Smile Theatre Company performed for Older Aduits t by Roy Forrester The Smile Theatre Company of Toronto is well into its second year in performling for the Claring- ton Older Adults in Bow- manville wlth the most recent performance staged f Tuesday, January 27th. The Company is an unique non-profit charitable organization dedicated in bringing to seniors quality professional entertainment. It is financially asslsted bthe Ontario Arts Couneil, To ronto Arts Council and Metropolitan Toronto. There is a modest $8.00 per person charge for the shows. Slowly but surely the Theatre group is building a following of supportive and enthusiastic Seniors from the Clarington area. The presentation of "Beautiful Dreamer" on Jan-uary 27 at the Baseline Communlty Centre recelved a well-earned tumultuous standing ovation. Beautiful Dreamer is a musical celebration of one of America's first great song writers, Stephen Foster. Foster lived in the era of steamboats and rallroads in the period of westward expansion and the Califomnia Gold rush. Even thougli of an '~untimely death in 1864 lits music lias been immor- talized to the present period in time. Both Amanda Leigli and Steven Gallaglier brought out the best in Steplien Fosters' music. There was a ricbness of voice from both along with some close harmony on selected classics from the Foster repertoire. The good old favourites of "Oh Susanna". "Jeanie Witli the Liglit Brown Hlair", "My Old Kentucky Home", "Old Folks At Home', "Canmptown Races" and of course "*Beautiful Dreamer" were all part of the programn. The voice of Amanda Leigli las becomed well known and enjoyed in the area having comrpleted three performances for the Clarington Older Adults. in spealking with the two actors/singers tliey stated they have enjoyed their Bowmianville audiences and do look forward in returning. There are two remaining Smile Theatre productions being sponsored in Clar- ington. Mardli 24th at l3aseline Centre "Verandalis" will be staged. It is a musical as neighibours chat to one another from their verandalis in the Beaches in Toronto. On May 26 the Smile Theatre group travel to the Orono Town Hall stage to present "Stardust Cîrcus". Thei Greatest Little Show on Earth. Step riglit up and have the time of your life under the Bigs Top. CI"'arington Fire-,Cails The Claringtoni Fire Department responded to the following fire calis between the period of January 26 to February 2, 1998: 2 vehicle fires; 1 fire; 3 motor vehicle accidents, il medical assis- tance calîs; 1 911 cail; 4 alarmn activation calîs and 7 check-out calls. The Youth Bowling Leagues of Bowmanville and Newcastle will hold their annual Bowling Challenge at Liberty Bowling Lanes in Bowmanville at 1 Thiùs event lias been held eacli year to help promote the Bowl for Millions Cainpalgni for Big Brothers. Teams of boys and girls from Newcastle and Lberty Bowl will partici- pate. The challenge is lield at Newcastle Bowling Alley one year and Lberty Bowl the next. Monday, February 16 - Celebrity Days kick off at Liberty Bowl, Baseline Rd. E.. Bowmnanville at 5:30 p.m. Saturday, February 21 - Celebrity Days continue at Liberty Bowl with bowling at 3:45 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. This event is followed by refresli- ments and feýtivities at the Clarington Hotel. Sunday, February 22 - the final day of Celebrity Days. Bowling Urnes are 10:00 a.m. or 11:00 a.m. Bowlers are then invlted to enjoy 50% off LETTEIRTO EDITOR: (continued f rom page 2) ship is 91. As Mr. Riekard most eloquently concluded. "that it, is more important than every to have a strong- organization that will be rec- ognized in the comi.munity. The Newcastle Ratepayers Association will have more clout in its endeavors." Newcastle ratepayers Association 1998 Executive Officersý are: Chairperson - Willie Woo; Vîce-Chairpersoni - David Riekard;, Secretary - Frank Hoar; Treasurer - Mýurray Patterson; Directors - Ruth Bonathan, Carl Goodl, Cecil Mackesey, Doug- Rombougli, Patsy Scott; Council Liaison - John Mutton. Thank you for allowing uis the opportunity to convey to your readership that as indi- viduals united together, we can make a positive impact towards the bettermnent of our Community. Respectfully Wîllie Woo Newcastle Ratepayei s Association & Youth Group 9:30 a.m. 1Ist & 3rd Suinday of Month I-OLY COMMUNION g it might1 to shoot. W p answer onp D.B.I.A. CINNAMON HEARTS' -Contest - Drop into participating businesses in downtown Oro-no and guess the number of cinnamon .hearts on display--win the container of hearts and possibly other goodies! Businesses wîll notify winners with th'e closes, guess on Valentine's Day... Remember, shop locally and enter your guess at participating stores!