6 Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday. Januaiy 21, 11998 k Irdoog -The Science of Iooking within' Not only are eyes the win- dow ta the soul, they are also a two way mirror. Eyes are essential for sending visual images ta the brain, but by studying the iris, an Iridologist can determine the condition of variaus body organs. Pat Lycett, wha bas been practicing Iridalogy for close ta two years, says that upan close examinatian of the iris, she is able ta determine tissue changes resulting front proper or improper treatment, often of a nutritional nature. She cani tell whether your health is improving, or if your condition is becoming worse. Iridology works because the iris is cannected ta every part of your body and each area shows reflexively in the eye. A chart ta Iridology mnaps out both the Ieft and the right eye, with the specific areas in each iris and their correspond- ing body part. An examination using a light and a strang miag- nifying glass show darkenied fibers in areas of weakness. The iris is made up of fibers radiating out from the pupil. These fibers cati resembie siik fibers in the persan with a strong constitution, catton, burlap or cheesecioth indicat- ing a persan who must work harder ta maintain health. A weak genetic constitution shows more darkened areas and more discolouration, and is oflen the resuit of heredity. A trained Iridoiogist can see a weakness or suboptimai func- tioning in an organ or gland before disease deveiops. Conditions such as poar skin elimination, lymphatic Stayi*ng In Touch John 'Toole Durham East MPP The snowrnobile accidents an Lake Scugog in Part Perry are a sad rerninder of how dangerous sorne activities can be. Over the past few years, the spart of snowrnoblling has enhanced its image. Clubs are giving more attention ta education, safety, licensing as well as trail development. Unfortunately. it appears that some people always want ta defy the odds and take chances. These accidents and deaths are avoidable. In Ontario, snowmobiling is an important recreational and tourism business. Let us hope that this sad tragedy does not spoil this wînter activlty. Like everyone else, 1 have been reading and listening ta the property tax debate in Toronto, as well as right here in Durhamn. Rernarks in Toron ta about their pay congestion, sait deposits, cho- lesterai deposits, nervous disor- ders, can ail be helped through iridoiogy. An interesting point is the abiiity of the Iridologist ta see a weakness in one bipolar organ. For instance, a thyroid blood test may show the organ ta be normal, but iridalogy could reveal that one side of the organ may be under-func- tioning while the opposite side is working avertime. Bath sides need heip ta normnalize their activities. Pat emphiasizes that iridolo- gy does nat namne disease, it reads tissue conditions. There is an aid saying that ail disease starts in the bowel. For this reason it is oflen possi- ble ta see an abnormal bowel condition in many people's eyes. With the proper foods (organicaliy grown if possible and/or vitamnin and minerai suppliments, unhealthy organs can again become healthy. Formai nutritional study after a personalili1ness, led Pat ta become interested in iridolo- gy. Pat's philosophy of Interactive Health," includes input from variaus physicians and health care warkers, with a strong emphasis on people tak- ing responsibility for their own welfare. The il] persan them- selves have to take an active raie on the raad ta weiiness. The beauty of an iridoiogy examination, expiains Pat, is that it is extremeiy nan-eva- sive, it doesn't hurt and its inexpensive. "A whole new world of education is opened Up through Iridoiogy." increase, their additional sup- port staff, new computers and offices, makes one wonder. In Durham, a couple of mem- bers have referred ta the police budget as a crisis. Durhamn Regional Chaîrman, Rager Anderson saîd, "With the Police Services in the hale by $4.5 million, people can expect a 5 ta 6% tax increase before we eveni start." Other remarks offer the threat of a tax increase from 5 ta 18%. It makes me wonder how came thlngs have gotten so bad 50 quickly. The province expects a tax saving of about 3.1%. The sirnplest excuse is ta keep an increasing taxes an-d blarning the province. Hlowever, whien 1 continue ta see three or fpur works' yards along Taunt(àn Road, as well as overlaps in regional and local servie-,,',I believe we must contîdýue to examine every opportpIrntY to stream- Uine services. 1 met with Durham Regional finance staff nd tile Ministry of Finance officiais this past week. The fpial assessment inmbers and' other details are stili beiiig worked an. I can assure YOu that I want no less favofable treatment for Durham ihan Toronto. 