loI - H lU 1~~k ( 10- Orono Weekly 1'Imes, Wedne8day, Februa~y i $~ 1998 j Report of the General Purpose and administration conimittee meeting held on February 16,at 9:30 a.m. . Jennifer Cook informed counicil that in future, the agen- da of the weekiy meetings of counicil wiil be available on the Municipality's web site at: www. municipality.clarington.on.ca. . Dave Clark, Generai Manager of the'Claringlon Hydro Commission presented a "White Paper on Hydro", 10 bring counicillors up 10 date on some recent developments. By the year 2000, the gov- ernment hopes 10 deregulate the hydro industry t0 make way for competition. Council had earlier endorsed a Regional recommendation Ihat ail the Utility Commissions within the Region amalgamate, so as 10 be in a better position wlien deregulation takes effecl. Two utility commissions within the region dici not endorse this plan, talks are ongoîng., .The application hy counicil 10 temporarily rezone Mr. Domitrovic's properly on Courtice-Rd. N. 10 allow him t0 continue lis auto body shop for another three years, was referred back 10 staff. Mrs. Petryshyn, who lives in Hampton stated that she was against the temporary rezoning, because nobody wants an auto body sliop located next 10 tliem. Mrs. Scanga, who owns property next 10 Mr. Domitrovic, was concerned aboutenramns onto her property by Mr. Dom itrovic's building, and stated that on one occasion her lawyer saw Mr. Domitrovic dump chemical waste on lier land. Mrs. Scanga also ciaimed thal the water tab-le in the area has recently become contaminated possibiy due t0 Mr. Domitrovies activities. Mr. Domitrovic said he did dump soi-e apples on Mrs. Scanga property, but picked them up again when asked 10 do so. When couniciliors asked Mr. Domitrovic if he wouid compiy with Mrs. Scangas request and build a fence, he repliied lie could not afford 10 buiid a 350' fence, "If Mrs. Scanga wants a fence, she can build one." said Domitrovic. Domitrovie also stated he could flot afford to do a water study on the property. "If I had the money to spend, I would move," he stated. Harry Schillings of Noones Restaurant on Hwy. 115, i s ask- ing council to rezone part of his property 10 permit the exten- sion of the existing parking area and provide addiîional area for a new septic system. Mr. Schillings stated that the amount of traffie on his site which consisîs of a gas station, two restaurants and a conve- nience store has increased dras- tically, making the changes necessary. The application was referred back 10 staff. . David Holmes , agent for Anndale Properties Limited presented his clients proposai 10 rezone 17.5 acres of land on Down Rd. in Courtice frorn Agricultural and Holding General Industria] 10 an appro- priate zone permifting a driving range, practice area, mini-pull course and a club house facili- ty. Mr. David Dunnigan, man- ager of Darlington Provincial Park, which is directly west of the proposed golfing facility had several concerns wiîh the proposal. In Dunnigans opin- ion, the lights would have a negative impact on the many birds that cali the park home. He was also concerned that the noise from the club house and lawn maintenance could inter- fere with park users. Sou cer0- sion and drainage were also a concern raised by Dunnigan, Mr. Holmes stated he was willing 10 meet with Dunnigan to seek solutions 10 the con- cerns raised. Subscribe to the Orono Weekly Times $23.00 a year 983-5301 COUNCIL NOTES Arthur Black Scribbling in the space age Christmas is wliat -- two months gone? 1 find myself looking at tbis present found under the tree on Christmas morning. Two monîlis later I stili don't quite know what to make of it. Il is slim as a Rothman's King Size and about the same length, but made of steel -- and ît's gunetal black. There are no brand names, in fact tliere's no discernible writing of any kind on Ibis device, but if you grasp il between thumb and forefinger at each end and apply outward pressure -- hey, presto! -- the gizmo separates into two pieces and you see that you are holding a bail- point pen and its cap. But not just any bail-point pen, no. That's a Fisher Space Pen you've got in your mitt, buddy. I'm impressed. 