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Orono Weekly Times, 4 Feb 1998, p. 8

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()- Oroo WeeklyTimnes. Wednesday. February 4, '198 ýmm Big Brothers gear up for Bowl for Millions Clarington Council has fly at Town Hall until the cam- Brothers, Mayor Hamre, Jili declared February 15-22 as Big paign is over. KInns. Sçcond row: Brothers Week. The Big Pictured are, front row: Tim Councillors Yrim, Schell and Brothers Bowl for Millions Powers-Bowl for Millions Novak. Back r0w: Councillors Campaign will take place dur- Chair, Nancy Scott- Executive Rowe, Young #tnd Mutton. ing this week and the lag will Director, Clarington Big by Pat Irwn Lycett R.N., Registered Nutritional Consultant, Certified Irldaloglst 905-983-9475 FIGHT OR FLIGHT.! What happens ta aur bod- les wheri we're faced. with danger? We're ail familiar with the fast-beating heart, the dry mouth, and the sweaty underaris, but wiat is actually taking place inside? What is causing Ois blological reactiari wilch, wien passed, leaves weak- ness in its stead? The 'figit or fliglit' response was designed ta assist Oie body's resources in mobllizirig for immediate physIcal activity. It is part of nature's way of assisting us when there is a threat rieed- ing aur immediate attention. I the distant past, mast stress in a person's environ-' ment came from physical causes, when there was a great need ta defend, against an ivading viclous animal, for instance. And Oiecholces were pretty: clear; Yau stayed to figit far your life, or you made a fast-track outa Oiere! In bath cases tie body's preparation consisted of an' alarm triggered by reactioris in the brain, causlng the adrenal glands ta secrete stress-related hormones. These cause the heart ta speed up in order ta provide the extra blood necessary for the emergency. The blood supplying needed oxygen and glucose taOie muscles and FIG HT OR FLIGHT! brairi is lncreased, as it is siurited at the same time away from the sktn. Respiration increases for Oie same reas an, ta send more oxygen taOie parts polsed for speclal activlty. Sweat increases ta lower Oie body temperature and ta get rld of toxic compounds (composed largely of aur natural body waste) whlci could slow us down. The liver dumps stored glucose into Oie blood strearu wich gives us lots of energy. a 'sugar-higi' so ta speak. Since digestive activlty is not needed at tuis time, THE DIGESTIVE JUICES ALL BUT SHUT DOWN. It's b een many, miany years since wo(m-an)'s 'figit or ligit' response has been limited ta a clear and present physical danger. Nowadays, stress is more frequently Oiought af in relation taOie ever-increas- irig demands of aur fast- paced society. Often these demarids accumulate and build up ta a point where it is almost impassible ta cape. Job pressures (or Oie pres- sure of not havlig ajab). fam- iiy arguments, flnancial pres- sures, deadlines - these are common examples of stres- s ors. Actuaily, a stressar may be almost anything which creates a disturbance. Heat, coid, envirorimerital toxiris, physical trauma and STRONG EMOTIONAL REAC- TIONS are some of Oie possi- ble Oreats ta aur well-being. resulting in Oie body's weli- planned response. These basic contrai mechanisms (well-planried responses) are in place ta counteract every- day stresses; however, if stress is extreme or iorig-last- ing, these contrai media- nlsms cari cause harm. Instead of being intermittent- ly relleved of Oie need ta act (whlch would have beeri the case when we were a hunter/gatherer society) WE HAVE, DEVELOPED THE HABIT 0F EVER-READI- NESS! WE ARE ALWAYS ON THE ALERT! THE STRESS NEVER QUITS! Arid, of course aur abillty ta digest nutrients may be severely impaired. Sa - about those adrenal glands: small, frort-arid-cen- tre, 'flrst lme of defense' tis- sues sitting on top af Oiekidd- neys. They have a habit of becoming exhausted owirig ta the repeated and constant demands made upan them. An individual with adrenal 'exhaustiari' may feel stressed out', tired, or be prane ta allergies. This per- son may be sufferirig from Oie commanly called 'burnout', which simply means that the adrenals are too tired