4 Oroxo W dy~fm~s~Wedneday.Deceber 7~7: an,- Two shut outs for Winters Adam and Kaitlin Colville proudly display their novice pairs silveri Peterborough two weekends ago. Adam also wears the bronze medallion event They advance to the Canadian National Figure Skating Championships Adoa ad kaiti reparing Ims By virtue of their silver medal performance in novice pairs at Divisionals in Peterborough, Adamn and Kaiti Colville are preparing for their debut at the Canadian National Figure Skating Chamnpionships. Adamn will also be competing in the Junior men's singles event after capturing the bronze medal at the same competition. The Orono sister and brother team are training hard in prepa- ration for the nationals. Seventeen year old Adam, who attends grade 12 in Barrie trains 2 hours a day on ice and 1 hour off ice for the singles event. He trains under Doug Leigh and Robert Tebbby of the Mariposa Skating Club in Barrie and Ami Wilson of the Orono Figure Skating club. Kaiti, a grade 9 student at Clarke High School trains with Adam 8 to 10 hours-a-week for their pairs event. Kaiti travels to Barrie 2 to 3 times a week where they train under Lee Barkell and Scott Grover and both are back home on Sundays in Orono under the tutelage of Ann Wilson. The Canadian National Figure Skating Championships are being held in Hamilton January 7 to 11.ý The young brother and sister tearn will arrive Monday, January 5th. There will be 16 competitors in every event. The pairs' skate will be January 7th and 8th at the Chedokee Arena and the junior men skate on the 8th and i th at Copp's Colosseuin. The skaters said they'd have lots of Orono/Bowmanville fan sup- port mnaking the trip to Hamilton. Ahl comnpetitors will be attending a skater's breakfast and two banquets in their hon- our during the competition. The pairs' official practice day is Tuesday and Adam (singles) will have 2 practices per day-- haîf hour to 40 minutes dura- tion with the other skaters lead- Apple Blossom win Apple Blossom hosted an exhibition gaine against Millbrook on Dec. 7th. Apple Blossom defeated Millbrook 6- 1. Orono took control of the gaine right from the start with Lucas Leech shooting over to Devon Robinson for the first goal of the gaine. The next goal was a full Une effort. Heather Maitland sent the puck over to Ben MeKelvie who passed It off to Paul Bridger who slamned in the second goal. In the sec- ond period this time with Kyle Balsoin to Bin McKelvie over to Paul Bridger for a well earned goal. It was Millbrook's tuin to pop ti the next goal, score 3- 1 . Orono didn't like the close score. They worked liard for a bigger lead with Ben pass- ing to Heather for a big goal. Jessie Rice was worklng hard at defense. H1e shot the puck to Michael Hicks who passed iover 10 Scott Henderson, who cracked one in for Orono. The sixth and final goal was scored by Ben McKelvie assisted by Lucas Leach. The next gaine played was a grudge match between the two Orono Teains. Both Orono teams played a sirong gaine, Apple Blossoin defeat- ed Pine Ridge by 3-1. Pine Ridge netted the first goal. That shocked Apple Blossoin into action with a goal i each perlod. The flrst break away by Paul Bridger tled the gaine Up. The second period had Gregg Howe taking the puck up the ice to shoot. Heather was there for the rebound scoring the second goal of the gaine. In the ihird period Devon Robinson got ahold of the puck to fly up the ice for the 3rd and final goal of the gaine. Apple Blossom's goalie, Tracy Webster played 2 great gaines. The Russ Major Plumbing Dfl Novice came up with their Sc s;trongest teain effort of the Yc season. The teamn won three as leýague gaines to help thern in Ar a bld to win a playoff position. 3 The offense scored 13 goals Or fo)r and the defense allowed a mieager two goals agalnst. 1 Shane Winters notched two SE more shut outs for the sea- op son. Coachi Knox moved Cam by Delorme and Ryan Knox back Fo 1,to defense.for their turn on asý / the bluelUne. They did agreat E]. $', job. No SDec. 8, in Clarington, the ou. Plumbers went to work to Ad medallions wQfl at Dîvision1als lin score a 5-2 win. Josh Flynn of he won in the junior men"'s ingles notched the first, assisted by B] sin Januaiy. - Adam Wood. Adamn Wood ha- for Ën a tionals cm ac oscore thenext Da ing on goal three. Tyler aiý ing into his prrmpetition. Young scored No. 4, assisted Adam andl Kaiti's program by Mad Dog Beenien. Andrew Os will include (their most difficuit Fothergili rounded out the Ca jump) thle slde-by-side double, scorxng wlth assists going to gre axel, and a throw double axel Tyler Young and Ry7an Knox. thi and hro trple alcow.Dec.' 11, The Plumbers gar an hro triile scho.am next stop was Bobcaygeon. isl will include a triple lutz. He is n c presently