Orono Weekly Tlxnes, W~dnesday, Februaxy 18, 19~& - 13 CLASSIFIEDS Smoking: A Community (continuea trom page 14) AUCTION SALE AT PETHICKS AUCTION BARNO HAYDON SAT.. -FEBRUARY 21 at 5:30 p.m. Selling the property of Mrs. Leadbetter from Enniskillen and others. 011 palntings on canvass, hump back trunk, 3 pieoe wall units. old currency. butter box.,old dishes, wall dlocks, wooden washing machine. Kenmore stove, toys and lots more. Note the time, Door opens at 3 p.m. TERMS: Cash, approved cheque or VISA. .Auctioneer Don Stephenson 905-263-4402 or 705-277-9829. GRIST MIIL AUCI CENTRE, Newtonv. 11Thursday, FEBRUJARY 19tl 6:00 p.m. This auction takes1 Thursday evening p.m. Selling the con from a Bowmanville1 and furniture from a Hope home, along w~ variety of new furri dining room i bedroom furnil chesterfield occasional ec. glassware, china a large variety ofc articles includingk store counter, rocI wood lathe (1/2 HP),i PREVIEW after 2:00 p.m. Auction startus a 6:00 p.m. Thursdi CHECK THE DA'] Ternis: Cash, Apprc Cheque, Visa. Ml Interac, Auctioneer Frank G. Stapletai CA.!, ICCA Newtonville 905-786-2244 1-800-263-9886 "Estate Specialist since 197 1 SHROVE TUESDAI PANCAKE SUPPEI TUES. FEB. 24, 19c Kendal United Chut 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. Pancakes, Sausage- Drink "ail you care to ca' Adults: $6. Children 4 - 12: $3 Famiily (2 adults; chilè in school): $15. Tickets available at d( Tragedy by Senator Colin Kenny Imagine if 400 people in your community - friends, nelghbours, famfly --ail start- ed coughing and hacklng., barely able to get their breath. Now imagine them stone cold dead., Naw picture that happen- ing in 100 other communities across Canada each year to get a clear picture ofjust haw ugly the carnage is, SHealth Canada tels us that tobacco-related diseases kili over 40,000 Canadians a year. That's 40,000 pre- ventable deaths. The next closest cause of preventable deathis is traffic deaths, whiÉch lnel uding drunk driving idli only 4,000 in comparison. The ratio is 10 - 1 between them, and tobacco accounts 18 ac for 80% ofah preventable deaths. M But tobacco deaths? Hey, why get excited? Just ane of those thlngs - if people want ta smake, they'll smake. 'IoN Except ... except If 40,000 villie Canadians are dying of tabac- 1 Ca related diseases it's pretty hobviaus that a lot ofyour place neighbours got hooked at a 6:00 young age and can't shake -tents the habit as adults. That home hardly seems fair. a Port If we, as a society. aren't with a willing ta make an effort ta iture, prevent addiction among sets. yugpole emgta cte, well give up on the whole con- àairs,' cept of education. and a If we're willing ta accept other that kids will be kids, and glass they're bound ta smoke and -kwell there's nothing that can be etc. done about it, we're saying that we nat only can't pravide -education for the work place. at we can't even get through ta Clay many of aur kids about some- 7oved thing mare basic than math - 'C, that is. how ta keep breath- ing. And yet, for alI we know about smoking, Health Canada estimates that almost 30% of youth between 15 and 19 smoke. its The fedieral gavernmenit 18 ac has committed ltsehf ta spend- ing $ 10 million a year for five years ta educate people and enfarce regulations. and another $ 10 million a year for what it calîs "smoking, pre- ky ~vention'an d cessatian pro- 'R grams far young people. )9 That's not only bureaucrat rch speak, its apuny amodunt of maney, particularly compared ta the $2.03 billion (that's 2000 million) that the federal tgavernment taxed tobacco 3. praducts in 1996 ahane. Idren Passed before the election, Bll C-7 1, limits cigarette pro- loar, motion and advertising. 