orona weçI~y Thue~ *Wedne~d~y, Fel~ruary 4~ 1998 - a. AoDie Blossom Novices up Accessible Design Atoms one and down one in exhibition play give Ligihtning a joit With a free weekend. Apple deserved goals in the first for a in one goal making the score 1 - The -----.Accesible wicM fond c ( iI Afesgn- Ir re flxtII ne'. t aDjJsa null . Blossom set up some exhibition games. The first game was against a Bewdley team. Orono was caugbt sleeping again for the 8:30 a.m. game. Orono started the scoring off with Troy Webster taking off down the ice to slam in an unassisted goal. Bewdley came back within a minute and tied the game up. Paul Bridger saw his chance and raced up the ice for the final goal of the game, unassisted. Bewdley played bard earning 3 more goals in the 2nd period and 3 more well final score of 7-2. Playing net for Orono was Greg Howe. Apple Blossom's second game was played against a team for Oshawa. Orono had a new man in net -- Micheal Hicks playing a great game between the pipes. Orono played a better sec- ond game winning it 4-2. Troy Webster started the scoring off for Orono witb a pass from Daniel Hodgson to Andrew Kirkbride. Playing defense for this goal were Kyle Balson and Ben Mckelvie. Oshawa popped Devon Robinson got the puck into the clear and took off to score unassisted. Troy Webster slammed in the next two goals, the first from Ben Mckelvie to Daniel Hodgson and the second from Daniel Hodgson to Mark Franko. That goal made it a bat trick for Troy Webster. Oshawa put one more in during tbe third, but it wasn't enougb to beat Orono. A good game played with a full bench. riding a three-game win streak after deposing Oshawa 5-2 Iast Monday followed by a 4-1 decision over the Mariposa Lightning on Friday. Friday night with Orono playing bost to Mariposa--they desperately needed a win to keep their playoff hopes alive. Just twenty-five seconds into the opening period, Kyle Allin gave Orono a 1-0 Iead witb Greg Dunham earning the assist setting the tone for the rest of the game. Doug Garlick put Orono ahead by two at 3:39 with a nifty little backhander ,orner of the early in the second but Orono soon shut the door. Allun added bis second goal of the night at 6:19 assisted by Paul Richter fora 3 -1lead. The 'Designers' effectively killed off three penalties in a row late in the third period, after which Paul Richter in the playmaker role set up Chris Moffat for Orono's fourth and final goal of the game. The Accessible Design Atoms now head into O.M.H.A. playdowns against Minden with a full head of steam. Pine Ridge Insurance House League 'Novices Koerssen and Jackson insure four goals On January 31, in ahome game encounter, Pune Ridge Insurance Novices played host to Bowmanville's Braggs Wld Bird Seed. The Seed team proved to be a tough opponent and Orono was out scored 11-2 against a teain who deserved to Bragg. Orono's Joshua Dobson poked the puck in wlth assis- tance froin Jonathan Koerssen and Michael Hissen for the first perlod's only goal. Bowmianville placed 2 goals in the net fIrst perlod, 5 goals second period and 4 goals in the third. Brian Konopka put some muscle and determina- tion wlth an end-to-end rush notching Orono's second goal ti the second period. TIhe next day thtngs clicked for Pune Rdge Insurance in a gaine against the Newcastle Optlmist Team. The Orono squad treated their fans to an enjoyable gaine and a 4-3 win. Koerssen went ona scoring spree nettung 4 goals with ail 4 assist going to Kenny Jackson. Orono took a 1-0 lead in the first perlod on a goal froin Koerssen assisted by Jackson. Newcastle scored 2 i the second and 1inIi the third. Koerssen whacked in Orono goal number 2, assist- ed by Jackson and Tyler Lawrence. In the third period Koerssen poked the puck ini twice with assists from Jackson and Joshua Dobson. Between the pipes Jasoni Hoyne played an awesome gaine. Coach Lawrence sa!id ît was a dlsplay of hard work and desire. IGA Peewee's on a