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Orono Weekly Times, 18 Mar 1998, p. 3

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Fire Figliters and Paramedics Mike MeKelvie, Gord Weir, Steve Rowland, Dave Forrester and Tony Romano ail receive defibrillator training before the units were installed on municipal fire trucks. Ail five fire trucks in Clarington are now equipped with defibriliator units. The fundraising camipaign to raise the $70,500 needed to equip ail the units and train the fire fighters started just over a year ago. During the past year the need to equip the spare pumiper in thé Bowmianville station with a defibrillator unit was identified, and the unit was purchased. If pumper number one is out on a caîl, pumnper number 2 is now able to han- On mny part there is riot a great deal to report a far as birds are coricerried. The numbers have beeri reduced at the feeder and this recent snowfall llkely have themn seelng cover. Horried Larks are riow on their trek riorth and during this migration operi fields are apt to produce small flocks and ever i idividuals. We have ofteri beeri rewarded sightligs of this bird, Horried Lark, on the Dick and Stella Morton farmn on the Slxth Line. *'ýhe large openri feld that runs riorth alorig Jewel Road seems to be a favourite for the Horried Lark for once again we noted a small flock passirig through this past Sunday. A ]one Snow Bunting was also sighted a little farther north a little later. The Horned Lark does nest some north of us but is also known to nest in this area on occasions. Last week I did take the opportunity to tag along die a medical emergency. The added defibrillator unit and somne additional upgrades to existing equipmient hias raised the cost of the project by $4,000. Captain Gord Weir stated that though the original target has been reachied, addi- tional funds are still coing in. A defibr-illator will stop a persons heart during stress, explained Weir. Trauma caused by any numnber of situa- tions, a heart attack, a drown- ingor trouble breathing will make a person's heart go out of -with Lorna Atkiris' bus excursion to Canada Blooms. Certalnly Orono was well represerited at this greatest of all flower shows. As an added feature it was h(!ld this year i the receritly completed western section of the Metro Convention Centre. It was worth while just taking some time to fathom this giant of a Centre that descends deep below ground level to a two and a quarter acre show area. It'taIges three escalators to descend down to the loor of third showroom level and each level would be some sîxty feet, if not more, in height. It is amazing the amount of sand, earth and espe-cially storie that was trucked into the bottom level - tonnes upon tonnes. The trucks were on a schedule for their elevator ride up and down. The show was everything* that it was hast year. An' rhythm. When a heart is out of rhythm its electrical impulses become mixed up. A defibrilla- tor will stop aIl electrical impulses by stopping the heart. The heart's natural pace maker will start the heart up again, withb the expectation that it will then be beating properly. Fromi now on, a defibrillor will be present at any m-edical emnergency within Clarington. "Now bhat we have the units, hopefuilly we don't have to uise thiemi," said Captain Weir. amnazirig deluge of flowers i aIl aspects of use. My real purpose for the trip this year was an exhibit I had seeri last year anid hopefully would be preserit agairi this year. Indeed it was - a number of vanlous sized Cabanas, onie of which I do hope 1 can bulld as a workshop i the backyard. The thought is there as well as the design. Now the effort. This Is tndeed part of the reas on birdirig has dropped off somewhat. We are busy i the throws of plantlng seeds for flowers and ultlmately niursinig them for summer bloom. It all takes place in the basemerit where four- teen Gerartiums are well on their way from fourteeri seeds sowvn a mnonth ago. And success is comirig wlth Fibrous Begonias wvhich were sowri six weeks ago. The baby leaves are about the size of a small pin heaci. It took a magnifying glass to determine the break-through of the'soil. Our efforts for Geran- iums anid Fibrous Begonlas were a failure last year. With four four-foot two- light fixtures and a two tier Toastmasters A number of Bowmianville Toastmasters enjoyed a spe- cial treat when they jour- neyed to Lndsay March 10, 1998 to support Bowmanville Candidates in the Area 26 contests. The local participants blos- somed with such positive support. Toastmaster Karen Martin placed first i the Evaluation Contest offering an insightful critique of Toastmaster Peter Dowse's guest speech. I the International Speech Contest Toastmaster Karen Martin again garnered first place. Toastmaster Karen Martin wlll be representing Area 26 at the Eastern Division Contest April 4,1998 in Belleville. All club member s who attended the contest enjoyed the evening, and feit it had been a worth whlle experi- ence. Join, us any Tuesday evening 7:30 - 9:30 to see Toastmasters i action. We meet ât The Darlington Hydro Information Centre. For more information please cali Irene Korizelmarn 983-9423 Orono. RONO TOWN HAL EUCHRE RESULTS High - 1) Grace Coatham - 95, 2)Jim Gordon - 81, 3) June Wilson - 77, 4) Mary 4Henderson - 76, 5) Don Thompson t- 73; Low - Ruth Grady; Draws - Edgar Milison, Allan Downes, Lavina Downes, Charles Campbell, Alice Hooey, Ray Staples. Euchre Tournament - March 28 at 2 p.m. __ frarne we cari accommodate eight flats of flowers i the basement. JU's mourited on top of the laundry tubs at a level ideal for workirig with the plants. if you have ariy great ideas for flowers this year give us a cali. UNITED CHURCH Kendal, Ontario "The Heart of Our Communîly"f Sunday, March 22, 1998 11: 15 a.m. "The High Cost 0f Love" Maundy Thursday Worship & Feilowship April 9, 1998 "Conversations We Neyer Heard"l an original presentation by the youth group, choir &friends Pot Luck Supper - 6:30 p.m. Communion Presentation - 7:30 p.m. Everyone Inivited Pleasejoin us Minister: Rev. David Black 786-2950 ORONO PASTO RAL /\CHARGE il Minister Rev. Mervyn 'i Russel Secretary Marlene Risebrough 983-5702 Church Office 983-5502 CHURCH SERVICES Kirby United Church at 9:30 a. m. Oronô United Church 11:-00 a. m. Sunday School Classes and Nursery facilities available during Church Services A.A. .eets eveiy Thursday 7:30 p.m. St Saviour s Anglican Church MILL. ST., ORONO, ONTARLO Rev. Clijf Evans 983-5594 - 983-9639 Sunday Service, Sunday School & Youth Group 9:30 a.m. 1Ist & 3rd Sunday of Month HOLY COMMUNION 2nd & 4th Sunday MORNING PRAYER DRIVE FOR FOOD BANK ITR PAYmS TO ADVERTISE__. FROM AROUND HOME 1 by Roy Forrester

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