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Orono Weekly Times, 28 Jan 1998, p. 8

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8 - Orono Weely Times, Wednesday, Januaiy 28, 19 narne listc FROMAROUD HOE ue card. by Roy Forrester * *SWtar It was supposed to have been easy to write a column for Around Home this week. The subject was certainly tirnely in this rnonth of January. And above ail there has been colurnns upon, coiuinns written about the subject and aligned witli al the facts. Not orily that but I've had a helplng hand frorn sorneone, who on two occasions, lias rnailed me cltpptngs on the subject. How could I loase. This is to be a cincli. 1 thought l'Il Just save these clippings and corne Monday night the fingers cari fly over the keyboard. Ill be home In jig time - whatever that is. Well here it is Monday ntght. Where did 1 put those clippirigs Frtday eventig? They are flot to be found and 1 dld spend at least an hour in a well organized hunt using ail the senses availabie. I went through four weeks of newspapers. one section at a Urne. Neyer undaunted every piece of paper 1 touclied last week 1 tumed over. No clipplngs. How could this be? Not the clippings but an advertisernent catches rny eye - "Jariuary is Alzhelrner Awareness Month". That explains the four weeks of aid newspapers and as well the loss of the two Alzheirner clippirigs. I -wiil adrnit to sorne of the warnling signs as rnisplaclng things, the loss of tirne, problerns with language ai-id posstbly some loss of rnernory. I refuse to accept the loss of initiative, or change in rnood, beliavi»our or person- ality. So there you have it rny friend - the sender of the ciippings. It did provide a chuckle - whco are you? The 'Baffled' Rink Rats Donna and 1 were a couple of rlnk rats agai last week catching up witli graridson, Jamie, who plays for the Prince Edwarcj Courity'A' Midget tearn. The garne, we were in- formed, was being played in Port Hope cornrencing 8:45 p.rn. and against the Port Hope ridgets. No problern we would be there. We anrived on Urne to watch sorne of the warnu'P anid to pick out Jamie. Ilt is difficuit they ail look sornewhat alike. Finally we dectded there was no Jamie on the ice anid no Jim or Nancy in the bleachers. t was alrnost a repeat of our ill-fated tnip to Trenton when he was a PeeWee. Sat out the whole garne finally realizirig the complex was a Twln pad. Jamie had played lits game in tlie other pad. As a resuit of that incident we were sornewhat prepared. Donna upor i ivestigating the circumstances found that the garne was not played itlie TCS arena but i the more recent Port Hope arena by the Higli Scliool. We made the switch in Urne. "There lie is No. M10, said. "Can't be he's not that tali and big", came the reply. Now Donna is no new- corner to the garne of hockey corning through the West era of the Orono Orplians. She travelled witli the team around the country anid in sports, hockey, was second to softball. She was shuttering with the boarding and comment- ed about speed. 'These are only kids. It's rougli". "No different than tlie Orphans", I suggested. "Oh yes - well rnaybe Gusty', camne the reply. The win, 4 -1 went to the Prince Edward County boys and unlike the Trenton trip we did see the full gaine. anid Pckering Hospital. * Past Vice-President of Durhiam West PC Association. * Political career started ti 1980 as Regional Councillor for 8 years. e In 1988 elected Mayor of Ajax to 1995 wlien lie was elected Reglonal Chair suc- ceedlng Gary Herrema. e In 1997 lield the first Regional Chair's Charity Classic which raised $76,000 for the Comrnunity Foundation of Durhiam Region. a manried to Anita Witty for 33 years, father of 3 daugh- ters anid 5 grandchildren. PROUD ACCOMPLISHMENTS e started "pay as you go" te) no debenture policy duririg six years as finance chair at the Region. Fruends honour Jim Witty A long and distingulslied record of service to the corn- munily; an open, generous lieart and engaging sense of hurnour anid above ail, a corn- mitted champion of the peo- ple of Durhamn Reglon. These are the attributes for whicli Jirn Witty is known. Now that Jirn las retired, friends anid colleagues are honourrig hlm in a fun-fliled evenirig anid with the estab- lishrnent of an endowment fund in lis naine. The "Jim Witty Endowrnent Fund" will be established with The Cornmunity Foundation of Durhamn Region anid thez com- rnunity is invited to partici- pate. The goal is to raise $25,000 at a fundraising din- ner to be lield ti Jrn's non- our on February 2Oth, 1998 at The Pickering Recreation Centre. Tickets are $75 per person or $600 per table of eight. The Cornmunlty Foundation of Durharn Regioxý supports cornrunity- based prograrns. In 1997,, over $7,300 in grants were given to organizattons throughout the Region. The interest generated by the "Jlm Witty Endowment Furid" will be used to support a variety of cornrunity initiatives. Tickets are available at Val Marshall Travel, Dickson Printing or Anita Witty at Witty Real Estate at 683- 866 1, If sorneorie is u nable to attend, a donation can stili be made and the person's

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