Major Plumbing Novices complete regular season The O.M.H.A. Russ Major Plumbing Novices played host to a strong Beaverton club on January 30 and were shut out 4-0 in one of their last games of the season. Then, on Saturday, Orono was defeated in a high- scoring season-ending matchup with the Blackhawks in Oshawa. This was a close game which saw Oshawa come out on top 7-6 over the Major Plumbing novices. Orono's six goals came from Doug Deboo, Daniel Maclsaac, Darcy Mitchell, Adam Wood, Matt Bester and Andrew Fothergill unassisted. Helpers went to Matt Moffat, Andrew Fothergili (2), Adam Wood, and Cam Delorme. With the end of the regular season, tbe novices are aIl set for playoff action and wilI meet up with Minden in round one commencing on Thursday, February 5th in Minden. Tbe return match will be in Orono on Friday, February 6tb. Orono's defensive unit con- sisting of Sarab Donnelly, Brandon Ernst, Ryan Knox, Darcy Mitchell, Matt Moffat and Daniel Reilly will be up to the task in front of Orono's stel- lar netminder Shane Winters in round one of O.M.H.A playofl's this week! winning streak as season heats up Afier a slow start, the Orono Peewee House League team is finally showing their stuff. Pulling together as a team they travelled to Duoro Township arena to take the "B" champi- onsbip on Saturday, January 3l1st. Altbough they lost the first game Saturday morning, fine control defensively put these guys on the win side in their second game. Witb Beacock on the sick list, Josh Shephard took the offensive position and came in to score in the second period to put the team on the board. Pisani took the assist and three minutes later scored the winning goal with an assist from defenseman Kyle MacDonald. This goal assured a spot in tbe "B" division. The third period was a defensive gem with solid work by goalie Darrell Kennedy. It was a long wait until the 6 p.m. game, but these fellows were ready. Pisani and Williams started off the scoring in the first period and Kevin Pritchard put them in a win position at 6:58 in the second. Wbile Barrie came back to slip one past our tougb defence, Pisani put everyone at rest with their third goal. StilI playing tough in the defensive end, these boys were nervous. Lofgren put anotber in the net assisted by Lake in the third and Pisani earned bis hat-rick. Excellent offence and defence blew the Barrie teamn out of the water with a score of 5- 1. The team resumed league play on Sunday February 1 st. StilI pumped from their trophy winning tournament, the boys added muscle to their game. Shephard and Martin played their most physical game this year, and it sbowed in the score. Jef Dickinson and Mike Knapp were always on top of the puck. Andy Robinson scored bis first career goal. This boy had dug, in alI season and it bas paid off for the team. He was assisted by Pisani who took the second goal of the game unassisted. Pisani was injured in the third period and when play resumed, Lofgren scored the third goal of the night. Once again fine defensîve work from the grocers kept Bowmanville froni getting on the score board. We look to ail members of the team, even when they don't score, to win a game and in hockey play this past weekend, the entire team played hard and welI. With efforts like this we will see a lot more wins! FAMILY AUTO BANTAM LEAFS (Best 2 out of 3 game se ries) February lst - Minden at Orono - 6:00 p.m. February 6th - Orono at Minden - 8:00 p.m. February 8th - Minden at Orono - 6:00 p.m. ACCESSIBLE DESIGN ATOMS (B est 2 out of 3 game series) February 3rd - Orono at Minden - 7:00 p.m. February 6th - Minden at Orono - 8:00 p.m. February 8th - Orono at Minden - 2:30 p.m. RUSS MAJOR PLUMBING NOVICES (Best 3 out of 5 game series) February Sth - Orono at Minden - 7:00 p.m. February 6t1i - Minden at Orono - 7:00 p.m. February 1lOth - Orono at Minden - 7:00 p.m. February l3th - Minden at Orono - 7:00 p.m. February lSth - Orono at Minden - 5:30 p.m. Naýý