1 want na tax iincrease. The Milistry of Education stable fundirig grants for the balance ofý the 1997-1998 school year ý,,ere announced Friday to gen~erally favorable responses. The Durham Engllsh Public District Board will receive ,$219.3 million and JK will be recoginized. The Durham English Separate District Board will receive $83-9 million or (63.3%) of tlie budget. The Peterborough, .Victoria, Northumnberlfld. Clarington Eniglish Separate District Board will reýeive $44.8 mil- lion (63%). meiý Peterborough, Northumberlirid, Clarington English District Public Board will receive 447.8 million (62.6%). Enrcilîment increas- es or decreases have been recognized, ' s weli as tax write-of fs, jlI" and summer school prografns. Any salary increases or new programs are not recogpiZred. This sta- ble funding gr8flt is $170 mil- lion more tha-t the 62% level. The second year of the $650 million capital program is additional to these figures. I amn pleased wlth the results. Many people have asked about our promised 30%/ Ontario tax reduction. We belleve that tax cuts create jobs.,.ExamplÉs of aur tax cut are as follows: A single parent family with Income of $30,000 and 1 child. Child care costs of $5,000.00 Ontario ,axSs before our budget =$505.00O Ontario taxes after our tax cut "35.00 Yoursan5 $470.00 (93.2%A) A family of 4, total l income of $60.000 (2 î-hiIdren) Ontaria tares be-fore our budget = $;4.600,00 Ontario taxes after aur tax cut = $3,215.0 Your savings= $1,385.00 (30,2%) A single selior on OAS & pension income of $20,000.00 Ontario tarÇes before our budget = $895.00 Ontario taxeýs after aur tax cut =$625.00 Your savings = $270.00 (30.2-,/) A family of 4. inIcarneaf $150,000.00 (I) children) Ontario tares before aur budget = $25,765.00 Onitario taxes after aur tax eut =$20,685M0 Yotur savings = $ 5.080.00 (19.7%) $50,980.00. Our progressive tax systern means that the top 10%y of Ontario taxpay- ers, those with incornes over $67,300.00 will pay 45(A of Ontaria's personal incomne tax revenue. Our changes mean that 20%ý( of Onriai7 taxpay- ers with the lowest incarnes, belaw $19.175,00, will pay 2.9% of Ontario's incarne tax revenue. This is down fromn 6.5% a 3.1% decrease. Oiur critics are suggesting that our tax break is for the rich. The facts speak otherwise. Everyone will pay less taxes and this is a first. We strang- ]y believe that if you give a family sorne of their money back they will chooseta spend it, save it or invest in their owm future. The proof is that govemnments will spend it and sometirnes you have ta, wonder where and on what. An article in the January lOth Globe and Mail by William Thorsell is worth reading, caîl for a capy 697- 1501 (905) or 1-800-661- 2433. Float your fanny down the Ganny - April 4th Port Hope United Church wlll be hostlng its 2nd annu- ai Float Your Fanny Dawn the Ganny Craft Show and Hot Lunch, on the day of the famous race, Float Your Fannly Down the Ganny, which is Saturday, April 4th, 1998 this year. The craft show segment of this event will feature one of a kind professlonally crafted merchandise for sale just in lime for Easter and Mother's Day. Professional crafters are invited to apply for a booth. An application form can be obtained by phonlng the Port Hope United Church at (905) 885-2421 fram Monday ta Friday 9 ta 4 or by phonlng Cammittee Chairpersan, Ms. Andree Cooper.at (905) 885- 4091 after 6 p.m. or faxidng (905) 885-1240. As yau may ar may not know%, Float Your Fanny Dowýn the Ganny is an annu- ai river race which takes place in Port Hope, Ontario. The race is a main tourlst attraction for the town which boasts an average attendance of 10,000 people. Aithough the race itseif occurs in the marning (approximately 9:00 a.m. ta 11:00 a.rn.) many spectators stay the entire day ta shop ta take part in some of the activities around Part Hope. Port Hope is located 1 hour east of Toronto- on Highway 40 1. I A - I e E FRESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE RATES Owner Occupied 6 mo. 6.05% 1 year 6.20%, 2 year s 6.40% 3 years 6.55% 4 years 6.60% 5 years 6.60% RA TES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WVITHOUT NOTICE Cail us for other deposit rates and services including FREE PERSONAL CHEQUING. Rates subject to change without notice. PAUL MULLER, Branch Manager 15 Chartes St., Oshawa 728-4658 Office Holurs: Monday ta WNednesday 9:30 - 5:00 Thursday 9:30 - 7:00O- Friday 9:30 - 6:00 -l Brigitte Rrown FIVE IRtS Gift Certificates Pedicures available. r~Manicures Wain SNail Extensions 'Ear Candling ESTHETIC STUDIO '5171 Mill St, Orono, Ontario LOB IMO 905-983-8169 1