VJJ..Lt >IJ Lt . k.. .1 iii.. k R; Orono WeeltlyTimes, Wednesday. D~ceinber 17, 1997 - S m Building Place- Newcastle no match for Power Skaters over Aamcc exhibition p On Monday, Dec. E, Orono Eantom Leaf s, sored by the Building' played an exhibition ga Orono hosting Bowmanville Aamco's. equally matched it wac into the first period tc Orono's Sean Pudls s, unassisted from a face the Aamco end. (1-0). In the second, much play was in the Aamcc Orono had shot after sh net. Dan Tresise scored with Derek Heerschop a ing. Four minutes later, Wood, Tresîse ass Heerschop in sendinï puck home. With onl' minutes of play, C Mulzelaar, Sean Pudlis a ed RicK Howe in yet an, scoring opportuniity. Sec later Aam-co popped one Orono's goalie and one before the buzzer went. in the third, the plaî mucli slower even thI there were little spurts some -unnecessary per on both sides. 'The puc moved ail around the ici neither teani scoring, the dlock was flashin seconds. Wth only tm elght seconds left, Heer tapped one more home Mark Brennan assl,ý Congratulations Orono yet another victory-, (5-2 for keeping your fsts ' they belong: on your sti, was great to see the teai ing some new plays, passlng back and just passing. Remember, h, is a teama sport, not mans' lime liglit. Accessible Des'ign (C goals but Chris Moffat go back at 4:58 from1 Campney and Doug Gaj Sunderland went up 4 3:29, but Kyle Allin scor 1: 11 to mâke the score Assist to Paul Richter. Orono had a scoring burst in m third peric Kyle Allin got his second from Paul Rchter and Moore. Chris Moffat Orono up 5-4 at 9:04 w unassisted goal. Kyl< scored at 7:48 from Kyle but Sunderland mnadei at 3:08. Kyle Alflin cernil the game wvitfhlits hat- at 2:25. Assists to SI Burt. Thne finial score -, 5 for Orono. )in lay 5, the spon- Place, une at the Beng s well )efore cored off in of the end, -ot on 1 early Isslst- ,Brad isted g the y~ two ýasey )SSIst- other ,flfl(I 'Crunýchi'--thiat was the souind fromi Orono Arena when National Power Skating major tykes romped over Newcastle 8-0 on Friday nighit in exhibi- tion play. Nettîng goals were Brett Cairns, Kevin Griffin. Tomnmy Meester, Noel Snow, Alex Campney and Nathan Smith (3), A red-hot Nathan Smith picked up a hat-trick while playing strong defence. Garnering assists were Brett Cairns., Nathan Smith, Brett Cairns, Tommyi Meester, Alex Camipney and Matthew Dobson. Shots on goal for the game were Orono 33 and Newcastle 1. The 'power skaters' ran into- a feisty BowmianvIlle teamn in a rare Sunday afternoon lime siot. Orono posted a 4-4 tie in an exciting match-01p--with sev- eral memibers of- the fan corp having lost their voices by the third. Orono took fliglit early with Tomm111y Meester bieaking in on the right side scorifg at 13.39 of the first unasý,îsted. The gaine was tied up aï 12.48. The second opened with Orono down a goal but on a power play that directed four shots on goal. Brett Cairns fired a high shot from the face-off that looked a sure goal but it trickled wide. Orono slipped behïind by two ai 10.29 when goaie Tanner Johnson tne Bowmianville forward on a break which charged up the Orono offence. At 7:28, Rob Blaker deeked the defenceman, skated in alone and scored on a liard shot with Mitchel Hardîng assisting, Blaker notehed Is second of [lie glame, slipping by the Bowmianville defence and jamn- ming oneHin at 14.52. of the third with Matthew Dobson earning the assist. On the samne shift, Dobson scored at 13.00 with a perfect shot from the left side with Jevon Staples and Mitchell Harding drawing assists. The 'power skaters' almnost led by two when Grace Williamison fired off a hiard shiot from thle slot but was denied. With 52 seconds left mn the gaine Bowmianville tied it up with a breakaway goal. Final shots were National Power Skaters 1 6 and Bowmianville 14. Nathan Smnith--National Power Skaters speedy defenceman notched a hat-trick last Friday Rep Bantams win three in a row Orono's Family Aýuto P past Bantoms had a very succs more) ful week as they defeated Port y4-2) Perry by a -731 score, Omemnee iowas by a 6-2 score ,7nid finally ogi Cobourg by a 6-1 score. and The bantams played in port nalties Penry last Monday niglit. Our Awas hosts edged the fîrst period ,wimh play in shots, but Orono's >until Jamie Pari-y scored the lone ig the goal assisted by Beacock and vventy- Bester. Famiily Auto took -schop control in the second, scoring ewith two unanswered goals. The stlng. first, a point shot by Adam Dwith Tollett from Witheridge and J., an-d the second by Bobby where Witheridge from Beacock and .ck. It Tollett. The third period was m. tiy- even in shots, but again *like Orono edged their host scor- plain ing twice while Port Perry .ockey could manage only one shot a one past a hot Chris Burritt. Orono marksmen were Greg M.M. Bester from Reid and Robinson and Matt Reid from SLeddy and Tollett. Friday's hockey night in Orono had our bantarus pit- ted against an old rival, Omemee. The first frame play was even, but Orono skated to a 2-0 lead. Bob Witheridge ~-..opened the scoring assisted by McManus and Parry. SFarnily Auto played a stronger second period but could man- age only one goal while our ,,isïtors struck twice. Orono's scorer was Andrew Beacock, assisted by Robinson and :ont.) Thompson. Orono picked -up pt one the pace in the third, firing Pton three unanswered goals. Ryan Scorers were Bob Witheridge rIck. (rom Ryan Tresise and broth- - t er Dan Tresise, up on eall-up red at duty; Jeif Thompson fromn e -3 Robinson and MeManus and g out- JeffThornpson again fromn od gas mhe net dlean in thiis miatchl. El gal This past Sunday, the bain- Evant tams hosted Cobourg. Orono t put won a tougli match ïn et anx Cobourg earlier in mhe season e Coxir an-d showed -ro mercy in this Ait -5Match. The first period was ented even wvith Orono's -Bob -tick W,,itheridgIe blasting in the týeven only goal assisted by Robinson and Tresise. Orono compietely controlled the sec- onid period, outshooting itheir opponients 19-2 and outscor- ing 3-0. Scoring was Andrew Beacock fromr Thompson and a nice power play setup from Tresise and Wtheridge and finally Andrew Beacock again the sniper from Tollett and Derek Heerschop up onl caîl- up duty. Despite wearing a path to the penalty box in the final fram-re, Orono stili con.- trolled 0t2e play and answered a Cobourg power play goal wimh two of their ovin, Orono scorers were Matt Reid from Pari-y and leddy: and Derek Heerschop from Thompson and Bester. Chris Burritt played another strong game between the pipes for Orono. A good week's work boys; Next home game is Friday vs. Fenelon Falls and it should be a good one, see you there... AR Mlemory Lane Calendars A wonderful Christmas gift idea! Personalized calendars made from your 12 favourite photos. Ndw,. available at the Orono Weekly Times 5310 Main St., Orono e (905) 983-5301 To view a sample calendar, drop by our off..ce. Order fmscan be picked up or dropped off weekdays 8 to 5. Orders ready for pickup in 10 days. $25 for first calen- at- save'20% on any additîonal copies (using same Plhotos) Orders dropped off by Fiday, December l9th can be picked up onl Tuesdaîy, December 23. 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