lairke Museum receives operating grant Mark Jackmian received th e Clarke Museum 's Operating Grant cheque per- sonally from MPP John O'Toole on Monday. The provincial grant, which repre- sents 12% of the mnuseum 's operating budget hias been steadily decreasing due to governmnent cut backs. This chieque, in the amouint of $6,73 7 is based on the muse- umi's 1996 financial report, and is for the 1997 operating budget. Attendance at the Museumi has been steadily incereasinlg. This year saw 600 more visi- tors than last year, withi April throughi October being the busiest mnonths. The Clarke Museumi is open ail year round. BALLS RADIO & T.V. REPAIR REPAIRS TO MOST MAKES STEREOS, COLOUR AND B&W T.V.s AND V.C.R.s1 P.O. Box 27 (0)9352 R.R. 2, Orono, Ont.(9)9352 NEWCASTLE FUNERAL HOMIE inera(rDrrector -Carl Good( *Personal, professional, affordable service. Genesis Bereavement Resource centre on-site to serve the community. informative funeral home tours are welcome. 386 Mill Street South, Newcastle (ust nort/l of 401 - 'arýjng off rRgert Sret) (905) 987-3964 The Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Clarington Roman Cathollc Separate School Board Board Elects New Chairperson Gene Brabaney, Trustee from Northumberland County, was elected Chairperson of the Peterborough Victoria Northumberland and Clarington Roman Catholic District School Board at the Organizational meeting beld on Monday, December 15, 1997. Mr. Brahanecy bas been a miember of tbe Peterboroughi Victoia Northumberland and' Clarington Roman Catholie Separate Scbool Board since 19 79, dedicating bis time and energyb to leaderslbip roles. He bas been involved witb a bost of educational and business management committees and, projects tbat gave deptb to bis experience in Catbolic education. Gene's long track record in Catholic education is proba- bly tbe finest testimony to bris dedication. In bris 18 years as a Scbool Board member in Catbolic education, be bas cbaired comnittees, managed a farm business and bas actively been involved in bis community. In bis address to tbe Board, Mr. Brahaney said "it is an bonour to be elected Obairperson of tbe Board. I wlll do my best to lead us individually and organiza- tionally and provide a posi- tive Cbrist centered environ- ment for our cbildren and al our staff 'in tbe cballenging limes ahead." Don F'olz, Director of Education states tbe foilow- ing about Mr. Brahaney. "Ih a time wben escalating attacks, on education are baving a sig- nificant impact, leadership is tbe single most important ele- ment in creating and main- taining a successful and pro- gressive Catbolic scbool system. Tbose wbo know Gene realize tbat it is bis quiet strengtb tbat nxakes bim an effective leader. That strengtb bas belped bim become one of tbe most respected Scbool Board lead- ers in the region." Caroline Burke, Trustee from tbe Municipality of Clarington was elected Vice- Cbairperson. Hl-ave a Safe H'appy *Complete Car & Truck Repairs. eDiesel Engines -, Cummins, Detroit & Cat. -, Radio Dis patched Tow Trucks a *Mobile Mechanical Service Truck. R.R. 1, Orono LOB i Mo (905) 983-9151 4 Miles North of Hwy 401 on -Y PUBLIC NOTICE Regulations for 1997-98 Winter Season December 1, 1997 to April 5,1998 Area residents are hereby advised of the Provincial and Municipal Regulations applicable to -the 1997-98 Winter Season, December 1, 1997, to April 5, 1998, as follows: The Highway Traff ic Act (R.S.O. 1990): Section 170 (12) prohibits the parking of vehicles on any highway in such a maniner as to interfere with the movement of traffic or the clearing of snow from the highway. Section 170 (15) provides the authority for the removal of any vehicles, at the owner's expense, found to be causing an obstruction on a highway. Section 181 prohibits the depositing of snow or ice on a pub- lic roadway, Municipality of Clarington By-Iaw 91-58: Section 4-6 (i) prohibits the parking of vehicles on any high- way for a period of longer than three (3) hours, and is also applicable to overnight parking on any road under the juris- diction of the Municipality of Clarington. ONTARIO Dates of Publication: Wed, December 17, 24, 1997 Don Patterson, C.E.T. Manager of Operations Municipaiity of Ciarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanvilie, Ontario Lic,3A6 PO. #6229 §/Iilal Io flotorIuj Wllk Y,011 Krystyna Jones Realty-Net w q Subscribe to the Orono Weekly Times only $23.00 a year, 983-5301