ta wark, and need a rest from Oie job af produclng ail thase hor- mones. Other glands are affected as weil, but the adrenals seem ta take the brunt of it. "Organ Cushion" is a term whlch is used by nutrition- ists ta indicate the state of 100% argan heath experi- enced by most of us at birth. We lose some of this 'cush- ion' and its resulting health- fui function through age and/ or l]riess. When we over- work ourselves, physically and emotionaily, some of Oiat comfort zone slips away. Ignoring Oie body's need for heip is ratfier like cutting the wires ta the ouin idîcator light instead of biylig new ail. ffie adrenais are Oie first ta ]ose Oiis cushion, almost ail body systems are intiuenced by the -action of the adrenai hor- mones, and these hormones are ail made from cholesterol. Not onlly do people become physically unweil, but Gary Nuli, PhD, ti 'Nutrition and the Mnd' states, "Mental functloning is also impaired in people who are iow in Oie adrenal hormones.,.. .They have difficuity getting into mental gear, making deci- sioris, seeing options, and flghting off the chemical assaults found in their envi- roriment." A point of interest: i prim- itive societies, both Irinuit and American Plains Indian, the victor was given the adrenal glands after Oie kill. This was Oie most prized part of Oie animal, because it was known ta cantain the most valuable nutrients. In addi- tion to Vitamin C, Vitamin B12, pantothenic acid and potassium, a favourite reme- dy for those undergoing stress is adrenal extract, freeze-dried from the actual animal gland. Udo Erasmus, in "fats that heal fats that kidl" remninds us Oiat 'refined SUGAR robs aur body of minerais, causes dia- betes and hypoglycaemia, and burris out aur adrenal glands.' Meditation and laughter aid us i avercoming stressful situations as do muscle relax- ation exercises and remem- 53 Dvsion Street Bowmanville, Ontario Li C 2Z bering that no one cari be perfect. It's often, hard ta recali these important mea- sures when one's body is screaming for good basic nutrition. For this and ail other health concerris please be sure ta see your heaiOi care practitioner. References are available upon request. Allergies? Weight man- agement? Where best ta find nutrients? If you'd enjoy discussion on these and other subjects, please caUl Pat at 983-9475. CORRECTION Correction: Last week we reported that John Shetler was working with Ursula Fletcher on the Pub Night committee. John Shetler denied any involvemnent in such a commit- tee. Sorry. It is Dave Shetler who is working with Ursula Fletcher on the March i 4th Pub Night at the Town Hall. 623-5668 OFF STREET PARKING IN FORMATION WORKSHOP CANARASKL\ FOREST The Ganaraska Regon Conservation Authority invtes you fo parlicipate in a workshop f0 discuss issues fa be addressed in the Ganaraska Forest, Forest Management Plan. This plan ls a requirement for the Conservation Authority ta apply for the Managed Forest Tax Incenfive Program (MF11P). This program will reduce the AuthoritVs property, fax by 75%. THÉ WORKSHOP IS SCHEDULED FOR: Date: Saturday, February 7, 1998 Place: Hope Township, Communily Hall 5325 County Road # 10 (5 km North of Welcome] ime: 1:30 p.m. fa 4:30 p.m. The GRCA has appoinited a Local Citizens Advisory CommIttee ta assist the consultants with the planning process, Staff from the Ganaraska Reglan Conservation Authoriiy, mem- bers of the Cifizens Advisory Committee and the consulting team will be available ta lead the discussion. lnterested parlici- pants are asked ta register for the workshop by calling the Conservation Authoriiy at (905) 885-81 73. FOR MORE INFORMATION: Linda J. Laliberte, CGA General Manager/Secretary-Trsasurer Gonaraska Region Conservahion Autharily P.O. Box 328 Port Hope ON LIA 3W4 Tel: (90b) 885-81 73 INTERACTIVE HEALTH IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE ,ýj E Funeral Home THOUGHTFULNESS, SERVIC E& CONCERN A Famly Owned BusinessOffering: Traditional Funeral Services Prearranged & Prepaid Services - Cremation Arrangements Alternatives to Traditional Funerals - Out of Town Sbipping Cory Kulpers - President lu

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