Orono Weely Tiones, Wéný7 a, ebuay 5 1908"13 Inpartnership with the drection and o.neShP' C~I~rnntn~The OhaW/ Clarington ~ reourc cenreAsociation for Communlty i.ving as well as coordlnatlng The Clarlngton Con-irunlty community education, crisis the Actlvity Centre provides Resource Centre la located at intervention and access to services ta people wlth devel- the "Old FIre Hall", 132 affordable houslig. oprrental disabilities living lri Church Street. Partriers shar- The Clarington Youth Clarlngton. The Clarington Ing the location are John Council operied the office lncludes the Support Howard Society, the Clarlngton Youth Centre on Services/ Clarington Project Clarlngton Youth Centre, the February 14, 1998. They look Coordiroator - Terri Gray, the Clarngton Project and the forward to an excitlng recre- Cornmunnty Options Program, O s ha wa/ Clia r in gt on ational program, and to pro- Employment Support Worker Association for Community vidlng support and resources - Terri McCabe, and the Living. to the youth of Claringtori. Clarlngton Project Actlvity The John Howard Society Eventually, progranis wlll run Centre Prograni Facilitator - has a Program after school durlng the Warren Lainondin. Coordinator/Case Worker - evenlngs and on weekends. Together we share space Dianna Eastwood and an Currently the__Centre is and resources. We lerid our Employment Courisellor- operied Saturdays oroly from supportto each other on a Donna Leaveris, A full range 1:00 - 9:00 p.m. daily basis. Our Centre is of community services are The Clarlrigton Project about partnership and maxi- available through thds, office Actlvlty Centre la a coopera- rnizîng cornrunlty resources! such as courisellîng, career tive venture of persaons wlth If you have any further ques- employrnent and preparation developmental disabilities, tionis or would like to volun- program, llteracy/upgradlrig, their familles, their frlends, teer your time to any of the the communlty and the above endeavours please cal 0Os h aw a/ C 1a r1ng t oni 623-6814. Clarke High (continued from page 12) School, were once agairi put to the test last Wednesday, February 18. Students from grades 9, 10 arid il compet- ed ti the Pascal, Cayley and Fermnat respectlvely i the annual Canadian Waterloo Mathematica Competition. The teacher coordiriators for thîs ement were Mr. Roche arid Mrs, Atariasoff. They descrlbed thids competition as an excellent method of attain- lng practice and experlence for future math challenges. Both teachers provided lunch hour coachtng sessions for participants to complete some practice questions ti prepa- ration for the cortest. Many eager studerits came out for the challenge, and wrote the tests. Here la a samrple ques- tion from the grade 10, 1996 Canadiari Waterloo Mathematics Competitiori. If you can complete this ques- tion without any difflculty, then you would bc an ligible participant for this exclusive competition. Good Luck! A bathtub, with two taps, cari be filled i 20 minutes uslng only the cold water tap. It cari be flled tI 30 miutes uslng only the hot water tap. It takes 24 minutes to drain the full tub. Starting wlth an empty tub and the drain plug i place, thie cold water 18, turried on. Five minutes later "the hot water is turned on, and five minutes after that the drain plug ta removed. How many addittonal min- utes after the plug la removed, would it take to f11 the tub? A. 8 B.18 C 8/3 D, 40/7 E. 12 In April, a similar math conteet wilI be held for the grade 12 and OAC students, whtch wlll also be part of the Canadian Waterloo Mathematica Competitiori. They wlll be wrltirig the con- test's Euclld and Descartes. Oh yes, the ariswer to the above question, as flgured out by Deepak Angi, la A. Rosanna Yarkanah Association for Communlty Living. The Actlvlty Centre opened November 15, 1997, and offers activities and opportunities such as recre- atIon, education, employ- ment, and lifestyle skill devel- opinent. The program plan of the centre involves the lnput and commitment from i ts stakeholders to ensure self AM i, rAC he iterrret ahIi o bL ,70 o Jo's, Seraup o 15k/mo it h Cansosf t sng internet Franchise Full training. Ilnvemnt Req 1-888- 678-758,. CHRISTIAN BUSINESS up/lo 1% profit fo ou or ypr ministry, No nentory. Homs based sriing OChristian Market. 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Don't delay call now! 983-9777 J z w m Mat rimonial Homo: Any property in which a per- son has an interest and that s or was at the date of sep- aration aCCU pied by the per- san and his or her spouse as their family residence. Condominiums, co-opera- tives, and lease hold inter- ests can be matrtmonial homes. o -Cciii me ta buy or sel.- Orono and areo's real estate representatîve... Kry-Ktyna Jones 983-6013 ASSC 1050 Slmcoo St. N., #103, Oshawa TEL: (905) 721-2112 MASARU KARATE CLUB RICK JONES, Instructor S 4858 Regional Road 18 Newtonville, Ontario LOA IJO VTel: (905) 786-2793 , Fax: (905) 786-10631 Classes for Children and Aduits Spacous Orono Country Home on a lovely lot just minutes from town... asking $ 169,900 - - - ----------------