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Orono Weekly Times, 4 Feb 1998, p. 6

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~J~Yôf~noW~ek1yT1rnes. Wednesd~y. Febmaly 4, 1998 Jlu, 1 Joanne Goodwîn (left) and Nancy Chisshng will be performing a: Kendal United Church Ladies Valentzne'sY Dessert Tea Tuesday. Kendal United Chu rch Ladies Valentine's Dessert & Tea Joanne Goodwin will be the feature speaker at the 'Ladies Valentine's Dessert and Tea' hosted by Kendal United Church ladies on Tuesday, February lOth, 1997. Nancy Chisling, Mezzo Soprano, will be making her pre- miere local performance at that saine event. Corne and hear a dynamic motivational speaker and stir- ring music by inspired Christian leaders in their respective fields. Program begins at 7:30 p.m. AIl women are invited. Tickets are $5 each and are available from 'The Bridai Path' in Bowmanville or by calling Pat Atkins at 983-9261 or by calling the church office at 786-2950. Staying In Touch John O'Toole Durham East MPP Volunteers contribute s0 mucb to our communities. Individuals from ail age groups and backgrounds bring their glfts of time, talent and commltment to many set- tlngs. Volunteers are found on hospital boards, library and comnxltmrent to mnany set- tings. Voluniteers are found on hospital boards, library boards, in school classrooms, youth groups, sports teams, nursing homes, churches, viiîgshut-ins and in almost every setting xhere they feel they can make a dif- ference. Last xeek, I1xvas pleased to be invited to sever- ai activities, for instance, the Strathmianor Retirement Villa monthly birthday party. Carol Hooper provided a xonderfuil sing along for the residents. 1 xvas advised that many indi- viduals visit and assist xith ail sorts of activities. You could feel the joy and see the smlles as everyone xvas singlng the memory tunes. In Port Perry, Marion Lee along with Cbariie Harper, President of the Port Perry Snoxvmobile Club raised over $8,000.00 for Easter Seals. Recently, I received informa- tion about the Community Volunteer Income Tax Program. Individuals can receive tax training informa- tion by calling my con- stituency office at 697-1501_ or 1-800-661-2433 or you can call dlrectly (416) 954- 8446. 1 knoxv somne of ouir libraries and other organiza- tions provide this free income tax service for seniors and others xvho may need assis- tance. Recognition is an integral part of volunteerism. Volunteers do not expect to receive pay but they do need to knoxv that their efforts are valued. The Province of Ontario has developed a number of volunteer recogni- tion programs. The Ontario Medal for Young Volunteers; the outstancling Achievemnent Axard for Volunteerism in Ontario; and the, Ontario Volunteer Service Axards. Please call or visit my office to obtain a nomination form. National Volunteer Week xiii be ceiebrated in APril. I knoxv many individuais xvho xill- ingly give s0 much to meals on xheels and a variety of other valued community ser- vices. I urge every organiza- tion to bring forward individ- uals names for nominations. The recognition programs are one way the Province of Ontario can say, -thank you-" to our volunteers. Tuto eS for university and oîlgebave been an isse n te ews recently. In Ontato.theaverage univer- sity Arts & science tuition féee is $3,228.00 and for college it is $1,403400, this repre- sents a 1.00/ increase. Colleges & universities are required to feserve 300,/ f their increase for local stu- dent aid. The province has set aside $250 million in the Ontario Stud@nt OpportunitY Trust Fund. lfivate contribu- tions xiii be matched dollar for dollar. Tultion fées repre- sent approximately 34%3/bof university opçratiflg revenue and about e 2% of coilege operating revenue. It is reported thiat taxpayers already subsidize an average university stùdent by approx- imately $7,856-00 per year and $6,583.00 for college stu- dents. The Ontario grants to colleges and universities is $2.75 billion diollars. We have announced three years of funding at $2_.79 billion for 1998-99 and $2.84 billion for 1999-2000. Are tuition fees increasing? Yes, I can tfll you that my wife and I haVe three chlldren attending ufliversity. In the 195o's, tuitîon fees repre- sented 35% of the cost just as today. mhe Smith Report on Post Secoildary Education was issued iii 1996. We are împlementif1g many of bis recommendations. Ontario has some of the flnest univer- sities in the world. Our gov- erriment is trying to convince the Federal government to change their income tax rules to institute an income contin- gent student loan program. Furthermore, I have suggest- ed that the Federal govern- ment change the deductible limits for students attending post secondary institutions. I admire and support Gary Polonsky, President of Durham College for bis vision for the Durham College and University Centre. Students need opportunities and post secondary education is a sound investmnent. I have written to the Minister of Health, the Hon. Elizabeth Witmer to support the growth funding of our Durham hospitals. 