or Wee.kTsdnsIay,, -brnairy4,.199 -13.. After two days of vlsiting farms and rural areas hit h ard by the worst ice storm on record, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Minister Lyle Vanclief said be was struck by the devastation be witnessed. -The past several days have sbnwn me just how destructive this storm has been for eastemn Ontario and rural Quebec. People in the countryside and farmers in -particular have suffered a crippling blow. As someone who used to make a living from the land, 1Imkow what it's like to be at the merc of the weather. My beart goes out to these pýopl l'e sald. Mr. Vanclief, 'who is also the federal Minister respon- sible for rural development, sali he is very concerned about the impact on rural businesses. Pulp and paper mnills, apparel manufacturers, auto parts makers, mhetal processors and rail trans- portation are among the many rural industries affect- ed, as well as ail the retail outlets in communities affect- ed by the ice storm. Todai (January 16, 1998), the Minister was scheduled tojoin Don Boudria, Minister of State and Leader of the Governn-ent in the House of Comnions, in a tour of Mr. Boudria's rldlng in easterri Onitario. On Tbursday, be and Prime Mïister Jean Chretien saw the storm's effect on eastern Ontario and rural Quebec and the large-scale devastation of power and telephone Unes. Wednesday, the Minister was wlth Martin Cauchon, Secretary of State for the Federal Office of Regional Development for Quebec, and Laurent Pellerin, president of -ne Union des producteurs agrcoles, to view the damage inflicted on the St. Hyacinthe area. Mr: Vanclief said be was moved by how people have corne together to get throughl this emergency. Its a testa- ment to the human spirit that people have survlved as well as they have in this worst of situations," he said. "Manty people have already started rebuilding their lives while helping their neighbours. As part of that rebuilding, the Government of Canada bas announced that it will immediately provide an ini- tial amount of $75 million in compensation to Quebec and Ontario to help residents get their lives back to normal. Further compensation will be forthcoming once a better estimate of damnages is avail- able. Dairy farmers who could no[ have their milk processed in Canada because of power failures at plants are benefit- ing fromn an arrangement with the United States that is see- ing American plants process Canadian milk and returu it for sale in Canada - a move that is Worth up to $800,000 to our dairy indust-ry. The two countries also cooperated on a temporary measure to alllow imports of American feed into the affected areas. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) has been working with Emergency Preparedness Canada on an inventory of generators - 500 have been located in Georgia and wiUl be fed into provincial distribution systeme - and the department has provided its own generators to areas in need. As well, the Farmn Credit Corporation (FCC) announced this week that farmers who experience cash- flow problemns due to the storm may qualify for flexible boan payments. The PCC is also offerlng financlng to help farmers with requirements for equipment, large generators and repairs to damaged buildings. "The team effort that has Hydroponîcs .. Growing indoors wîthout soil! (NC) Next time you are in your supermarket produce sec- tiont, take a look around. You may be surprised to find that a wide variety of the vegetables and most of the herbs are hydroponically grown. The reason for this new growing trend in commercial food pro- duction is . simple. Hydroponicallygrown vegeta- bles grow faster, ripen earlier and give up to 10 timies the yield of soil grown plants. 1Hydroponics fromn the Latin 'water working', is simply growing plants without soit. Messy soil is replaced with a dlean porous growing medium that supports plant's roots. Easy to use nutrient is fed to the plant. 'The -plants have the ideat environment since the- ,gardener determines everything which is normally up to nmotherý nature. Homegrown Hydroponics Inc. an Ontario based chain of retail stores has specialized in helping indoor hobby garden- ers achieve that amnazing results for over 12 years. "Products have become very user friendly. You don't need to be a rocket scientist to grow and enjoy a hydroponic gar- den," says Russ Rea, president of Homegrown. "We have cus- tomers growing anything from herbs and salad greens to orchids and rainforest seeds." Almnost anything that grows in your garden outdoors can be pulled people tbrough will continue," said Mr. Vanclief. "Agricultu~re and Agri-Food Canada is committed to working with Its partners in industry, other federal departments and provincial and municipal govemrments to help the storm-affected areas return to normal as soon as possible." »6'~ ON.- grown hydroponically indoors. Hydropeinic gardening bas become very popular because it requires very littie space. A corner in your basement or spare roomn can keep fresh ve- etable coming to your table ahl Nakinas 75[h Anniversary, Jil 29 to August 3, 1998. E- mail: jmcharg@nolinelakeheaduca OR Box 220, NaIu na, ON POT 260. DONATIE YOUR CAR. IdERITAGE FOR THE 13LIND Tax deductîble Free toring. Need nfot n Fuse ph-ono nord Sponroored by AADCO 800-463-5681 AMAZIO FAT. m Intrnat ili row P.270ino24 mofi. am U 15klmo with Canadas fastest groarng ternet Franchise. 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Kryslyna Jones 983-601l3 ASSCIAES (DURHM)nc 1050 Stmcoe St. N., #103, Oshawa TEL (e05) 721-2112 New Listing ... Bright, 4 bedroom Orono Village home on huge fenced lot ... $121,000! Recovery trom ice storm relies on team work --à