18 ac Anather nice gesture. but- wlthout enough muscle to caunter the tobacca compa- nies' relentless propaganda campalgn to attract fresh new lungs. Nice, but still far from enough. There's much more we can do. Here 's how we can make the tobacco companies use a tiny fraction of their huge profits to really tackle the issue of smoking among Canadian youth. After aIl, tobacco companies have told us, ln wide-eyed sincerity, that they would love klds ta stay away from their prod- ucts. But, dam It al, theyjust can't seem to stop these kids. Let's take a bit of their money and help them in their noble crusade., I amn introducîng a private member's bill that wlll place a levy. of 50Q4e a carton on cigarettes - an amount that my frlends in the police tell me won't take us back to the days of widespread smug- gling. If passed, the bill will generate $120 million a year. Half the money - $60 mil- lion - will go to a foundation that works at arm's-length from the govemment, a foun- dation that will award grants to community organizations that come up with programs to help young people either kick the habit or avoid it. That sum will climb by $20 million a year for five years, then sta- biize at $120 million ayvear. The bifh will provideê $50 million in the first year to help the arts and sports industries find new sponsors for the money, provlded by tobacco sponsors. This transitional funding will decrease by $10 million a year and disappear after five years. Finally. there will, be $10 million a year for tabacco farmers, to help them switch to new crops. Again, that will decrease by $2 million a year each year for flve years, at whlch point new crops should be self-sustaining. We are desperately trying to revamp our approach to education to give alI aur young people a chance at lmprovlng their mlnds and landing a good job. Let's do one more thing. Let's use the tobacco company's money to find creative ways of getting the message across that brains won't take you any- where after your lungs and heart conk out. Write your MPP that there is a private member's bill coming out of the Senate that deserves his or her support. Tell the rime Minister's office aswell. Ask others in your' communlty ta write as well (remember na postage neces- sary). Together we can make a difference. Senator Colin Kenny was a member of the Senate Legal Committee whtch testimony during hearigsý on C-71, The TobaccoAct. For further infor- mnation, pl ease v isit the Senator's webs îLe at sen.parLgc.ca/ckenny. DONATE TOUR CAR. HERITAGE FOR THE BLIND. Tex deductîbte. Free tosîng. esi not roo. Free phone catit Sponsoreit by AADCO, 800-463-5681. AMAZING FACT Tire Inermet wîi gros by 2,700% in 24 mos. Earnop Io $StOkimo silh Conaitas fastes[ grasîng Internet Franchise. Full training. Invsîment Roq t 01-8- 678-7588. CHRISTIAN BUSINESS: sp t1081% profit for yoo or yoor mintry. No inventory. Home basas oticiog Chnistion Matret. Complets training andt support. 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Nort American Schooi Association requires Teochers, Edocators, Tutors, Pro- tssionais, Parents, Stoitents, Health Cars Worlrors, Otfice Staff, etc. sort i a homo. N.ASA. 512 Cambridge Street. Peterborough, Ont., K9H 4T4, or (705)742-0344. Enclose oel-oitdresseit, tsmped onoeiope. $A 1 ENTION STUDENTS$ Mate aslt of money oeltîng chrocotate bars. New proiutaooototle. Notlrîng to apy in odvance. Faot ttelvery 1-800-383-3589. SAWMILL $4895 SAW LOGS INlQ BOARDS, plonko, beomo Large capscity. Beat OOwmitt vaue snywhoro. Free intormation 1-800-566-6899. Norwaod Sawmis, R.R 2, Kilworttry, Ontario POE 100. FREE ESTIMATES. Lo FM make chonging four win- dows and doors o pleosuret Enjoy cornlort NOWi Pay 0001 yeort WORKMANS-IiP tatty 950ranteeitl Our twenty yeors eoperenco, thioty locations, ensorea yoo gel yoor job dons right thefit litme! Pick up the phono andt CALL NOWll Toit FREE 1-888-738-0738. 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Krystyna Jones 9%83-6013 ilécity-N et ASSOCATES <DURHAM)Inc. 1050 Simcoe St. N., #103, Oshawa TEL: (905) 721-2112 Subscribe to, the Orono Weekly Times only$23.00 a year 983-5301 Spacious Orono country Home on a. lovely lot just minutes from town... asking $ 169,,900 - à