0ý,n-Wý-kl Tý.n-.Wednesdaýîy..ecembr24, 19ý97 ý O9 RONO "-WEEKLY TMMES Subscriptions $21.50 + $ 1.50 G.S.T. $23.00/year. Publications Mail Registration No. 000368 Publishmng 50 Issues Annually at the Office of Publication 5310 Main Street, P.O. Box 209, Orono, Ontario LOB IMO E-Mail Address: oronotimes@âspeedline.ca Phone/Fax (905) 983-5301 Publisher/ Editor Marg Zwart A backward glance, and fuli steam ahead Fifty, issues later, and we find ourselves at the end Of Our- first year, of publication. Thanks to aur mnany readers who helped along the way wi1th kind woords and letters of enicouIrage- ment. Thianks alsa ta Roy Forrester, one of this paper's fouind- ing fathiers, who contributed weekly and continues ta be a mentor. Last Jauary 1 flewý to iin r a paniic whien the fact hlit mie that somiehow, 16 biank pages hiad to be fi lied withi type every week. We really didni't know whiat we were gjetingi juta when we took over thec paper. Now, one year later, we find ourselves enbraced by a coin- munity, thtat really appreciates their wý,eekly niewýs tabiaid. We've miade aur share of miistakes, somte of them iquite embarrassiug. Many a rail of filmn didn't turn 1ouIt, Ithough 1saIne of you are stili surprised when there is filmi in aur- camrera. There are miany areas thiat stili ueed imiprovemrent. 1 have wýritten aOut 'precedient' a hunidred timies, and hope not ta mnis- speli it againi. We hiave taken steps ta deal iti the t\,ping and spellinýg errors, and hopefuLlly yvou'v'e naticed aimpaem in that area. Your constant input hias been a gIreat hielp ta uis. One area thiat stili needs alot of work is the editariai co- ment. Thanks agyain ta Roy, For-rester for filing thiat vaid from, timie ta timie and stickiug his neck OUt on timley issues. I wýil endeavour in the NewN Year ta becomie better informned nd get off the fenice. We've hiad a tendency this past year ta keep aur- focus veryý local. Next year we will try ta broaden aOur horizons and cover more events in the commilunities outside Of 0Orono. Thanks ta ail those who took a stand ou issues aud sent in youir'letters ta thie editor' this past year. Most of them mnade for great reading, and are a n important part Of a comunity uiews- paper. Thauks ta aur- contributing coILlmnists and those hiockeyý parents whio take the tuile ta wr1ite LUp the gamie and send Hin weekly articles. Hlave a very biessed Christmnas, and ail the best for the New Year. Governmnent passes Fish & Wildlite Conservation Act Natural Resources Minister John Snobelen announced that the Harris government bas met its com- mitment and has passed the Flsh and Wildhife Conservation Act. "We have been successful where other governments have failed because we have built strong consensus among aur stakeholders for this important fish and wildlife legisiation," said Mr. Snobelen. Once it is proclaimed and cames inta force, the F'sh and Wildlife Conservation Act will replace the Game and Fish Act. The new Act will provide an important tool for Ontari's efforts li conserva- tion and management of the pravince's valuable natural resources. The Act, which passed late December 18, will do this by: protecting and managing a broader range of species; improvlng client services; anid tougheniing enforcement pro- visions. "This new Act will show poachers that Ontario will not tolerate abuses ta our fish and wildlife resaurces," said Mr. Snobelen. -When the Act is law, offenders will face thec toughest penalties in Ontario's Ihistory." Convictions for commercial offences wili be subject ta fines of up ta $100.0)00. Jail ternis have also been added as a potential penalty for offences under the Act. Some highlights of the Act will include: oProviding for the protec- tion and management of a new categary of specially-pro- tected species. More than 90 specially protected species are listed in schedules attached to the Bil, such as thie red-shouldered hawk ai-d the spicebush swallowtaîl butterfly. * Increasing court powers ta suspend or cancel licences and ta order violators ta take training courses. 1, Increasing the timie imrit on prasecutions ta two years fromn six monthis. a Prohibiting the posses- sion of wllife, invertebrates or fish that were illegally take-n li or from. other juris- dictions. This is to help pre- vent Ontario fromi being used as a base for illegal trade activities. -Prohibitiflg the posses- sion of a blacl< bear gali bl d - der separateti from the car- cass and a pfohibition on the sale of animll parts that are represented ta be bear parts. " The Act f esponds direct- ly to the cencems of the pub- lic who have asked for changes to the way we protect ASt Sviour's Anglican Church MILL STI., ORONO, ONTARIO Rev. Ciiff Evans 983-5594 -983-9639 Sunlday Service, Sunday Sehool & Youth Group 9:30 a.m. 1 st & 3rd Suinday of Monith HiOiýLYCOMMU NION 2nid & 4th Sundayïi MORNING PRAYER DRIVE FOR FOOD BANK and manaïge black bear," said Mr. Snobelen. "We will pro- hibit ùinterf ,erinig, intenitionally damaging or destroying black bear densb. We wfll a.dd black ORONO ~vPASTORAL CHARGE ~ Minister IWÂ~*Rev. Mervyn Russell Secretary Marlene Risebrough 983-5702 Church Office 983-5502 CHURCH SERVICES Kirby Unted Church at 9:30 a. m. Orono United Church 11:00 a. m. Sunday School Classes and Nursery facilities available during Church Services A.A. .,ets every Thursday 7:30 p. m. bears to the list of species that miay not be huinted while the animial is swlmiii-ng." "We recelved valuable input from a ur clients durlng the development of the Bill id 1followhig frtreacimg o (continued page 10) KENDAL UJNITED CHURCU Kenidal, Ontario "The Heart of Our Comnmunity"l Sunday, Dec. 28, 1997 "The Firsit unday Af1ier Christmnas" 11:15 ar. "Stories Behinid the Music" Tonight! Christmas Eve Wednesday,-Dec. 24, 1997 5:00 p.m. "Christmas Eve at the Heart of Our Comnmunity" a special family celebration Pleasejoin us Minister: Rev. David Black 786-2950 Santa stops in Newcastle for breakfast Close ta 600 people hadl Saiturday rnarning. This pop- even featuIred their awn breakfast wit Sauta atitde ular eveut, put on by the memibers singing somne of the Nqewcastie -To.n lHall on Optimst Club of Newcastle, season-'s favourite carois. -z . .......... - - ...........