M ii F11 ;7~1~ [À HAMIILTONS'INSURANCE SERVICE Specializîng in Farm Insurànce, Representngl Farmers Mutual Insurance Company (LINDSAY) C ompetitive Rates-Excellent Service FARMAUTO HOME BUSINESS You can count on your LOCAL broker when placing coverage! 4cýaýr Fifty years service in Orono. 'i1 1- 90 5- 98 3 -5115 WAKEFIE'JLD ",INSURANCE Specializzî.ng i n: eDisabiity Income * Mortgage Insurance *Life Insurance e GIC Investments * Travel Insurance 983-9895 Women in Abuse Relationiships Foi- Hclp Cal "Tuhe Denise Ilouise" For WVoilien and Children Toîl Frec 1-800263-3725 or 728-7311 Confidcntially Assurcd If you wvant to drink, Thiat's your business. If youi want to Stop,, TasOurs. c'Il AlIcolîolics Anonyrnous Lakeshore Districts (905) 728-1020 Wes's SmaII Engine Repair We do it ail SNOWBLOWERS, LAWNMOWERS, TRIMMERS, CHAIN SAWS, CHAIN SAW SHARPENING YOU AAME IT, WE DO IT 5105 Main St. Orono for SMer,'311ca 905) 983-9772 Recycle k~I ~¶ <[441] U ( " l ~ k'~' L ruI. General Repairs Inside & Out Carpenty - Paiting -Insulating *Any kind of Jobs Reasonable Rates NQTHING 700 SMALL Cali (905) 983-5761 Clifford 28.4, Il ap KATY'S CLOSET Canadian Company has sales & management opportunities available in ladies fashions. Set your own hours - training provided - have fun! For more information cail Suzanne Wilsdon, Diamondl Director at 1-800-578- 7717. 4, 11, 18, 2 5 ac EAST DURHAM HISTORICAL SOCIETY HERITAGE FAIR Antique Show & Sale Sun. February 22 12:00 - 4:00 p.m. Lion's Centre - Port Hope Celebrating Early and Pioneer Business and Industry in Port Hope and area. Dealers dlsplays - Free coffee and tea. Admission $1.0 Info.: (905) 797-2478 email: edhs@nhb.com Il ac A RETIRMENT GET TOGETHER for MRS. BETTY MERCER Past & Present Staff of Armstrong's IGA along with Betty's family are invited to the home of Mrs. J. Armstrong for a Get Together on SAT. FEBRUARY 21 7 -9 p.m. 22 Centre St., Orono Best Wishes Only. 11, 18Sac -~ Furnaoe Cleaning and Repairs -24 Hr. No Heat Servic-e FREE ESTIMATES Over 21 ears Experience Caîl 9835541 LARRY JACKSON PLUMBINO & HEATING .Pump Repaira & Installation uNew Work .Repairs @Fumace Cleanirig aFre Estimates For Fd.endly Exper Srvice cou 9836214 FINANCING IS AVAILABLE «'We're here to serve you" ROBERT E -JACKSON1 HEatin7g -* elctricai Air Conditioning Auiorzed Consumera Oas Deaier Independenit Lennox dealer FurnacesE Air Conditioners & Appliances main Storono 983-6221 85 Station Street Orono, Ontaro LOB 1 MO PARTNER'S PLUMBING 983-9447 ORONO. ONTARIO Goutd Pumps &Water Systems uSeptic Beds Plumbing Installations General Repaira FREUE STIMATES Fomerty Havey Partner Ltd "Work Wanted" D &R CUSTOM FENCINO and Custom Chain Sawing Orono, Ontario 983-9627 BALL'S RADIO & T.V. REPAIR Repairs to most makes Stereos- Colour & B&W T.V.s- VCR's P.O. Box 27 RR. 2, Orono ON (905> 983-5121 Bus: (905) 983-9167 Fax: (Wp5) 9ý3-9467 CHATTERTON ELECTRIC- RESIDENTIAL a COMMERCIAL a INDUSTRIAL POLE LINE CONSTRUCTION Dave Chatterton Orono, Ontario Tel: (905) 983-5546 If no answer (905) 983-5940 M,.