Qrot~ eely fines Weneday Deemer 4.1997- 15 WAKEFIELD INSURANCE Speciaizing: *Dtsabilittj Incomwe*Mortgage Insuranoe .14fe Insurance *GIC's Inoestnents eTranel1 Insurance 983-9438 83 King Street West A. Newcastle, Ontario LI B 1 L2 Télephone (905) 987-3200 Matthews & Associates INSURANCE BROKERS JE) Pauline Mote, A.I..C., C..B. Branch Manager HAMILTONS *INSURANCE SERVICE 334 MAIN ST,; BOX 309 loi ORONO LOB1iMC) 1-905-983-5115 Fax 1-905-983-8223 Women in Abuse ReationShips For Hcelp Cal "Thie Deniise Ilouse" Fur NWomcn and Chlidren Toil Frco 1-800-263-3725 or 728-7311 Conf-idcntially Assurcd If you wnîto drink, Thtsyour business. If you wvant to stop, Tasour-s. cali AIcoho0lics Anionymlous Lakeshiore Districts (416) 728-1020 R ecyvicl1e Please- Wes's SmlaII Engine Repair We do it al SNOWBLOWERS, LAWNMOWERS, TRIMMERS, CHAIN SAWS, CHIAIN SAW SHARPENING YOU NAME IT, WE DO IT 5105 Main St Orono for service call (905) 983-9772 LOOKI1 1 1 PSYCHics TELL YOUR FUTURE Cail 1-900-451-3555 EXt. 7549 $3.99per min. Must be 18 yr.s. Procall Co. (602) 954-7420 K~'I u144 1' [4.4 ['I mU ~(1 ~ Il lU !k'4~~I I.' 141 iIM LEFW -Furnaoe Cleaning and Repairs - 24 Hr. No Heat Service FREE EST IMATES Over 21 ears Experience cali 9835541 LARRY JACKSON PLUMBUNG & HEATINO .Pump Repairs & Insallaton *New Work -Repairs Fumnace Cleanýing -Free Estimates For Fie ndly Expertf Servie.. 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Cali Elaine at 983-5301 W idows & Doors *Custom Cut Glass and Mirrors *Caulking & Winterizing *Screen Repairs Cali HENRY BIER Licensed Giazier 25 ears Experience (905) 983-5048 4798 Ganaraska Rd. 9, KENDAL, ON LOAiJ C.C. SIDINO CONTRACTORS Quality Instaille"s of Sidinig & Doors mWholesale uRetail mSiding uSoffit .Facia «Windows aDoors 1684 Newtonville Rd. Newtonvilte, ON Carl Christensen 786-3059 E4 VESTROUGH Manufacturers of 5" Seamless Eavestrough Wholesale m Retail Quality Installations 1684 Newtonvitte Rd. Newtonville 786;-3059 DaîlenE m Carl AUTOMOTIVE AIR CONDITIONING Service & Repaira to ail makes of Vehîclea We make service oeils for off-road equipment ED CAISCADDEN (905) 983-5422 County Rd 9, juat east of Kendal This Is NO SNOW JOB! A dvertise your plowing service" here thils winter. Cail Dlaine 983-5301 General Repairs Inside &Out -Crpenty *Painting - Insulattng *Any kind of Jobs Reasonable Rates NOTING TOO SMALL Cail (905) 983-5761 Clifford NEW YEAR'S EVE DANCE at St. Francis of Assis! Church Hall Hosted by The Newcastle Knights of Columbus. 9:00 p.m. - 2:00 a.m. Hot & Coid Buffet and Rfreshments ickets: $50.00 per couple. Cail Gord White 987-4681 -Paul Scott 987-5420 -Mel Kidd 623-8226 10, 17, 24 ap ~Bir Caring '144t1i Datt Day & Evening Classes Cail 983-8175 24, 7, 14 ap NATIONAL POWVERSKATING CHRISTMAS BREAK 97 ORONO ARENA Beginner Ice Time December 29 & January 2 9 - 10:30 a.m. December 30 & 31 9 - 10 a.m. Intermediate/Advanced Ice Time December 29 & January 2 10:30 - 12 noon December 30 & 31 10 - 1la.m. HAVE THE EDGE! with NATIONAL POWERSKATING PLUS Cail 905-983-1148 to Register tfn Dec. 24th WO.RK"' WAN1 rE 1 D Subscribe to the Orono. Weekty Times only $23.OO a year FURNACE FUEL - GASOLINE - DIESEL TEXACO - ESSO AND PERFORMANCE PLUS MOTOR QILS & GREASES COOPER FUELS LTD. RESIDENTIAL - INDUSTRIAL - AGRICULTURAL 4333 Hwy. 2, Newtonville (905) 786-2502I. CHATTERTON ELECTRIC RESIDENTIAL - COMMERCIAL - INDUSTRIAL POLE LINE CONSTRUCTION Dave Chatterton Tel: (905) 983-5546 Orono, Ontaro If no answer (905) 983-5940 FREE ESTIMATES Doug De Vries 23 West Beach Rd. Bowmanville 697-3308 0 Clarington Older. Aduit Association PUBLIC MEETING Tues. January 6. 1998 1:30- 3:30 p.m. Comrmunity Centre 26 Beech Avenue Bowmanville **Keep Informed * Activity Centre for Clarington's Older Residents See the final remodeliing plan Get up-to-date information TaIk to the Architects- and Municipal Staff 24 ac 1990 Arctic Cat Jag (440), excellent condition! $2,800.00 O.B.O.,98-20 24 ap 1 Inglis Dryer, Excellent condition, $ 100.00. Caîl 623-8831. U 1989 Ford 250 van. 136 K, V8 Auto, PS., P.B., $5,000.00. Caîl 623- 4395, U-n '85 Plymouth rcd mini van, excellent rebuilt engine, $1,800.00, cal 786-1 127. tfn Claringon Computer Clearance Centre - usýed IBM 386 SX55 230 $130. V&8t86 SX55 MO60$195. IBM 386 SX55 4/80 $275. VGA mono monitor t rom $45. VGA colour mnonitor t rom $135. - new Micro Mania systems - 4F6 2/66's f rom $679. 486 2/SOs trom $735. 486 4/100$ trom $775.- 486 8/ 20's from $1098. 486 8/133's from $1240. - tused Note books- IBM 386 4/80 (new. Wa.) $750. ZEOS 486 8120 mono $1199. Diital 486 4/170 mono $1500 NEC 486 4/210 colour $1695. We buy used computers. 1 or 100 or more 164 Baseline Rd. E. teofL ý ety Bowmanvitle 905-697-3059