Orono WeeklyThnes, Wednesday, February 18, 1998 - il Sunshîne and warm temperatures are a good combina tion in February Invitation to constituents to attend a unity forum The recent mild tempera- tures have made outdoor activi- ties just that much more enjoy- able. The snow in the woods is the Sidney B. Rutherford trail packed hard and easy to walk just minutes frorn down town. on. This picture was taken on MPP John O'Toole announced February 6, 1998 on behalf of Minister Elizabeth Witmer that the Durham Region Health Unit wIll receive funding of $116,171.00 as part of the five year $17 million "Heart Health Program" aimed at cardiovascular disease pre- vention across Ontario. The "Heart Health Program" is the iargest one of its ktnd ever undertaken in North America and makes Ontario the leading jurisdic- tion for health programming. The program was developed in partnership with the Ontario Heart and Stroke Foundation and will be deliv- ered throughout the province by local public health units. 'The main focus for ralsing public awareness will be: avoiding tobacco use, heal.thy eating habits and active lifestyles," said- MPP OToole. 'These key lifestyle factors have been proved to reduce the risk of cardiovascular dis- ease, which is the leading cause of death in Ontario." The "Heart Health Program" Is an Important ele- mentý of the Ministry of Health's plan for a compre- hensive and integrated car- diac strategy. Mr. O'Toole said, "Your government Is preparlng your health system for the 2lst century to make Ontario the best place in North America to live and raise a faxnily." The Heart Health Prograrn was developed ti partnership with the Ontario Heart and Stroke Foundation, and will be delivered throughout the province of Ontario by the local public health units with support from the Ontario Lung Association, the Ontario Division of the Cancer Society, and the Ontario Public Health Association. NDP PRESS RELEASE Tax cut keeps deficit high - hurts health care 1 education For more than two years, the Hanrs Conservative gov- ernrment at Queen's Park has told the people of Ontario that cuts to health cane. education and our communities have been necessany to slay the deficit dragon. Last week, as the Harris govennment's pre- budget consultations got under way ti Toronto, New Democrats exposed the Harris government's big deficit lie. The Mike Harris tax cut has corne at a huge price. t has cost Ontario revenue and starved our public services. If Mike Harris had not cut taxes, the deficit ini Ontario would be eliminated this year and we would have better quality health care and edu- cation. Instead, we'll end up paying $20 billion. in extra interest. This week, the NDP neleased a fiscal analysis based on the Harris govemn- ment's own economlc model. t shows that without thein foolish income tax cut, total provincial revenue would be $53.5 billion today instead of the estirnated $50.3 billion. The $3.2 billion ti lost rev- enue has been made up by extra cuts: roughly one-third from education and one-third from health care, with anoth- en billion to corne from local services. So who has benefited frorn the tax cut? Fully $598 mil- lion of the $3.2 billion ini rev- enue lost to the tax cut has gone t o people earning more than $102,000. This means that the richest three per cent of people who pay taxes ti Ontario get almost 18 per cent of the rnoney. On the other hand, 50-per cent of people ini Ontario eamn less than $33.000 and get onily 17 per cent of the tax cut, or $548 million. That's not fair. A fainily ini Ontario with an ticorne of $60,000 from two workung people will get back about $1100 each year from the tax cut by the trne it is fully implemented. But these sarne familles are facîng long watts for ernergency health care, and tncreased burdens of care for frail or elderly rel- atives who ti turri now have to pay about $200 more for prescription drugs. These families have to pay more for community recreation and transit fares. Their chldren are facing langer classrooms and they now have to pay extra for textbooks and school supplies. If their ktds want to go to college or untversity, they will pay 60 per cent more for tuition. As well, people are belng nickled and dirned to death by new and increased user fees. Fees for manrage centifi- cates. death cetificates, library cards 'and building permits are all. uncreasing. The tax cut is not putting any extra spending money ti the hands of working people in Ontario. But we are ail paying for it with a higher deflcit, more user. fees, and eroded public services. Mike Hanris has used the deficit to justify his attack on the things that we value in our communities, and the thing we have worked so hard together to build ti Ontario. Instead of investing in our health care system and mak-- ung changes to make it bet- ter, he has simply slashed budgets and health cane workers. Instead of making thoughtful. careful changes to improve our education sys- tem, he has simply cut fund- îng for our children's class- rooms. To get to the heart of the Mike Harris deficit lie, ask yourself this question: why would any govemnment that says it believes that redu çung and elimunatung the deficit is the most important goal. give away more than $3 billion each year ti the formn of a tax cut? t becomes even more confusung when this mega giveaway is in the forrn of a tax cut that gives the most money to the people in Ontario who already have the most money. Howard Hampton, Leader Ontario New Democrats ORONO WEEKLY TIMES 1998 Subseription Renewals are now due! mil M, OP Brigitte Brown r5l Gift Certificates FIVE. FI EARTS available. 1,Pedicures Manicures NEW- Waxing-,. 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