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Orono Weekly Times, 11 Feb 1998, p. 10

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FF To Michelle, You have always been my Valentine and always will be... for Cupid's arrow has shot us both. Joe Dear Susan, Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, I love you true, butlInever said Id go see the "Titanic" with you. B.O.B. Bob Hey!. ft's Valentine's Day Cards aren?' the only wvay To say "I like your way" Adrian, age 11 Happy Valentine's Day to my 'Sweets' ... The one who makes me laugh and smile. The one who keeps me happy and loves me. I love you and always w iii. Happy Valentine 's Day From your Teddy Bear Dear Sbelly, Roses are red Violets are blue I really enjoy Myfriendship with you Mighty Mouse, age 9 Happy Valentine's Debbie Love always, Rick TO B.B. Happy Valentine's Day Hon! 1 love you! 1 wrote this bad, sappy poemi just for you. Here goes: (It's got the classic beginniing.) Roses are red, violets are blue... 20 plus years later and here we are stili together, still having fun. My life is complete and I couldn't imagine it withoutyou. Life is preclous don't you agree... ..and every day I thank God for giving you back to me, Happy Valentine's Day My dearest love. R.B.B. This year's Valentine's Day 'Words of Wisdom' "Love the ones you love." Luke, age 18 *. : .6-* w *** **. **. Dear Bob, I don't tell you enough how much I love you. You always put up with my stuif being ail over the house. About the "Titanic ", we'l watch it together on video. With ail my love, Susan 4:.44 e*: Dear John, Ifl don't tell you nowt how much I love you. .. Marg said she would. Yours always & forever, Bonnie .*. *. 6 To: Lava, Il started with.friend,çhip And that was ail it was sup- posed to be... But after awhile, It was much more than a smile. I can feel my heart beating Shouting for your name, 1 couldnt stop shaking And being aroundyou is flot the same. I tried to hide my emotions Tried hard flot to let it show But even so I want you to know... Just how much I love you 50 Forever is a long lime, Do you think I can wait for so long? If I can choose between now andforever, IVd rather love you now I couldnt wait for another second to be so far away from you Just the thought of being withoutyou, Is breaking my heart in two. Forever is a long time. But what if forever neyer comes? There will only be aforever If Istart loving you now. Love Astro Man Dear Ilarry,. . .fire 's still b urning ini my heurt. Annette Agnes, My books tell me tht sometimes I'm ini the black but sometimes, like hearts. I'm in the red. The only con- stant I gel is my love for you. Bert The Internet made easy How to choose an Internet Service Provider FAv-nRTý A heritage to celebrate (NC)-Cana ýdKian hleritage iÎs like daILhugýe Vie. OUr roots rahdeep, rfetn the wýealth of hefitage of many Peopte, each adding to (lie woleach ivn support andInourIishmen1Ltto Ithe other. The trunk Of' our1-tree 11nt 0n1\y provides shielter buLt, ideally, alsoa'table anid safIe base for iI. Our tree's oufltrecingl- braniches symrbolize opennecss anid story, each otr' s hý leritage. Thiis is flie power ithat iniks togethertheli peopile anid plaes e %cal home. It is fthe essece of uwlat we kniow as Canaida. This iswï, \f\.iin 197-4, thcHeritage Canada Founidation (a chiaritable, nlon-profit, IlembI ershIip-basecd organli-, zrationi dedicated to hielinig Canadianis celebrate their hIeritage') set aside theu third Moniday in Fbur to be knlown as Her itage D ay . Hler-itage gives Lis our sneof belongILing, our sense of identity. Like the roots Of Ithe tree, i's the base from-' wýhich we\ cSprinig. Looked at ini this wýay, heritage becomles a very' personial tlingL. fi's liinked afirtad foremost to ouir fLy1 .to OUr Own Illanidscape, anid ften to ourcoL uniy.A simlple wýay to de'ineitageis to say thiat i',, anythingý receivcd fro [1a1pev Oius geeaIon 1101 tat uwe \\ish to keep) aliveC and haniId down i to our chIildrenI. It's our cu:lture(, our traýditional lore Illd cutoth bildlintha fit surrIOun1d us,. the InaturaI l envionenIt; ItýS a personIal as anî old family htgah asý snlid as, a faimily home, as tanltalizingL as aI recipe or as intangible as your language. Above aIl, heritage is a [lowerftul vehicle for fun and celebration! E-ach Heritage Day, a panticular story is, chosen from millions that existaoutl thec people, places, anid uevents thiat have shiaped our countr..As 19)9 S th I OOth aniniversary of the etbimntOf Ithe Yukoni as a territoryflictheHeitagec