m »mmmm( ~Orono Weekly Times, -Wednesday. Janutary 21, 1998 No pictures this week The lack of photographs in this week's paper was flot intention- al. And yes, there was film in the camnera. When developed, the film was cornpletely blank. And no, we do flot own a lenls cap. We apologize to those who patiently posed for our camera Iast week, and especially those who waited for the flash to recharge. It appears we have a problemn with the chemicals we use to develop film. You find out there's a problemn when the film you're developing is ruined. Unfortunately, we don't have a spare film. Thanks to the National Power Skating hockey teami for submit- ting such a nice picture of net minder Tanner Johnson. And thanks to Newcastle Funeral Home for submitting a picture of Aaron McDonald, bring our picture total for the week up to 2. The difference between a garbage eau and a planter... At the first Business Improvement Association (BIA) meeting 1 ever attended in Orono, the matter of new garbage cans for Orono was on the agenda, and they have been at every meeting sîince. Two years ago Laidlaw Waste DisposaI, the company that hiad the town's .garbage contract, promnised us six new garbage cans. Inadvertently, those cans were placed in Bowmanville, so the town's Works Departmnent offered to pay for our new cans. Last spring at a BIA meeting in the Town Hall, Mayor Diane Hamre told us that if we were promnised new cans, we would surely get them, even though the Works Department employee who offered to pay for our cans was no longer a municipal employee. In the mneantime the Bowmanville BIA offered to give us their old cans. Murray Taylor politely said "thanks, but no thanks". AIl this time Sandra Topper has been bringing updates to the BIA as to the status of the new caris. t was very encouraging to hear counicillor Mutton report at last week's lBIA meeting, that our garbage cans would almnost certainly be included in the town's 1998 budget. In an effort to spruce up the looks of the down town, the BIA is also purchasing new planter boxes to co-ordinate with the new garbage cans. The BIA's preference was to go with square planters and round garbage cans. t was felt that if the planters were square, it would be easier Io distinguish the planters from the garbage cans. However, Sandra reported last week that the square planters are too costly so we wilI be purchasing the less expensive round planlters. Although they will be of the samne design and shape as the garbage receptacles, they will be shorter. So if ib looks like a bloomin' garbage pail, it isn't--i's a planter. Throw your garbage in the one without the flowers. What's the difference between a garbage can and a planter? TI down town Orono i's about two feet! QRONO WEKLY TINIES Subscriptions $21-50 + $1.50 G.S.T. - $23.00lyear. Publications Mail Registration No. 000368 Publishing 50 Issues Annually at the Office of Publication 5310 Main Street, P.O. Box 209, Orono, Ontario LOB 1IO E-Mtail Address: oronotimesýJàspeed ine.ca Phone/Fax (905) 983-5301 Publisher/ Editor Marg Zwart LETTER TO - Thursday, jonfluary 15, 1998 Dear Editor, Now that 1997 has been hashed, re-paShed, trashed, and put to bd, and, ail sorts of predictiorl5 are in place for t-he new yeat?' here is a list of things yours truly would like to see happeilmi 1998. ..but not likely wiffi: Lucien Bouchard send out thank you cards toa ah Canaidians Àlho lielped out, in rnany ways, i the aftermath of the worst ice stormn of the century. ThIen, remember haviwg sent those cards next Urne he callÈ another Quebec referendum. The Blue jays back on top of the Amerbéan League again. Hey, the cWinces are better for tliem thaP the Raptors or the Leafs..;..maybe Harold Ballard wa§n't such a bad owner afler &.ll? BluebirdÈ, as opposed to swallows. ini the boxes (pains takinoJy looked after by Royal Lee fdjr years now) on the fence posts in the field out back. More of the "El Neno type" winter we&ve had this year.. .witli the exception of the past sevOýral days, that is. Aithougli, DIck