t t., l~ OrenoWeeklytimes. Wednesday, i~'ebrûa~y Il, l0~8 [)ARLIAMENT, HILL NOTEBOOK by Art Babych"m e The butier didn't do it ... Wfred for sound.. It's not llkely to become a Even ajaw wired shut isn't best-seller b;ut it looks enough to silence NDP MP impressive and you helped Svend Robinson. Serlously pay for it. The 300-page injured when be feIl down a paperback witb the snappy steep embankment over the title, Supportlng Democracy, Christmas holldays, the has been released by the fed- member for Burnaby-Douglas eral commission reviewlng can be seen navlgating his MP's salaries. It's a com- wbeelcbair through the corri- pendium of seven research dors of the Centre Block and papers and may be mar- speaking through clenched ketable as an aid for the sleep teeth. With ail due respect for deprived. To save readers the agony the bonourable many bours of boredom we memnber bas been forced to can tell you that the book is a endure, Robinson reminds us backgrounder for the com- of actor Peter Sellers in the mnission's recommendation to role of Dr. Strangelove. Mea bike MP's salaries above the Culpa. In bis maiden speech current Parliamentary pover- to the new slttlng of the ty line of $64,400 plus tax- House, Robinson Joked that free allowance of $21.300, to an all-party delegation asked a taxable $106.000. But red- bis doctor to wireblsjawper- faced Liberals in the Red manently shut. It was a joke, Chamber are hopplng mad wasn't it? because the proposais mean that for the flrst tîme since HistDry in the remaking Confederation the Upper Rewriting historýy for polit- Cbambfferists would be paid ically correct reasons is fast less than those in "the other becoming a national pastime place." Senator's salaries in Ottawa. Hanged Metis would rise from $64.400 plus leader Louis Riel Is being $10.000 for expenses. to a transformed from a trea- lump suma of just under sonous murderer to a salntly $84.000. That's a wbopping bero and Father of $22.000 less than the total Confederation; Alberta's recommended for MPs and Famous Five -- honoured for barely énougb to pay for a vaulted achievements that condo on the Baja Peninsula. would sbock the honourees - But Senator Colin Kenny says - will bave their own monu- screw that" to those wbo ment on Parliament 11i11, suggest senators be judged administrators at the by the standards of truant National War Museum are king, Senator Andrew accused of being "bistorical Thompson. Senators work as revisionists" and Diefenbaker bard as MPs and sbould be crony Pierre Sevigny, involved getting the same basic pay, in the Gerda Munsinger sex sald Kenny. Still, the pro- scandai, dlaims aller 40 years posed $84,000 salary doesn't that it wasn't "Dief' wbo got sound too sbabby for a job rld of the Avro Arrow after al witb the only requirement but the airplane's manufac- tbat workers to show up once turer. Wbat's next? The baffle in a while.- of the Plains of Abraham ended in a draw? 2Z,000 workers entitled to millions of dollars Labour, political and legal representatives wlllj ota work- ers affected by a Supreme Court 0f Canada ruling on terinination and severance pay at a news conference: il a.mn., Thursday, February 5, Media Studio at Queen's Park in Toronto. The Januaiy 22 ruling says emnployees of a bankrupt company are enttled to ter- mination and severance pay. That's contrary to the posi- tion taken by the Ontario gov- ernment wblcb abandoned the appeal by the workers wbo were employed by Rlzzo Sboes wben the cornpany went bankrupt ta 1989. The Canadian Labour Congress then belped former Rizzo employees go tbrougb wltb the appeal. "Unfortunately, wben the Ministry abandoned the appeal, the money owed to the Rizzo emiployees was paid out to other creditors," says Ontario Federation of Labour President Wayne Sameuilsoni. "We belleve the Mlnistiy bias a legal and moral obligatoi to pay that money to tlie work- ers. "Our legal advlce is that this ruling also entitles some 2,000 employees of otber now-bankrupt companies to millions of dollars in termni- nation and severance pay," Samuelson wlll be joined at the news conference by Canadiani Labour Congress representatives Barry Fraser, New Democratic Party labour CAA CEN-TRAL ONTARIO Tips on driving in Florida Headlng to: Florida this Spring Break? If your plans include driving in or to the Sunshmne State, here is some useful information from CAA Central Ontari o: e Under Florida law, al front-seat passengers must wear seat beits. Cbildren under six must be secured in a safety seat that is appropri- ate for their age and weight. Most car rentai companies will jrov.ide a safety scat f required. e The speed limit- is gener- ally 65 miles per hour (104.5 km/b) on Interstate Highways, and 20 to 55 miles per hour (32 to 88.5 km/b) on two-lane state roads, city streets and 'other congested areas. Speed limnits and dis- tances are posted only in miles. le Florida has adopted, tough policies against drink- ing and drlving. If you're arrested for dirlvlng under the influence. you mnay have your licence confiscated and sus- pended immedlately by the arresting officer. First-time offenders may lose their licence for six montbs, pay fines of up to $500 and face possible imprisonment for six critic D~aCisohro crdritcDave histphrs On anLabo urte ly arterfthee costs of %izzo employees since the Ministry made -no effort to notlfy them or seek their consent before it dropped their appeal. The current government abolished the Employee Wage Protection Program which was set up in 1991 to pay employees up to $5.000 for, among other dlaimrs, termina- tion and severance pay after employers went bankrupt. montbs. Remember that the legal drinking age in Florida Is 21 and strlctly enforced. -Toîl bootbs are common in Florida. Unmanned tol bootbs require exact change. 80 be prepared. If you drive the Florida Turnpike from Orlando to Miamni, expect to pay several dollars in tolîs. Canadian currency is gener- ally not accepted for the pur- chase of any goods or ser- vices. ,Beware of dangerous road conditions during and after rainstorms. The bot black asphaît can become slippery as ice wben wet, s0 drive slowly and avoid sud- den stops or turns. ,P Gasoline is cheaper if you pump it yourself - full service stations commonly charge tbree to six cents more per gallon. - In case of emergency, dial 911 to reacb police, fire and medical assistance. CAA Central Ontario is a flot-for-porofit auto club offer- Ing insdrance, travel and emnergency road 'services. There are 1.7 million CAA members in Ontario, and 3.8 million members in Canada. Ecumenical worship raises $320 (continued from page 1) Anyone wishlng to con- tribute to the Ice Fuel Fund mnay do so by maklng a clear- ly marked donation to any United Cburch ln Clarlngton which will forward it to the Oshawa Presbytery Treasurer. Rev. David Black, Treasurer Sharinga -o Heaithier FutureT Fire uCalîs The Clarington Fire Department responded to the following calîs during the period of February 3 to February 8, 1998: 1 lire cal:; 3 m-otor vehiàcle accidents: 6 medical assistance calîs; 2 asslst other agency; 1 alarm activation calI and 4 check- out calls. O0""RONO WEEKLY TIMES 1998 Subscription Renewals are now due! SERVING DURHAM REGION SINCE 1841 FUNERAL SERVICES PRE-ARRANGED & PREPAID "Wfoere !Professional2Etiquette iu Important Funeral Directars Paul R. Morris Robert E. 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