1 am aware of long walting times for patients and families. I recognize the battie for healtb care dollars is serious. I am aware that our government is spending $ 18.4 billion dollars in healtb care. $1 billion more than when we were elected. Are you aware of the $2 bil- lion cut in transfer payment from our Federal govern- ment? I am upset by the ter- ritorial battles between the larger health care centers around the province and the lack of services for patients right bere in Durham. I rec- ognize that Durham is a large diverse area with rapid growth and mixed rural and urbani needs. We have growth in our aging population and our young famlies. Yes, we have need for more dollars for education, more dollars for municipal services and more Padgett scholarship provides relief for local The current economy bas created numerous concernis for local businesses, espe- cially independent entrepreneurs. Arnong these concerrus is the challenge of providing adequate fundlng for their children's education. Sensitive to this situation, Padgett Business Services is offerlng a $500 scholarship to the son or daughter of a local independent business oxvner. Eligibillty require- ments and an application may be obtained by callîng John Shankaran of the local Padgett office at 905-623- 1168. "Maîntaining a quality, profitable operation has pre- sented the small business oxvner with challenges that are not alxvays faced by larg- er corporations," noted Shankarna. "Further, the resources of big business often are not available to the need health care first and this is my major priority. At our special caucus meeting iast xveek, 1 made a passionate plea for attention to Durham's health care needs. I xvas somexvbat encouraged xvben the minister acknoxledged that community level services must be in place before hos- pitais are restructured. Minister Witmer also recog- nized that over $30 million dollars xiii be set aside for the expansion of emergency and critical care at Oshawva General Hospital. Nurses and other health care xvorkers are doing their best: our govern- ment must ensure that patients services are there for those, in need. enterpreneurs operators of smaller organi- zations." Padgett Scholarship appli- cants must be graduating high scbool seniors who plan to attend a post-secondary accredited institution. In addition, the legal guardian of the student must be an active owner of at least 10 percent of the stock or capital in a local business that employs fewer than 20 people. The deadline for applying is March 1, 1998. The award xiii be based on applicant test scores, high scbool grade point averages, and educa- tional and career plans. The winner will be announced in May. The local award is part of an international program in which Padgett Business Services xiii offer more than $75,000 in scholarshlps tbroughout North America. Since 1990, -the Padgett Business Services Scholarship Program bas awarded over $300,000 to dependents of small business owners. Ail local winners xiii become eligible for a grand prize scholarshlp of $4,000. A financili reporting and tax consulting service for smali business owners, Padgett has been In operation since 1966. Sbankaran's local operation is part of a netxvork of more than 425 Padgett offices tbroughout North American. "Padgett Business Services is the recognized provider of financial reporting and tax consulting for small business oxvners," added Shankaran. 'This scholarship program is just one example of our ded- ication to serving the needs of our clients." Create your own Sweet Heart Gift Basket... for as littie or as much as you want. Choose gift items such as: Fragrances Chocolates Skin Care & Bath Products Cosmetics e Braun Appliances 'Carleton' Valentine's Day Cards or any other item you wish to include! AM a ýý

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