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Orono Weekly Times, 25 Feb 1998, p. 12

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PARLIAMENi HILL NOTEBOOK by Art Babych The "Senator Siesta" saga The Reform Party's Mariachi band (suggested name, "Las Locas"), was no where ln sight when a Senate committee found truant Senator Andrew Thanipson "in contempt" for his dismal attendance record. After Thompson missed the band's ..welcome home" ceremony a week earlier, reformed Refarmers declded It would be a waste of time ta tune up the maracas again. Anid they were rlght. Senar Thanipsan, who attended only 14 slttings ln aver seven years, sent a note from his Baja Peninsula retreat saylng he was under doctor's orders ta stay away, despite the senate's threat ta expel hlm If he dldn't show. But even If the Upper Chamber is successful in holsting Thompson on his own senatorlal petard, the slck snowbird could end up accomplishing what millions of Canadians have been unable ta do for years -- get the bail ralllng on Senate reforin. Saddamn, watch cutl... Cariada's military veterans -- whose average age Is close ta 80 -- still have plenty of flght left I them. The 17 vet- erans' organizations, ln a vallant combined assault, helped turn back the forces of the Canadiari Museum of Civilization,, whîch had planned ta include a Holocaust Gallery In its National War Museum. Commander -Adrienne Clarkson and her Museum of Cîvillzation board surren- dered gracefully admlttlng, that the story of the Holocaust "cari be best told ln a separate venue fully ded- icated to It." Chalk up anoth- er vlctory for Canadian sol- diers. As for the museuni board's punilshment for faîl- Ing ta consult wlth anyone. includlng Jewlsh organiza- tions, may we suggest that members be sentenced ta watch re-runs of Clarkson's interview programes on CBC - TV for one full month. War Is hell. And a quarter-pounder to go.. Tory leader Jean Charest may dine only at the best restaurants but when It cornes ta usîng a washroom, a fast food restaurant wlll do. Some patrons at a McDonald's restaurant near Montreal -- includlng yours truly -- dld a double take recently when the tired-loak- lng PC leader walked in wear- lng blue jeans and a sport jacket. Especlally surprlsed were those connisseurs of fine cuisine who were read- Ing the lateet issue of the Mortreal Gazette. It con- talned a story and photo of Charest at a party rally in Halfax just the previous day. Obvlously It was a clone, Cuba, sî! Castro, not...' First It was the pope. Now Prime Minister Jean Chretien has been lnvlted to visit Cuba. The commnunlst caun- try's vîce-president invlted Chretien ta Fîdel Castro's alleged paradise during a vlsit ta Ottawa last week. Coincidentally, it was the sanie week that your corre- sporîdent was on assigniment in Havana and the eastern Cuban clty of Camaguey. if Castro's Intent, as a good lit- tde socialist, was to eradicate capitallsm, he's failed miser- ably. Private enterprise flour- ishes everywhere ti Cuba. But there its called the black mnarket. Cigars, gasoline, food and sex are just some of the more popular "commodities" hawked by street entrepreneurs out to make a fast pesa. Cuba Is also a country knawn for Its equali- ty -- everyone la poar. A non- gavernment cabbie also told us the story of the forge'tfll Cuban man carrylng an empty shopping bag on a Havana street. He couldn't recall if he was going ta the market or con-ing from ILt The revolutionary slogan, "Socialismo o Muerto" (social- teni or death). cari be seen on billboards everywhere. But some Cubans shrug their heads and ask "What's the difference?» Our best advlce if the PM does decide to go to Cuba: watch out for the dreaded Intestinal disease known as Castro-enteritis. What next, boiled in oil?.. Poor Metis Leader Louis Riel, It's bad enough that he was hanged but now they've carved him, too. 'A glgantic bust of Riel won the firet National Show Sculpting competition on the lawn of Parliament Hill. The wlnnlng Manitoba sculpting teain was one of 12 such teams from across Canada that competed In the campetItion. Unfortunately the scuiptors didnt ch-lp a few words off the titie of the event, which car- ries the forgettable handie of "Attractions Canada Place Snow Sculpting Competition." Cause enough for a rebellion. Subscrîbe to th e Orono Weekly Times O~HA~* C Iarke High School News) Peer Helping Program: Grade nines were not the only new addition to Clarke High School this year. A new prograni was lntroduced ti September called the Peer HelpIng Program. This pro- gram consîsts of a selected group of senior students each being Invited to grade 9 arid 10 classrooms to act as a teacher aid. These senior stu- dents, however, were first required to complete 12 hours of training durlng the summer and then agree to attend progreas meetings throughout the semester. These "peer helpers" perform an important role in the classes In which they peer help. Not only are they a teacher's aid (as they answer questions that the students have about their subjects), but the peer helpers also act as a communIcator to the younger students and help to failiarize them wlth the rou- tines of high school. Said peer helper, Julie Harper, "the Peer Helplng Program is both helpful to myseif and the students in the classroom. Helping them reinforces what I already know." The grade nines are equally enthused about the program. Ashley Hand, a, grade nine student who had peer helpers in her Science, Math, Music and Keyboarding classes last semester, sald "It's nice to have extra help if the teacher Is busy." Classmate Sarah Bell added, "they help you get caught up if you were away." Although the primai-y role of the peer helpers is to asslst the teacher and help the stu- dents in their class wlth thelr work, their other important role is ta befrlend the stu- dents anid help them to feel comfortable and settle in to high school. Cen Evans Math Conteut The intelligent minds of students at Clarke High (continued page 13) Brigitte Brown Gift Certificales d NIVT HARTS available. SPedicures Manicures NEW- SWaxing Nail ExtensionsEelsTitn Ear Candling ESTHETTC STUDIO 171 Mill St., Orono, Ontario LOB 1MO * 905-983-8169 NEWCASTLE FUNERAL HOME fFunera Director - Car( Good Personai, professionai, affordable service, Genesîs Bereavement Resource Centre on-site to serve the community. Informative funeral home tdurs are welcome. 386 Mill Street South, Newcastle (iu± nortfi of 401 - !Parkijng off Ppjert Sfreet) (905) 987-3964 for ail yourprinting requirements: e Business Cards a Letterheads a Envelopes a *Newsletters a Flyers a Invoices a Tickets sFull Colour Printing e and more! e JEo~a 1~r4> * JL+ "Everythrng with theprinted word"' at the Orono Weekly Times 5310 Main Street, Orono LOB iMO Phone/Fax (905) 983-5301 MM-Mm,( -,

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