and a numn- ber of others dowri the road frorn here rniy not agree with me. Mike HariPs OPEN sorne thing, instead of lis constant CLOSINGS. General Mýotors hire some new, liourly îated production 1workers. IIousands have retired since I started thiere ini ,8,5, and,wiu the exception of about lr00) who were absorbed from 11Scarborougli, they haven't been replaced. SenatorApidy do the hon- ourable thing, and resigni from the Snate. Without a pension. TheP again, anybody who lias ben feeding at the public trougil for as long as lie lias ... iever mind. Senator Andy take tlie rest of the Senatïe witl i m wlihen lie leaves. Bailey, Tple Wonder Dog, approximately 4000 students annually. Each school day a class of Kindergarten to grade 12, pulls in and out of the parking lot south east of the John Deere Retail Store. Visibility at this point is poor to, begin with and given the restricted siglit lines extend- ung east along Taunton Road, any increase in traffic due to a fur factory would certalnly constitute, a significant dan- ger. To what extent is the Reglonal Council committed to upgrading Taunton Road and can Regional Council assure me that the school bus entrance to the Wlmot Creek Outdoor Education Centre xvriii remain a safe one? Secondly, I arn worrled about the impact of increased developrnent, as eartli Inte- grated as this one purports (continued page 9) MAYOR at BIA (continued from page 1) usual' attitude uintil they hear differently. Garbage can update Councillor Muton reporbed that the cost of our 12 new garbage cans should be includ- ed in the municipality's 1998 budget. au Girl Guides of Canada FOOD BANK (continued frorr page 1) need right now is baby food. "Babies are babies for such a short timie, the baby food just piles up" said Murray. What they don't use at the bank gets passed on to other agencies. The food bank is open Tuesdays fromi 1 - 4 pxrm., and Thursdays fromn 10 - 1 p.m. Murray nobed that they could always use more volun- teers. THE EDITOR: bark more often. Gord Milis agree witli something, aniything, that John OToole says. OR Gord Milîs and John OToole duke it out, in a three round exhibition match, at the Town Hall. Marquis of Queensbury rules to apply. Proceeds going to Senator Andy's retirement fund. Alan Eagleson, in goalie equipment, facing -a barrage of slapsliots from ail the play- ers (and everybody else) lie jerked around for the past twenty-five years. Jean Chretien go away somewliere. Far away. And, take Sheila. One of the Kennedy clan with a clean background. A govennment whlch can reduce it's deficit by means other tlian slough-ing it onto the next lower level of govemn- ment. If you tliink Mega Mayor Mel was ticked last time, watt until the next Harris cutback wave bits him! A pox on the Spencer fam- ily, for thieir planning to seli tickets to see Prlncess Dlana's grave. No doubt it will aid them in their "liealing pro- cess", but, theres not a whole lot of class there. Bill and Paula Lishmnan leading the Orono Fair Parade downi Main Street. Wlth a hunidred geese followiîng them. The bountiful crops from the "agricultural land" (some of the richest farming land in the world) the Lishmans hope to purchase. The Orono Fair Parade bemng held on Saturday mom- ing agaîn. The Orono Fair brungung in Th-e Spice Girls as the feature entertainrnent attraction. Or Puif Daddy? Howard Stem? Hey, he's the # 1 rnoming guy in Montreal after just three months. Me cashung a winning 6/49 ticket. Just once. Bob Rotz, Kirby, Ont. à. ......... . Open Letter to Council January 12, 1998 Municipality of Clarinigton 410 Temperance Street Bowmanvilîe, Ontario LIC 3A6 Attention: Mayor and Al Memnbers of Council Re: Dev 97-058/Lishman Proposai As a naturalist at the Wilrnot Creek Outdoor Education Centre locatedl directly soutli of the Llshrnan Proposed Fur Manufacturinig Facility, I have a number of gave concems regarding this proposai. The Centre, run by the North umberlan d/ Clarington Board of Education, offers a variety of nature and outdoor education prograrns to