(Orono Wee4ldrnes, Wednie&iay, Februaîy 18i, 1998-7.T Historîcal Society Celebrates Hall's 75th Anniversary Thomas Montague helps lay the corner stone of the Newcastle Community Hall a gift of C.D. Massey in 1922. Seventy- five years ago the Newcastle Communlty Hall was officially opened by the Massey Faniily of Toronto. It was a gift from Chester Massey, who had just estab- lished a sumrner home in the Village of Newcastle. The Massey Farnily started what became a world famous busi- ness, here in Newcastle in 1847 and moved It to Toronto in 1879, but they lad not for- gotten the village that held the company's roots. The Newcastle Village and District Historical Society plans to set up a year-long dîsplay to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the open- ing of the Hall. Many artifacts and photograplis are not in the possession of the Historical Society, but a large amount of memorabilia stll remains part of the faxnily col- lections and the boan of these items would be appreciated by the Society. Credit wlll be given to the person or farnily loaning the items. If you have items pertain- Ing to the construction of the Newcastle Community Hall, the operation of the Hall, or village and local life over the past seventy-five years the Historical Society would be very pleased to hear from you! Any items lncluding photos, papers, builders tools or sto- ries and family remem- brances that could be tran- scribed and printed by the Society will be greatly appre- ciated. Any person with an Item to boan should visit our Historical Society, ln our Memorlal Library room - the former Newcastle Village Library - just inside the front doors of the Newcastle Community Hall. This room is open to the public every Tuesday morning from 9 a.m. to 11: 30 a.m. wth volunteers on hand to help you. People may also cail Ken Stephenson at 983-5890 or Pat Mac donnell at 987-5411. Another option - bring your material, photos or artifacts to the next meeting of the Newcastle Village & District Historical Society. This is Our Annual "Show & Tell" meeting where anyone may bring an interesting historical article, photo or document and tell its story. Trhis is a very popu- lar meeting and is always well attended. The "Show and Tell" meeting will take place in our Memorial Library Room on Mardi 2nd at 7:30 p.m. Bring somethlng that represents your fam!iy's bis- tory, and share it with your neighbours. There is no charge and refreshments will be served. On a two-hour drive to Lake On The Mountain in Prince Edward County last week Donna and I counted a total of nine Hawks perched in trees alongside the higli- ways. It has been some time since the count lias been sucli for this often made trip. It certainly helps to have an observer aboard. The majorlty were, of course , Red Tails, who do spend botli the summer and winter months in the area. As well it is the most common of the larger hawks in southern Ontario. There was a positive identification of a large Rough-legged Hawk due to its large black bellyband and due to its size. This hawk is a winter resident flying in from the north. It can often be seen hovering above an open field while it scans for life on the ground. This hawik is larger than the Red Tail. The third specie of hawk noted was an Accipter, the Goshawk, somewhat larger than a crow. It displayed the typical white body with a black cap on the head crown. it can be both a winter and summer resident in this particular area of Ontario. More often it is seen however in winter. One was seen last winter cruising around the area of a feeder. Driving around the countryside it is not unusual to note sizeable flocks of Common Redpoles flying about in vegetated fields. They do flot stay in one place for any period of Urne. Well, that's it for this week. Principal's Message one of the highlights of the month of January was the School Council Meeting. Thanks to all who organized and attended the meeting. The focus of the meeting was the new report card. Parents are advised that report cards on the old forms were sent home on Fnlday, 06 February 1998. At the end of the scliool year parents wlll be recelvlng reports cards on tlie new form. A discussion at the meeting centred around the meanlng of an "A" on the new report. Providing report cards is part of the ongoing com- munications between teacli- ers, parents and students. Please do not liesitate to cal for clarification or further dis- cussion. Please take time to discuss results with your child and to set goals for the remainder of the scliool year. ThankslRecognition The school lias received thank you letters from the Clarington East Economlc Support and from Betliesda House (Shelter for Abused Women and Chldren). Both organizations want you to know how much your contri- butions are appreciated. Thanks to our secretary, Jeannie Carter, for co-ordi- natlng and dellvering the col- lection of items for the disas- ter relief in Eastern Ontario and Quebec after the recent ice storm. She tlianks you for your contributions. Congratulations to Sarahi A. on lier reception of an award and recognition dur- ing the Optimist Club of Newcastle's Youth Appreciation Week. Thanks to Donna Adams for lier role in organizing the St.John's Ambulance First Aid and Heart Saver course whidli was held at the school 31 January and 01 Februaxy. Congratulations to the par- ticipants. They aIl passed! Newtonvifle Block Parent Programs 1The revitalization of Newtonville's Block Parent Program is progressing. We have increased our "safe" homes to 17 and I hope to double that number by the end of 1998. This wlll assure an available home at most times durlng the summer when our children are out and about more. Pleasecal Sharon Steele at 786-2593 for info or applications should you wish to help keep our community safe. I would also like to wel- corne Lynne Gylytiuk as our new Block Parent co-ordina- tor for Orono. As this posi- tion lias been vacant for a few years, lier efforts will be appreciated. Cnsider a... DCA RRSP, Lh- Fixed terms of 6 months to 5 years D Toronto 3 5TM Index Linked Deposits SRRSP Top-Up Loans as low as 6.50% SFunds guaranteed to $60,000 per plan SInstant tax reeeipts RRSP Quick Loan at Prime (currently 6.5SO% * 1 yearfixed) *rates subjeet to change without notice Oshawa and Bowmanville Branches Manager Paul Muller 15 Charles Street, Oshawa 136 King St. East, Bowmanville Phone (905) 728-4658 Phone: (905) 623-6343 E-mail: duca.infor@duca.com Internet: www.duca.com