working on a triple eevvees fi s w axel and is cainsidered an above For the first time this sea- wir average spinhiier for a junior, son the Orono House League ing Whien asküd who lie admired Peewee's had something to the most, Adami smiled and said cheer about. In exhibition Mo there were !afly but lie singled play on Saturday, December Dic out Elvis Stojiko "for his cosi l 3th they scored their first asr iec n lapding jumrps" and win of the season. The visit- Lof tesnc 11a ulc orhi mig tearn slipped a goal into I Ruinang ".li Kxiti fo ~st te net In the first perlod and out admaing spGed". aî Katmst set the Orono team on fire. vali admied ermn pirsskaers Fine defense kept the gaine pu( Mandy Woetez and Ingo Steuer aive until the end of the sec- mna last years w*orld chiampions. ond perlod when fine teain- puc When asked what goals they work by Kenneth Lake, who Bo0- had set for their-first national took the goal, assisted by Will abl chamipionships besides gaining Lofgren and Jeif Dickinson , Keý experience, they said "to have and scored the first Orono the fun , to skate well and make a goal.pu favourable impression on the With the game tied up the Orc Canadiani Figure Skating Orono Peewees owned the Ker Assoiaton.third period. The first two 1eri Asscitin.minutes into the third, the savi team came alive to score two the< Agg regates more goals. Pisaniand puc grind down 'Busy week for Sports Exchange Desi g n Atomnis Minor Tykes had an exhibi- tion gaine this week with the Sports Exchange. The Orono offense was at its best with a seven goal outburst. The goal tending was strong with Mattý Puddlcombe between the pipes. Orono's flrst goal was unassisted by JereMy Caruana. No. 2 was scored by Tyler Johansen froin Kyle Barr. The third marker was unassisted by Lucas Martin. The fourth was scored by Tyler Johansen assisied by Bilan Knapp. Orono's fifth was driven home by Kyle Barr froin Tyler Johansen. Brian Knapp came right back to score the sixth. The lasi goal scored froin the slot was smacked home by Shelby Macdoneil assisted by Tyler Armstrong. On Thursday, December 4, Orono travelied to Bobcaygeon for a gaine. Orono weni on a scoring ram- page in the second, scoring three goals. Doug Garlick scored ai 9:48 froin Kyle Alin and Chris Moffai. Thirty sec- onds later these boys switched roles as Kyle AMin> scored assisted by Chris Moffat and Doug Oarlick. Orono kept up the good work as goalie Carl Tordiff made some great saves. Orono made the score 3-1 at 7:04 as Brian Pisani scored froin Kyle Cox and Kyle Allin. But Orono fell asleep ithe third period allowing Bobcageon to score 3 goals and win the gaine with 18 seconds left. Final score 4-3. Monday, December 8, )arcy Mitchell went to work zorlng the first two. Tyler ýoung and Brandon Ernst tssisted on the sec ond. ýndrew Fothergill scored No. from Young and Mitchell. rono drove home wlth the ý- win. Dec. 12', Orono hosted ;underland. Adam Wood pened the scoring assisted , Andrew Fothergll. Andrew otherglll scored No. 2, ,sisted by Mitchell and rnst. Adamn Wood scored [. 3 with smart play coming ut of the corner. No. 4 gave ,am Wood is first hat-trick fthe season assisted by randon Ernst. After the, ats were cleared off the ice, ýarcy Mitchell came back to core No. 5 from Fothergili id Young. Great effort teamIn Dec. 13, Orono went to shawa to play the maadians. The teain played reat but were beaten 3-0 in is fast pace exhibition mne. League gaines are fin- hed till the New Year. n of. season inning goal, J.P. Pisani tak- Lthe goal. With the fans on eir feet it was not but Lments 'later when ickçinsonï pops one In the net sisted again by Will :fgren. Defense was not to be left t of this game. After some iiant attempts to take the ck down the ice, defense an Mike Knapp puts the ick in past the bewlldered :wmanville goalle. H1e was [y asslsted by number 93, Nin Pritchard. Pisani took ý final goal unassisted to t the score ai 5-1 for ono. Goalie Darrell nnedy had his usual excel- nt game wlth outstanding Les but it sure Is nice to see ýse forwards puttlng that ick in the net. Great work Accessibe Orono was on the road again- this tine ln Ops. Orono allowed only one goal through 2 periods of play thanks to great defénse by ail players. Goalies Jamie Witehead and Carl Tordiff were playing great. But in the ihird peiod, Orono fell apart once again allowing 5 goals. Orono's lone goal was scored by Chis Moffat at 9:15 assisted by Kyle Cox and Doug Garlick. Final score was 6-1 for Ops. Orono completed a busy week on Friday, December 12, at home against Sunderland. Orono opened the scoring at 8:15 as Greg Dunhain scored froin Kyle Cox and Evan Moore. Sunderland got that back and the peiod ended 1 -1. In the second, Orono got down two ............... Au