Oron WeklyTnie, Wenesay, eceber 17, 1997 - 7 Orono BIA Christmas dinner Postal disruption leaves Christmas Seal campaiîgn below target Now that the mail is mov- ing agaîn, The Lung Association is desperately struggling to make up for rev- enue lost during the postal disruption. Christmas Seal donations ground to a virtual haIt during the strike. "Donations were coming in at an encouraging rate until the mail stopped," says Anita Witty, Campaign Chairmnan for Durham Region. IWe need to re-establish that momnen- tum. We're relying on our donors'-speed and generosity. We're asking ahl donors to mail their donations today," she says. Donors can also drop off their donations at The Ilung Association's office at 40 King Street West, Suite 202 in Oshawa, or caîl tolfree 1- 800-668-7682 to make a credit card donation. Request for donations to The Lung Association's Christmas Seal Campalgn started arriving today in Eighty business represen- tatives and special guests sat down to a sumipftuous dinner last Thuirsdlay at the Town Hall. After dinner Daniel Banting the new BIA presi- dent explained whyie settled in the Orono area and how he agreed to becomie involved in the BIA. "We have a chance to make a difference, join uis please," hie said, "we cati do it togethier." Mayor Hamire compli- mented the Orono BIA withi always comning uip with good ideas. "Orono BIA lias always been positive," she said . Yvonne Maitland, the evening's host, thanked Murray Taylor and Sue Sawvyer for keeping thie BIA togethier for miany years. Interest in the BIA hias been poor in the past and Murray and SuIe kept it going thiroughl the lean years. John Thiompson made a presentation to Roy7 For-rester. "If you wan-t to know any- thing, talk to Mr. Orono," said Thiompson as lie handed Forrester a bucket of bird seed. For-rester replied by saying, 1 walk with pride in this community. This coin- mnunity is going ahiead." "Don't ever think I didn't have a good time," hie con- cluded. Yvonne thanked everyone for coming. Afier thiat il was off to the church to do thie dishes. household mailboxes across Durham Reglon. The fund raising goal for Durham Region is $104,600. With $30.000 received before the mail strike, The Lung Association is now relying on donors to be as generous as possible and to mail their donations today. The Christmas Seal Campaign is The Lung Assoclation's most important fund raiser. Typically, about $60,000 should have been received ln Durham Reglon by now. 'TI-is is a serlous shortfall, but our donurs can help us through the next few weeks. They've stuck with us through the years and we know with their help, we can reach our goal. We're also encouraging new donors to reach out to us wlth their donations this year," Anita Witty says. For further information on the Christmas Seal Campaign and the impact of the mail strike, please cali The Lung Association Durham Reglon at (905) 436-1046. Sue Sawyer and Lindla Murray hiad a conflict and Taylor received plaques of was unable to make il to the appreciation from the BIA, for dinner Thut-rsdaýy nighit. their efforts over the years in Muirray's tex-m as president keeping the BIA alive. Linda and Suie's term as secretary Taylor accepted the plaque on ended o11 November lOthi. her husband's behaif. f Mayyou experience the gffts of love, peace and brotherhood this Christmas. we Express Our thankis tO everyonle for their support in 1997. efrom the Grundy Family at Grundy's Country Upholstery ImWith Special Thanks .for your patronage and good wil, we wvish you ail a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Larry Jackson Plumbing & Heating