"Hands off our contract"y The union representlng 60,000 workers in the Ontario Public Service is warning tie Ontario govern- ment to "back off' on a new law aimed at wiiping ou[thUe blggest union victory of the 1996 OPS strike. Goverrment officiais have told the Ontario Public -Service Employees Union that legislation lias already been drafted to nullilfr the "reas on- able efforts" clause of thc. OPS contract. The Hanris Tories regard the job security clause as the number one obstacle to their plans to restructure the OPS through downloading, privatization, and divestment. "A contract is a contract," said OPSEU president Leah Casselman. "If the govern- ment has a problem wiUi a legai contract - one it signed itself, to boot - the place to deail wlth it is at the bargain- ing table, not in the- legisla- turc.", The OPS collective agree- ment requires the employer to make "reasonable efforts" to find jobs with the new employer for OPSEU mcm- bers whose work is trans- ferred out of the public ser- vice. In a string of grievance awards, arbitrators have ruled that Uic employer Is not living up to its contractual obligations. Transfers are bclng delaycd as a result. "When we were on strike for, five wceks in~ 1996, we made no bones about the fact that we needed strong job security language to replace what was stolen from us in Bill 7 (the November 1995 Tory labour bill)," sald Cassehrpan. "Now that the Tories see Uic language work- lng to protect our members, they're threatening us with another law. "Six months ago, Mike Harris told Uic legislature, "We have restored free collec- tive bargalnlng and ail the rfg'its- that go with it," she said. "We are golng to hold hlm to that statement." Casselman's statement came two years to the day after Uic Harris goverriment uscd flot police to break up a non-violent protest by OPSEU members and supporters outside Queen's Park during Uic OPS strike. At least four protesters were injured by police batons. "We fought hard to get this collective agreement, and we'll fight just as hard to kecp it," Casselman vowed. Car care for Spring Your car hias just struggled through a winter of cold, snow, slush and saIt. Now that spring is finally here, OAA Central Ontario suggests you give your vehicle a thior- oughi spring check-up to get it ready for the warm months aliead. Start with the interlor and- a good airing out. After removlng the floor mats, give the seats and floors a good vacuuming to remove months of sand and salt. Check the carpeting for wetness and keep the floor mats out until they are thoroughly dry. Clean ail the plastic and vinyl surfaces. Finish up with cleanlng ail Interior windows. Common sense will tell you to wasli the exterlor of the car, taking extra Urne to spray out the sait and dlrt accumu- lation from under Uic wliecl wells and rocker panels. Next, look under the hood and start wlth a checck of the fluid level. Check your owner's manual to find the locations of the fluid indica- tors and recommcnded inter- vais for ofi and filter changes, antifreeze and other mainte- nanice items. Vlsually lnspect Uic belta for wear that may show up as cracking or fraycd edges. Beits should be tight and should not give more than one-half to three-quarters of an inch. Check Uhe radiator and heater hoses. If the hoses are i good condition, they should be flrm but not overly liard. If the hoses on your car are spongy, cracked, overly hard or have any bulges, they should be replaced. Check the battery for prop- er levels and charge. Clean any accumulated corrosion from the terminais. Last but not least, make a visual inspection of the tires. Chieck inflation pressure and inflate to the recommcnded pressure according to your owner's manual. Underinflation creates exces- sive heat, which seriously reduc's tire life and can cause tire fallure. It will also increase rolling resistance and reduce fuel efficiency. OAA Central Ontario is a not-for-profit auto club offer- ing insurance, travel and emergency road services. There are 1.7 million OAA members in Ontario, and 3.8 million members in Canada. THE NVAIL STATION Career Training Center. Become a technician, career training available in artificial nails, car candling, tîps, coatings, pedicures, waxing. Student financing now available. (905) 723-8083 r LMNAY * A ** ±1Y AND Engish-Laniguage Public District SchooI Board No. 14, headquartered in Peterborough, serves more than 45,000 students in Peterborough, Northumberland and Ciarington counties. Currently we are inviting applications for contract and occasionai teaching positions for the 1998/99 schooi year. Applications must be received by 10 April 1998. All previousiy submnitted applications have been destroyed and only applications submitted in response to this advertisemnent and received on or before the ciosing date will be considered. A Police Records Check wili be required of all individuals hired by D.S.B. 14 as a condition of employment. Please submnit a covering letter stating your specific formai qualifications (including FSL qualifications>, and resume with proof of qualifications, practice teaching ,,reports, references, and.any other relevant information to: Human Resources Department, Engish-Language Public District Schooi Board No. 14, P. 0. Box 470. 834 D'Arcy Street North, Cobourg, Ontario KgA 4L-2 Fax No. (905)>372-1133. R. (Dick) T. Maiowney Director of Education Judi Armstronýg Chairperson of the Board OR'5NGEVILLO rti.aua.n& SiSi-'DANCE ICAMP' gay, r2- 17, 19968inttie beot ntrectois ta Canada. Scott Wocode , Cidp Tiompson, Jadp Wapamouth Ciance Gîb soaa, Kendra rdre and more Contact Blt Etîil 5 19 941 SOG. TRICOiJNTY CRAFTS' EASTER CRAFT SALE, April3,4,5 Cornwall Cîaîc Compien FidbaOmin p, Saiurday tOun-apin, Sandep 12 noon Spi. Crnveettis LretJened CiaO Sthow soni $16, înctadîng pour awn URL toi business caidu, hinçirares, eduertîoîng, srico agnes t10 page, reedp-made designs.Cirenge desîo, contens nytîme. Nu cosi. Easy. lanestigale. Explore thers' sites - narîcymninnenten cota DONATE YOUR CAR. HEITAGE FOR THE BLIND, Tan dedactibte Fiee tewîng. Need n01 inn Fiee pirone anrd Spnoe y AAGCO 80045,35681 ENTRPREEURS gel Posî il OW Jilin LM co anchas new dvision. A+ speleme traning. 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Faox (613)543 4258 Toit Fieec t 800 485-6656 TRASH OR TREASURES999 Wunted Pre-19li Cal- tactihies Companp Adetîeîng, Coca-Cota, Berbîee, Dlle, Records, Eve Presley, Beaftee, Costume Jnw eitery, inalchas, UniTrais ayMagazines, tos, .Comice, Colectonas, TOLL-FREE 1-88301 1903. _Nm JO>AESl 1 1- English-Language Public.District School Board No. 14 is an equal opportunity employer. We thank all who apply but advise that only applicants to be interviewed will be contacted. Personal information is collected under the Education Act, S.171(3), c.b.2, and will be used for employment pu rposes only. moi 1 1