Orono Wcekly ~flme~, Wednesday, Febxuaxy 4,1998-7 145th Annual Meeting of Agrîcultural Society COUNCIL NOTES The 145th annual meeting of the Durham Central Agricultural. Society was held on Saturday afternoon at the Orono Community Centre. The board thanked Ron Locke for past years of service as fair manager. He was made an honourary member of the the Board of Directors, and was presented with a plaque of appreciation. Pictured above is Ron Staples presenting the plaque. Locke said he has enjoyed the last ten years, and would be around to help any- one he can. Gord Robinson has been hired to manage the fair, and Darlene Brown of Blackstock has been hired to promote the fair. The budget for 1997 showed a loss of $10,194.00. This loss was due to some cap- ital improvements made to the horse stalîs, the writing off of a bad debt from the Rodeo, and the cancelling of the teen dance at the fair due to ramn. The Society is looking at doubling sponsorship for the 1998 fair, and will work harder at fundraising. Ray Bester, president of the Orono Amateur Athletic Association, asked the Society's permission to go ahead with a $210,00. expan- sion to the arena. The expa n- sioni would be to the west of the building and would include a meeting room, 2 dressing rooms and an enlarged equip- ment room. Since the land is owned by the Fair Board, Bester was seeking their approval for the expansion before he went ahead with fundraising efforts. The motion was passed to grant permission, provided a letter of agreement could be drawnt up outlining the Fair Board'§ permitted use of the facilities. A motion waS passed flot to hold the horse-racing on Sunday's at the Fair for one year to judge the impact. This event has been declining in interest over the years. It was suggested that a tractor pull might replace the horse rac 'ing. A theme hias not yet 1been chosen for the 1998 Fair. It was mentioned in the entertainment report that the band Blue Rodeo will be asked to perform a concert at the fair. The meeting was adjourned in record time. These notes pertain to the General Purpose and Administration meeting held at municipal offices on Monday, February 2. 0 A public meeting was held to hear a proposaI from the Oshawa Clinic Group, to rezone a parcel of land on Hwy. 2 in Courtice. The group is applying for an appropriate zone to permit a mixed use development consisting of retail commercial floor space, medical office space and 110 seniors apartment units. 9 The proposed Lishman development was referred back to staff for further study. . Councillor Young put forth a motion that would study the possibility of implementing a curfew within the Municipality. Councillor Young's motion was seconded by Councillor Mutton and reads: That the clerk's department contact the Durham Regional Police Department for their input regarding the possibility of passing a by-law imposing a curfew in the Municipality of Clarington. That pending, the Durham Regional Police's approval of such a by-law, the Committee to Assist Youth and aIl three B.I.A.'s be contacted as well as other municipalities that have put into force curfews in the past, for their iniput into such by-laws and that a report be forwarded to the General Purpose and Administration committee. The motion was approved. Young explained the motion is a result of conversations he had with a resident in his ward -3. The resident had com- plained to police about youths hanging around her neighbour- hood. The police explained that since the municipality's by-laws only covered loitering, they had no power to act on this matter. The January 28 meeting of the Newcastle Lions Club was chaired by lst Vice President Mike Swaga. Lion Mîke wel- comed thirty Newcastle Lions along with tliree Lions from the Havelock Lions Club and Gord Jilks a guest of Lion Warren Tait. ZO Lion Terry spoke on conventions, what to expect, who should go, who gets to vote and how many votes are we allowed. The fun and fel- lowship is great and Lion Terry encouraged ail Lions to attend at the local, MDA or International level. He lias the registration forms and would be happy to help anyone interested MIl tlem out. This week Lion Hans Verkuisen was tlieWho's Who target. Hans was born in Holland and came to Canada in 1956. He lives east of Newcastle where lie operates a small prlnting business witli bis wife Jean. Hans and Jean have 6 chiîdren and 12 grandchlldren and tliey enjoy living in Newcastle very mucli. Tlie guest speaker, Rev. David Chisling was intro- duced by Lion Francis dose. Rev. Chisling lias recently been appointed Pastor of the Newcastle United Cliurcli and comes witli a long line of cred- its including teaching public scliool for 14 years, part of that lime in Rankin Iniet, B.A. & B.E. from 'Acadian University, Master of Dlvinity from Atlantic Scliool of Tlieology. Rev. David also spent four years working as a Cruise Director on a cruise slip. Rev. Clsling, in a relaxed, easy golng style spoke about life, lis life, lis family's life and tlie lîves of people tliat have touclied bis life. It would be tempting to tell ail of lis stories liere, but I must sum- marize witli some of Rev. Dave's favourite comments. Do your best, enjoy life, grab your opportunity and run wtl it, know when to fold and sometimes you have got to get angry. Reverend Chising was tlanked by Lion Peter Dedong and presented with a token of appreciation. Thank you notes were read from Grace Gibson, Marion Gilks and Daphony St. Arnond for Christmas gifts and from Lion Pat Blaker for birthday greetings. Thank you was also received from The York Lions Steel Band for a donation. Lion Terry reported for the Nomination Committee, most offices have been noinated, and the report will be pub- lished in the newsletter witli a furtlier report at the next meeting. Nominations from the floor will take place at the first meeting in February. Lion Jim Brown presented a Lions Banner to the Club' that had been presented to hlm on a recent trip by the Lions Club of Whitford Australia. Sharing a Heaithier F t -p..e ** c7 Brigitte Brown Gift Certificates PMFI ERHARTS available. Pedicures Valentine's Day Manicures Special Waxing W10% OFF Nail Extensions NEW- Ear Candling ESTHETIC STUDIO Eyelasli Tinting 171 Mill St, Orono, Ontario LOB IMO - 905-983-8169 lillil Il li lIl ; iilu itli JIIIIIIIII iuLlj il 111, 9 1 j Ill ILIIIIII Il ý