a special family celebraion Pleasejoin us Minister: Rev. David Black 786-2950 St. Saviour s Anglican Church MILL ST., ORONO, ONTARIO Rev. Clijf Evans 9)83-5594 - 983-9639 Sunday Service, Sunday Scbool & Youth Group 9:30 a.m. 1lst & jrd Sunday of Month HiOLY COMMUNION 2nd & 4th Sunday MORNING PRAYER DRIVE FOR FOOD BANK ORONO SPASTORAL CHARGE Minister if, Rev. Mervyn Russel Secretary Marlene Risebrough 983-5702 Church Office 983-5502 CHURCH SERVICES Kirby United Church at 9:30 a. m. Orono United Church 11:00 a.m. Sunday School Classes and Nursery facilities available during Church Services A.A. meets every Thursday 7:30 p.m. Food for thought!1 Christmas is here, a time for joy, love and togetherness - and the perfect chance for us to say 'we'r-e proud to serve youi." Thianks for your valuied business!