1 even sneaked into one of those upscale calligraphy shops in downtown Vancouver -- you know the places 1 mean -- where tbey seli ieather-and- brass-bound 'personal secre- taries' that do exactly the same job as a spiral note book except they cost more than the car I drive. Tbey seil pens in there 100. Tiny European models mostiy, with fourteen-karat gold nibs and the'heft of an L.A.P.D. riot control billy. But I iooked around and eventuaily I found the Fisher Space Pen as weli, retaiiing for about $35. I was impressed. In fact, as a guy who neyer voiuntarily lays out more that 99 cents for a writing utensil, I was utteriy dumfounded. What could pos- sibiy make this litIle nonde- script shaft in my hand worth 35 bucks? dard Grand and Toy founitain or bail-point pens just couidn't cul il out there. Ordinary pens wouidn't perform satisfactorily in the weightiess, zero-graviîy environment of a space cap- sule. So NASA decided 10 invent an ail-new writing device. They Iook the problem 10 a contractor by the the name of Paul Fisher. Mister Fisher wenî 10 work and came up wiîh the Fisher Space Pen. And ail for a mere $2 mil- lion US in researchi. You read right. But, liey -- cutting-edge, space age lecli- nology doesn't corne cheap you know. We're just fortunate Ihal NASA didn't pay any attention 10 that German crank who responded 10 their original request for a new invention. The German inventor read the NASA specs for their proposed 'lithographic transmission sys- tem' as NASA cailed it. How the new device had 10 be a state of the art writing utensil Ihat was lightweight, could perform in beiow freezing temperatures or in extremely hol surround- ings. It had 10 be able to write aI any angle, even upside- down, and il had to be able to do ail this in a complete vacu- um. What's more, insisted NASA, Ibis revolutionary breakîbrougli in writing tech- noiogy wouid need 10 corne with a reiativeiy limitless sup- piy of ink or fuel or ribbon or whatever il used 10 record astronauts scribbles out there in deep space. The German invenlor read the requirements, shook his head, grunted and dashed off a five-word lelegram. The next morning at headquarters, NASA brass ripped open the telegram 10 read: HAVE YOU TRIED A PENCIL? Cinnamon Hearts Contest Winners Ahl the guesses are in on the Orono BIAs cinnamon heart contest. The fol- lowing people have been notified t0 pick up their container of hearts from the participating businesses. Winner Jessica Shephard Keane Zedie Bruce Hubling Vanessa Maynard Pat Morris Sarahi Taylor & Brigette Brown Michelle MeMullen Melissa Maynard Dini Schoenmaker Linda Farrow Jean Duval Mrs. Slater Thelma Vagg Mary Tamblyn Store Name Favourtie Pastimes Apple Blossom Sliop 1ist Stutî's Pharmacy 2nd Stutl's Pharmacy Mable's Cafe Haîr with Flair Rolph Hardware Triple R Dollar Plus Home Decor & 1Baby Shop Orono Weekly Times The Natural Nul Village Bake Shop The Hair Line Guess 619 785 821 823 360 450 450 1265 755 685 438 650 360 210 220 Actual 640 775 809 361 454 1210 754 659 452 695 361 215 Fortunately, my Christmas present came with double wrapping. The outer layer was standard Christmas foul, but the pen ilseif was swaddied loving- iy in two pages of giowing information that told me all about the origins of the fabu- bous Fisher Space Pen Ihat Wouid Make Me The Envy of my Peers. That's where 1 discovered Ihat my Iiny gift pen is nitro- gen-powered -- whicl is to1 say the ink is under pressure. This, my litIle info sheet informs me, makes il possible for the ink 10 be forced past the 'Iungsten- carbide bail' speciaiiy designed 10 withstand corrosion, etc., etc. Not just any oid ink either. No sir, tle ink in tle Fisher Space Pen in 'thixotropic' -- which means that it won't leak or gob up like the 99-cent clunkers 1 usuaily favour. According 10 my info sheel, 'the revolving tungsten-carbide bail liquifies tlie thixolropic ink, which allows the Fisher Space Pen 10 write smoothly." Wonderful. But isn'l lIaI quite a lot of fuss for some- thing I'm going 10 use 10 jol down my grocery lisI? Weli, Ihat's the point. The Fisher Space Pen wasn't devel- oped for me -- il was created for astronauts. NASA nabobs didn't gel 100 far mb îlte Space Travel Game before they realized lIaI stan- f or ail yourprintîng requirements: *Business Cards e Letterheads e Envelopes *Newsletters - Flyers - Invoices e Tickets eFull Colour Printing e and more! "Everything with theprinted word"' at the Orono Weekly Times 5310 Main Street, Orono LOB iMO Phone/Fax (905) 983-5301