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Orono Weekly Times, 25 Mar 1998, p. 2

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( -Oronio Weely TneWedneýsday, March 2-5.199ý8 It was a good day for Clarington Monday \vas a very good day, within the life of this municipality. Council made some decisions at Monday's Generàl Purpose and Administrationi Committee meeting that will at least preserve if not enhance a way of life we've come to expect in Claringtoni. An Envirorimental Management Plan was approved for the Samuel Wilmot Nature Area, alterna- tives to the way we handle our garbage are -being explored, the province will not be banking its iii gotten gains from a Claringlon casino any lime soon, and a committee will be set up to plan the municipalities 25th birthday. Il was unanimously decided that the municipality wifl advise the Province of Ontario that il does NOT want a Charïty Gaming Club to locate within the boundaries of the Municipality ofClarington. T'hîs issue had been on the minds of many residents since the province stated last year that they would be imposing casino's on municipalities whether they wanled themr or not. The Province lias sinice softened its stand, and stated that, "Il has consistently been the govemiment's position that the province would not impose a charity gaming facility on a municipality that does not want one," So, for now il looks like Claringlon will not be the homne to any Charity Gaming Club. The Mayor did leave the door open when she said, "if the miles chantge, and there are positives for lie municipality, there is no reason we can't take a look at it again." If by "positives" the Mayor means that if the Province sweetens the deal and splits some of its Ions share of the takings with the host municipality, the question lias to be asked, for what price citn our municipality be bought? O9pqý0RONO WEEKLY Tuvws Subscriptions $21.50 + $1.50 G.S.T. = $23.00/year. Publications Mail Registration No. 000368 Publishing 50 Issues Annually at the Office of' Publication 53 10 Main StreetP.O. Box 209, Orono, Ontario LOB 1IMO E-Mail Add ress: oronotinles@"à Phone/Fax (905) 983-5301 Publisher/ Editor Mlarg Zwart (CcOUNCIL NOTES) . A motion mnade by counicil- lor Mutton to grant Mr. Domitrovic a three year tempo- rary permit, with no conditions, to allow im to continue oper- ating liis auto body repair shop on the corner of Courtice Rd. and Pebblestone Rd. was lost. . An application made by Randy Henry of behlaf of the Courtice Flea Market, for an additional three year extension of their current zoning was dis- cussed. Before Mr. Henry can apply for permanent rezoning, upgrades haïe to be made to the water and septic systemis on Ilis property. Councillor Scliell stated tliat the granting of tliree consecu- Mardi 17, 1998 Re: Compensation for Vlctims of Injustice Recent media reports have indicated renewed lnterest in compensation by tie Canadian goverment for vic- tims of violations of human rights. The prime example was, of course, the compen- sation to Japanese- Canadians Interned durlng the Second World War. .During tie recent contro- versy over tie Canadian War Museum and tie proposed Holocaust gallery, organiza- lions represenling Chinese Canadians and Ukrainians, for example, were slrongly represented. Premiers Mike Harris and Ralpi Klein liave both recent- ly been forced to do an about- face following public outrage over what was seen as insen- sitive and bureaucratic approacies to iandling tie compensation for lie surviv- ing Dionne quintuplets and for Albertans sterilized under the province's now defunct eugenics la'w. Canada's Hong Kong Veterans have not, as yet, been compensaled despite an "ail party- resolution from lie -(!DM(I.Ae WULMOT CREEK continued from page 1) 2,100 businesses have closed, and four of the past 6 mnayors have been indicted for corrup- tion - three are currently serv- ing jail termis, 'no reflection intended on the integrity of our prescrnt Mayor'." Other Newcastle residents that spoke were Jack Eilbeck, Noel Gordon, and Dr. John Campbell. Bond Head residents were especially concernied about tlic casino issue due to the fact that Bill Daniell of the Kaitlin Grpup, stated at a counicil meeting Iast sumimer, he would not bc opposed to a casino in1 his Port of Newcastle develop- mient. Mr. Danîieli did gel zoni- ing approval f'or a 250 uni-Ït hotel ï,in te development, which residents fear wilI bc used to 1house I acsIino Counicil vo ted unîanimulyl)IS to adopir option 2, however, councillor Novak said, she felt in lier heari of hearts that a public meeting shIould have been heljd on the issue. Novak stated, "the province keeps imposing things without our input, 1 hope wve aren't doing the sane thing." Councîllor Young stated that lie had talked to several people during his election camnpaign, and hie ias yet to hear from one person saying they want a casi- no îin our communiitiîÏy. Mayor Hamre remindedi council that what they decide today hias to be ratified next Monday. "if people want to speak to the issue they can do so then," she said. Also in hier address, tlie Mayor agreed wt comiments made by John Camnpbell where lie stated that due to the Provincial down- loading,of social services, thie property tax payer wiIl be Ieft to deal witli the problemn gamn- blers, while tlie province goes to tlie bank. "if the rules change, and thiere are some positives for the Municîpality, there is no reason we can't look at this again" said the Mayor. "As it stands niow, no way" An amendmnent \vas made to thle motion 10 include the ban- ningi of Video Lotter-Y Terminais wititemni- pality. LETTER TO THE EDITOR prestiglous House of Commons Committee on Foreign Affairs -and International Trade, which suggested reparations be pald by the Canadian govemnment and a dlaim be made agalnst Japan. As Patron of the Hong Kong Veterans of Canada, 1 sin- cerely hope that the accumu- lated dlaims piling up will not be allowed to interfere with tbis position by the Canadian govemment concerning the reparations for our soldiers victimized in Japanese work camps. We first placed the Hong Kong Veterans' Claim before the Human Riglits Commission ti Geneva in 1987. The justification, based on the Geneva Convention, has been verified by the United Nations. There is an international provision under whlch Canada, in protecting the rights of its own cltizens, could pay the compensation of $24,000 a year to 350 sur- vivors and register a legal dlaim agalnst Japan under the Geneva Convention. Yours slncerely, Cîiff Chadderton, OC, O. Ont., DCL, LLD Patron, Hong Kong Veterans Association, Ottawa tive temnpor-ary permîits, was an abuse of the process. A repoi-t is to bc prepared on thie mattér, and it will be before couincil again. .A Commnunity Commiiittee will be establishied to plan and promnote a programi of activit *ies to celebrate Clarington's 25th Anniversary in 1999. Next year- is also thie Silver Ainniversary of fthe Durhamn Region. Councillor Johin Mutton ias beenl namied co- chiair of the Durhiaîn '99 coin- mnittee. Thiere was soi-e confu- sion amiong councillors regard- ing thie two celebrations, thiey did flot want our anniversary over shiadowed by thie Regional. one. Councillor- Mutton explained thiat Durliamn '99 would be an umibrella or-ganiza- tion to pr-omote events hield in 1999 wtii thite municipaliies thiat make Up thie region. Calreg Iîvr sua pport group The next meeting of the CAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUP will be held on Monday, April 6, 1998, 1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. at Trinity Uited Church, Bowmanvile. Jennifer Rusaw wlll speak about the new day program in Newcastle which provides relief for Caregivers and a stlmulating therapeutic and recreational prograin for frail elderly and disabled aduits. Everyone is welcome. For information, please cali Janice Kroft at 623-4123. lv

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