OronoWeekyTines, ednesday, February 18R, 1998 9-k Bowl for millions youth challenge The Newcastle Youth Bowling League- participated in the Big Brothers Bowl for Millions youth challenge on Sunday at Liberty Bowl. The team pictured here are, front row: Sarah Donohoe, Jackie Eyre , Caitlîn Cormack, Nathan Piggot, Gavin Ferguson. Second row: Katie Coull, Kim Golder-Pruner, Lauralea Dwyer, David Beaton, Chris Cormack, Bobby Skan, Aaron Beaton, Dorella INTERACTIVE HEALTH IF YOU SUFFER PMS SYMPTOMS, A HORMONE IMBALANCE, CONSIDER FOLLOWING THIS CHAL- LENGE FOR A FEW MONTHS AND NOTICE THE DIFFERENCE Have you ever wondered why it hits you so badly when others seem not to be affect- ed at ail? Even given the knowledge that "my mother had it like this, so it stands to reason that I will too," there are steps to be taken which can minimize the onslaught of pain, bloating, cravings, swelling, anger, cramps and frustration which can accom- pany the monthly menstrual period. Premenstrual syndrome, a .syndrome' referring here to a group of related events, can often come about in the fol- lowing ways: one can use the analogy of a set of steps. . 1. A DEFICIENCY 0F B VITAMINS AND MAGNESIUM - leads to a decreased ability of the liver to break down glycogen (stored sugar) into Glucose. There is now a decreased amount of glucose available to the brain which needs It in large amounts. The brain becomes energy- deficient and the BODY NOW DEVELOPS A SUDDEN CRAVING FOR SWEETS. (The Connection here is that one of the body's main jobs in by Pat Irwln Lycett, RN., Certifîed Iridologist, Reglstered Nutritional Consultant 983-9475 life is to make sure that the brain is supplied with glu- cose,. not white table sugar, but the glucose resulting from the metabolism of com- plex carbohydrates.) We translate that as a need for- sweets. At this point there is generally an increased con- sumption of refined sugar!! (Many, many women experi- ence this phenomenon). INSULIN IS DUMPED INTO THE BLOOD FROM THE PANCREAS TO HANDLE THIS EXTRA SU GAR. This leads very quickly to hypo- glycemida, a sharp drop ln the blood sugar level, leaving the person on edge, wea, weepy, and feeling imprisoned by her body. 12. INSUFFICIENT B VITA- MINS HAMPER THE BODY'S PRODUCTION 0F ESTRO- GEN'. THEREBY LEADING TO A SEVERE HORMONAL IMBALANCE»»-pms. 3. THE CYCLE REPEATS ITSELF leading to carbohy- drate intolerance. The body, quite simply, becomes over- taxed, and unable to handie simple sugars well. (Whether the body was ever intended to handie simple sugar Is a moot point.) The inability to 'handlieý'food groups is often described as an intolerarice to that group, and symptoms of intolerance over a wide range. Cravings»hypolgly- caemia»cravlngs etc. etc. = a roller coaster effect generally Lancaster - Forget.* Back row are parent helpers: Don Beaton, Lea Dwyer, Norman Ferguson. Absent is the leader of the team, Lynn Donohoe. leading, in this particular incidence, to PMS. 4. FOOD AS ANATURAL THERAPY. There are many available herbs, but well con- centrate here on vitarnins and minerals which have been found to minimize the sever- ity of PMS symptoms. Minerais CALCIUM naturally pre- sent in greens, milk (for those with no lactose into-Lerance), sardines, soybeans, raspber- ries, citrus fruit. A CALCI- UM/MAGNESIUM TABLET SHOULD BE TAKEN DAILY (Ratio 2.1), Double the does during the 14 days preceding the menstrual flow. THIS IS VERY IMPOIRANT, IN MINI- MIZING UTERINE CRAMPS. MAGNESIUM found in nuts, soybeans, kale, spinach, seeds, whole grains, ZINC meat, poultry, sheil- fish, eggs. IRON organ meats, egg yolks, wheat germn, whole grains. POTASSIUM dried fruits, unsalted nuts, celery, potato peeling soup. IMPORTANT IN REDUC- ING BLOATING. VITAMINS B 0f all the B Vitamins, a woman's -greatest need may be for B6. However, it is important to rememaber that B6 should be taken only in combination with B complex. Natural foods include liver. wheat germ, brown rice, whole wheat. (Refining flour eliminates B vitamins.) VITAMIN D Tuna, salmon, cod liver oil, sunshine. (one haif hour per day.) A GREAT IDEA: REDUCE INTAKE OF: sali, (swelling), sweets and starches (help overcome cravings by having FARM NEWS 4-H PROVINCIAL delegates. There is no coun- LEADERSHIP CAMP ty/dlstrlct/regional quota. The 4-H Provincial For further details or the Leadership Camp is coming application form contact your up in March with the program local 4-H association or the emphaslzing leadership devel- OMAFRA office at (905) 985- opment and personal growth. 2003 or 1-800-263-8023. The 1998 camp will be held March l4th to 19th at ONTARIO 4-H Ontario Pioneer Camp in Port RELIEF FUND Stanley, with applications Would you like to help 4-H being accepted on a first- familles hit by the ice stormn? come, first-served basis, AIL The Ontario 4-H Counicil bas senior 4-H members between been receiving calls as far the ages of 15-21 are eligible away as New Brunswick and to attend. Nova Scotia to inquire how to The delegate cost Is $125 help the many 4-H families per person. The total cost for affected by the ice storm that this 5 day leadership camp is crippled Eastern Ontario and over $300 per delegate, with Quebec. OMAFRA absorbing a portion Starting lmmediately, the of the cost therefore keeping Ontario 4-H Council will the registration fee to a nom- accept cash donations and inal amount. forward them to local 4-H Specific details regarding Associations for distribution the program agenda, public to affected 4-H familles. For travel arrangements, conduct more information contact: forms and health information Lucy Duke, Secretary forms will be mailed to the Ma nager, Ontario 4-H small meals every three hours), alcohol (damages liver's healthy function"), smoking (destroys Vitamin C and hampers the immune systemn), coffee and tea (wreck the nervous system.) AVOID VIOLENT EXER- CISE. (Decreases liver func-. tion.) Fast wallk, for one-haif hour daily, preferably out- side. Council, at 1-800-937-5161. Let's show themn we care!! 4-H SCHOLARSHIIP OPPORTUNITIES Farmn Credit Corporation Canada and Ivomec both have scholarships avaflable to 4-H members attending or planning to attend university, college or post-secondary institutions. For more Infor- mation phone your local 4-H association or the OMAFRA office at (905) 985-2003 or 1- 800-263-8023. g * Wedding Cakes g e Cakes for ail Occasions ePastries - Donuts - Pies &Tea eBread & Buns Proprietors: Gary & Carol Vreeker 983-9779 Main Street, Orono Closed Sunday & Monday P L1%Àm 'N A - G'R WEIGHT RESTRICTIONS March 2 to April 30, 1998 Weight Restriction Regulations will be in force on ail roads under the jurisdiction of the Municipality of Clarington from March 2 to April 30, 1998. Vehicle Ioads are restricted to FIVE (5) TONNES PER AXLE, in accordance with the provisions of the Highway Traff ic Act R.S.O. 1990, cH8, s1 22. Stephen A. Vokes, P. Eng., Director of Public Works Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario LiC 3A6 MNICIPALIl Y OF Uarinyton ON TARIO Dates of Publication: February18 and 25,1998 P.O. #6233 1, .1 I-l 1 Il le 1 11, IlM, -_ -