ý.e ýADLEY WELÔ: "N L -D. (905)983-6753 General Repairs - Custom Fabrication Reproduction & Wrought Iron Metal Works MOBILE WELDING TRUCK BRUCE BRADLEY ORON WANTED: ODD JOBS fPro SPmÎnling- zGeneral Repaîrs abside and Out %Basement to Roof Cali Clifford Francis 983-5761 "Weilgetyou back on the roadfl" Advertise your automotive repair or towing service here! czÊ- Make this your new ad! Cati Elaine at 983-5301 * Widows & Doors *Custom Cut Glass and Mirrors *Caulking & Wnterizing *Screen Repairs Call HENRY 51ER Licensed Glazner 25 Years Experience (905) 983-5048 4798 Ganaraska Rd. 9, KENDAL, ON LOA iJO C.C. SIDING CONTRACTORS Quai ity Installers of Siding & Doors mWholesale uRetail à.Siding .Soffit uFacia àWindows wmUers 1684 Newtonville Rd. Newtonville, ON CarI Christensen 786-3059 A-1 E4 VE5 TROUGH Manufacturers of 5 " Seamless Eavestrough Wholesale a Retail Quality InstalIàtions 1684 NewtonviUle Rd. Newtonville 786-3059 Darlene a Cari MI'S AUTOMOTIVE AIR CONDITIONINO Service & Repairs to ait makes of Vehcles e- * -%.* We miake service calls for off-road equipment ED CARSCADDEN (905) 983-5422 Courity Rd 9, just east of Kendal Advertising weekly for 10w, low prices... Cail Elaine 983-5301 The Newcastle Village & District Historical Society ANNUAL MEETING will be held in the Historical Room at the Newcastle Communlty Hall on MARCH 2, 1998 at 7:30 p.m. Please bring artifacts for Show & Tell. Refreshments will be served. 4, Il se Kirby United Church Monthly Evening Service SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. GUEST SPEAKER - Joan Skelton, Director Durham Social Development Council TOPIC - Child Poverty In Durhiam SPECIAL MUSIC - Soloist - Nancy 1Chisling Accompanist - Marv-Clare MacKinnon Refreshiments Free Will Offering 11, 18 ap NATIONAL POWERSKATING MARCH BREAK '98 Orono Arena BEGINNER ICE TIME March 13 & 16 9 - 10:30 A.M. March 20 9 -11KAM. INTERMEDIATE/ ADVANCED ICE TIME March 13 & 16 10:30 - 12 noon March 20 il - 1 P.M. Course Fee - $95.00 Pre-register before February 15 - $80.00 TEAM LESSONS ALSO AVAILABLE "HAVE THE EDGE!! with NATIONAL POWERSKATING Cail 905-983-1148 To Register. Jan. 14 - Mar. il ac 10-Day Tour April 23 to May 2nd Many inclusions. Cal Gollger's Travel FURNACE FUEL - GASOUINE- DIESEL TEXACO -ESSO AND PERFORMANCE PLUS MOTOR QILS & GREASES COOPER FUELS LTD. RESIDENTIAL * INDUSTRIAL - AGRICULTURAL 4333 Hwy 2, Newtonville (905) 786-2502 83 King Street West Newcastle, Ontario Ll B 1 L2 Telephone (906) 987-3200 (anMatthews & Associates INSURANCE BROKERS LTD Pauline Mote, AIC., C.I.B Branch Manager ORONO BUILDING & DECORATINO CENTRE Personaiized Project Planning Since 1935 FREE ESTIMATES Doug De Vres 23 West Beach Rd. Bowmanville 697-3308 COMINC ýjEV te, L- MEMMEM 1 - 1 il 1 1 ýl 11, 1 1