Can;ada Foundation blas selected thIis day to hiighilight the culture, people, and tr-aditions or(tie Yukoni. (NC)-If youI're 111,e 1many Canatdiansl, you'v e heard a lot about flhe Internet, buIt still arCe't sure ho1W to get onlline. My namne is Jane Minett, and 1 arn the exeCu[tive prodcLer Offlthe Symjpatico Web site, and a buIsy moth1er of. f our. 11n this series of articles, I hope to share m'y experienée and pr-ovide you with practical adv ice on using the Internet in youIr day to day life. CLurrenIt estima]tes tel uS thait abouit six million Canadians uise the internet regularly to access the World Wide Web (the place where you val find ail those informative and interactive Web sites you've heard about). On the Web, you, can quickly find addresses for long--lost frienIds; shrop for books, toys and CD's; research yournext holiday; anrdjoin onfine discussion grouIps to exchange recipes, get gardening advice, or flnd support for deal ingÏ with illnress and traumlia. it malçes sense to lean how to use this powýer-ful new mrediumr, and the first step is to get connected. To get connected, you ill need and Internet Service Provider (ISP). The Internet and you Before you begin to shop around for ait SP, there are a few things youi should consider, namely your location, planned usage and level of expertise. If you are in a rural community or a remrote area, miake surle thalt the JSP y'ou choose is a loc,1 al l: I: you1don't wnt to add long- distance charges to youIr 1m1nt11y1bv'l. For example, the Sympatico Internet service is provided by your local telephone company, and is available as choosinig ail ISP are cost, reliability, stability, beniefits of nmembership, ease Of usýe, cusýtoller suIjpport, and com- munility. Agaýin, Ibase yOUr decis ion on a reafistic ass;essment of your needs becausýe ISPs are like nthn else; you get what you pay for. Ready, Set Go Onice youI have assessed whIat you need anid what's available, youl wilI be wýell position)Ied tO iake your choice. In othier ar-ticles I will help youi to get thle mo71t out of youI rlternfet connlection with inforilation abouit everythingý, from e -mlail anid search eng)ns t discussion groups, games, research anid shioppinlg olinie. BonVoge NEWCASTLE FTJNERAL MHOMER 'FuneralrDirector -~ Carf Good' Personaà, professional, affordable service, with 25 years expen ence meeting families' needs, including cremation and memorial options. Prepayment terms of up to ten years. 386 Mill Street South, Newcastle (ust nortllof 401 - Parijng ef ýpbert Streetr) (905) 987-3964 Sw-Yeet Heart GzftBaket.., for as littie or as much as you want. Choose gift itemis such as: Fragrances l?~Cholates Skin Care & Bath Products Cosmetics -D Braun Appliances 'Carleton' Valentine's Day Cards or any other item you wvish to include! a local cal Ito thousanlds of comnluunitilesý in every province and territory of the country. Other services concuentrate thecir Poinits of Presence (POPs) mainly in urban areas. Take somre time to tink about howjov you mlight use your Intemnet connection. Are you planning to uise it prim-arily to send e-mail? Wil you or- your chîld'ren, use it to research homnewvork assiginmertts or papers? Is it mnainily for business purIposes thlat you are getting connected? Approximrately how muILch time, p-er mnonth, will you be spending online? ISPs offer a wide variety fsrvcs and by tiniking, about wht o wllb uisinig yottr connection for, you wvill be more likely to choosewiey There is one thing ail 1I§ps have in commllon: they ail provide you with a connlection to the Internet. With1 sorte, that«,s ai you get. Thiey are like a rp' onito the "Information hgh a lj an onethere, yýou are 0on your ownl. For people wvithl a fairly hIighl le\veI oflInternet expertise that mlay be aIl they neied. Hover, if youire ayhiglike fme, youA appreciate sigos and( a road mj1ap! For examnple, the Symlpatico Web site <\www.symupa!> bias becen designied as a guide to the W",VW, .andj inCIludes lots, Of MWeb site eiesandL links organlized by subjeet mtter*. Front the home pa-ige you \\il[ finid Sections devoted to health, ravlkids automnobiles, anduie[]more. s a great way to get starteüd on y Our- jo1uey. What to consider The "main, factors Lto consider in St. John Ambulance St. John Ambulance teaches first aid, CPR aind hiealth- promotion wihan emiphasis on saifety and inIjurIy peeto.For- moire information, contact your local St. John iAm;ibuilance branich. NC . ..........

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