I Oron WeeklTlmes Wednecbiy.february7~8i FROM AROUND HOME Bwmnle by Roy Forrester Toastmasters Awarded Honours Garett Wood, son of Marie and Glen Wood of Orono, has beeni awarded Honours mark of 75% in the recent Royal Conservatory Music exams held in Oshawa. He com- pleted bis Grade 1 Piano eexm. Congratulations to Garett. from family and frlends. The big news from around home this week has to be the birth of Aaron Lee Lebeau placlng myself and Donna in the -category of Great Grand parents. Off-hand I can't think of any of our friends belng living Great Grand parents but then I don't know the lineage of ail friends. It goes withoutsaying ail are most happy and my first sighting of Aaron was in the arms of his great grand mother. The first child of Real and Kelly Lebeau of Pontypool. AI's well and healthy and as they say 'cute as a button' with a head of one- inch long jet black hair. The inch long-jet black hair is a good start on a pony tail - one just like dad, and dad approves of it belng so. We shall see. Up to this point Aaron basnot had that much to say and he's too relaxed to bother opening his eyes when you speak to hlm. I did get him to blink on telling him he was now in Pontypool and he should take a look. He does have a lot of time In the future to look over Pontypool. I do tbink it is, L Thank you for the, Clarington Public Library) Clarington Fire Calis The larington 'Fire Department responded to the following fire cails during the period of February 9 to February 15, 1998:'l vehlicle fire;, 21 medical assistance calîs;, 2 911 calîs; 1 assist other agency; 10 alarmn acti- vation calîs and 8 check-out calls. ORO0N0 TO(QW N HA LLL EUCHRE RESLJLTS High - 1) Allan Downes - 79, 2) Lil Bolderstone - 78, 3) Reid Harness - 78, 4) Aleck Moffat - 78, 5) Don Thompson - 75; Low - Edgar Milison; Draws - Ray Staples, Joan Suteliffe, Lii Bolderstone, Roy Hayward, Jean O'Neil. The. Clarington Public care. andi youth unemploy- Library would 1like to thank, ment and apprentlceshîp John OToole, MPP for refonn. Durham East, for bis gener- If you are interestedin the ous donation of information- issues that will impact you ai videotapes to the llbrary. and your community, corne In this sertes of interviews check out John OToole's with community leaders in community, information many different fields, -Mr. videotape series at the ibrary. OToole addresses topics that The videos are available for should be important to al ban and are located lat'the members of this community- Bowmanville branch of the such as hospital restructur- Clarington Public Library. ing. community-based health The Lions Club ofý approved for ice storm relief Newcastle met for thelir regu- and the decision was lar meeting on February il approved to- oppose the in the Lions Room at the Ontario Government's Newcastle Community Hall. Charitable Gaming The meeting was chaired by Initiatives. President George Rickard Special entertamner, Jordan who had the honour of wel- Schmahl, local Magician was, coming twenty-five s'pecial introduced by Lion Carol guests. Lions children, grand- Good. Jordan entertalned the. chldrenand other special Lions and the young guests children were invited to din- with bis "sleîght of hand" for ner with the Lions. almost an hour. Jordan was After the formalities the thanked by Lion Steve children along with twenty- Ritchie. nine Lions were treated to al The next regular meeting the pizza they could eat fol- of the Newcastle Lions Club lowed by a selection of bever- will take place in the Lions ages and apple pie with ice Room on February 25. Guest cream. speaker will be Past Following dinner a con- International Director, Bill densed business session was Maguire who will speak un held1 t dea wih imortnt travel. Guests are welcome, hsses t d A wlth i ortant cail Peter DeJong 987-5293 issus a had. Adontio of for confirmation. one thousand dollars was interesting that Aaron cornes on the scene at the time of the opening of the Supreme Court hearing on the legality of Quebec stepping out of the folds of Canada. He does have a Quebec French and Ontario Anglo-Saxon lineage mlx that you could say would have placed hlm in the middle of the Plains of Abraham. Perbaps a little far- fetcbed but then one neyer knows. It is the future and you know how the im- mediate past has been as far as agreement between our two cultures. Someone has to smooth out the waters. And, of course, a Great Grandfather has to dream. .There has been bustle and hustle around. over the past weeks in preparation for the arrival of Aaron whicb no doubt will continue into the-months ahead. It makes for a satislying life. First your family, your own kids, your kids klds and then your kids kids klds. What about Great Great grandparents, kids, kids, kids.,idds. May it be a good and bealthy hife, Aaron. U ... .... . . .. .. The February 1Oth, 1998 meeting of Bowmanvllle Toastmasters featured many guests including a repeat vis- itor and two guests from the Oshawa Revenue Club. With the theme- of humour, Chairman Toastmaster, Gordon West led us through an 'evening that was both entertalning and efficient. Toastmaster Vanessa Hughes in her fIrst role at the head table presented challenging but achievable topics for impromptu speaklng. The two speakers,, Toastmaster Brian Forrest and Toastmaster Steven' Cooke, graphically lllustrated divergent approaches to accomplish the same objec- tives. Toastmaster Steven Cooke was awarded the Best Speaker Trophy. Bowmanville Toastmasters warmly welcomed their newest member, MaryAnn Maye from Orono.' Corne and j oin us for an evening of fun and learning. We meet every Tuesday at the Darllngton Hydro Generating Station, Bowmanville, at 7:30 p.m. For, more information, please call 983-9423. KENDAL UNITED CHIJRCH Kendal, Ontario "The Heart of Our Communityn Sunday, February 22, 1998 11: 15 a.m. "Taking Misery Seriously" Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper Tuesday, February 24, 1998 Kendal United Church 5 - 7p.m. Pancakes, Sausages, Drink 'all you care to eat" Aduits: $6- Children 4-12 $3 Family (2 adults& school children) $15 Tickets available at door. Pleasejoin us Minister: Rev. David Black 786-2950 St. Saviour s' Anglican Church MILL ST., ORONO, ONTARIO Rev. Clijf Evans 983-5594 - 983-9639 Sunday Service, Sunday School & Youth Group 9:30 a.m. 1 st & 3 rd Sunday of Month HOLY COMMUNION 2nd & 4th Sunday MORNING PRAYER DRIVE FOR FOOD BANK ORONO PASTORAL CHARGE Rev. Mervyn o " Secretary Marlene Risebrough 983-5702 Church Office 983-5502 CHURCH SERVICES Kirby United Church at 9:30 a. m. Orono United Church 11:00 a. m» Sunday Sohool Classes and Nursery facilities available during Church Services A.A. meets evety Thursday 7:30 p.m. MMMMMM(