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Orono Weekly Times, 25 Mar 1998, p. 3

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"REAL TROI The show must 9o on! This was the opinion of the Clarington Band leaders, Mr. Barry Hodgins, and. co-con- ductor Mr. Aibert Curtis, and of course the band! Just having received word from their guest band from Caledon, that due to dread- fuI weather conditions and also hydro being out, many of their band members were unable to come to Bowmanville on Sunday after- noon. Decidlng cancellation was out of the question this late, t.he group bravely decid- cd to practice all Sunday afternoon so by show time, 7 p.m., the band were already tired. 1The opening item on the programme was the favourite March of the late Mr. Ivison Tamblyn, and of course mem- bers of his fàily' and lots of friends from Orono. A delightfully varied pro- gramme of English, Welsh, Now friends lets ail turn out for May 23rd for the next appearance of our -Ciarington Band" at the looth Anniversary of our own Town Hall! Isabelle Chalice High school basketball Alil-Star event Isabelle Challice had no problem drawing on hier Irish roots to corne up with this arrangement in the"St. Patricks Delighit" cate- gory at last week's Orono Horticultural Society flower show. Orono Horticultural Societymetn The first meeting of Orono Horticultural Society for 1998 was held in Orono United Church Main Hall on March 19. The president Carol Mostert opened the meeting with a welcome to everyone, with a warm welcome to new members. We sang "O Canada" with Doreen Lowery at the piano. Carol introduced the new Year Book and point- ed out valuable Information that it èontalns. She then gave an interesting talk on rhubarb, s0 welcome in the spring. It needs plenty of space and good compost to grow well. Do not harvest it the first year It is planted. The minutes of the meet- ing December 1997 were read by Lorna Atkins and approved. Fbo Sharpe, trea- surer, gave her report and reported ten new memabers hadj oined thris evening. Secretary Lorna Atklns reported on the recent bus trip to Canada Blooms at the new convention centre in Toronti. She gave several announcements: A bus trip sponsored by District 17 of the O.H.A. to Parry Sound and the 30,000 Islands - book by May 4. District 17 annual meeting to be held in Trinity United Church Uxbridge on April 18. This meeting wil be in Orono April 17, 1999. Ontario Horticultural Convention will be at Trent Universlty, Peterborough dune 12 - 14. dune Heard and Lorna Atkins will be del- egates from Orono. The fundraising luncheon wiil be held on April 23, in the Main Hall. Orono United Church. Advance tickets only. This will also include a bake sale. Donations welcomed! Minnie Zegers introduced the guest speaker for the evening, Jerri Honing, a lady with much gardening experi- ence. She spoke to us on starting seeds indoors and gave much practical informa- tion on containers, growing mlx- and watering. She advised readlng seed pack- ages carefully to learn the date for startlng the seeds as germination varies greatly. As the first true leaves appear, the containers are uncovered gradually. A warm brightly lit location is essential. Thin the plants if necessary by clipping off the stems, rather than pulllng. Fertiize as truc leaves appear with ail pur- pose soluible fertLfizer to quar- ter strength.'Wheni there are three true leaves transplant to larger containers. Pinch back the growing Uip as nec- essary to make a bushier plant. One week before trans- planting to outdoors. harden off the plants, by placing ou t- doors for a few hours, first in the shade, gradually in the sun. Water weil when'planted in the garden. Jerri then answered many questions regarding house plants. We ail enj oyed her informative and often humourous talk. Over the past five years, as part of our service in-itiative to build positive images of police withln the comunlty, we have developed an athiet- ics prograni that has formai- ly participated in over 140 sportlng events supporting various charitable fund rais- ing endeavours. On March 26, 1998 at a 5:00 p.m. start, our police service wlll coordinate the Women's and Men's Al-Star Hiigh School Basketbail Finals at Durhami College. These She was thanked by Doreen Lowery, on behaif of the Society. Doreen gave some interest- lng facts about lemon-scented geraniums and their ability to puriy soul contamlnated by métals. She then gave. the show resuits: St. Patrick's Deight 1. isabelle Challice 2. Inez Harris 3. Lorna Atkins Leprechaun Magie 1. Minnie Zegers 2. Lomna Atkins 3. Inez Harris Spring Wonders 1. Minnie Zegers 2. dune Heard 3. Lomna Atkins and Pat Bales - tled. Best in Show - Minnrie Zegers Ne--xt show and meeting will be on Aprifl 16 in the Orono Townl- Hall, part ofitheir lOth An-iversary events. There wl be mnusic by Mark Sullivan, youing Canadian Fiddle Cham-lpion. Thle next executive meetingf will be on April 7 at 1 p.m. at the home of dune Heard. Lunch was served by Lorna Atktns, Marjorie Loweiy 'and Minnie Zegers to conclude an interesting evening. Submltted by Dorothy Bamnett teamis are compose'd of par- ticipants from ail twenty- elght hlgh schools in the Durham Reglon. A slam- dunk contest will follow with the top competitor belng awarded an ail expenses paid trip to a NBA game in Toronto belng donated by local busi- ness. Other higli profile activ- lUies are planned to make thils an excltlng and memorable event. Tickets for the event are limlited to 1,200 at a cost of $2.00 each. Ail proceeds from the evenlng will be donated to the Durham Collège Scholarship Fund. OROO TWNHALL EUCHRE RESULTSI jHigh - ) Helen Cottroux - 89, 2) Elaine Doty - 82, 3) Jim Gordon - 777, 4) Don Thompson - 72, 5) Aleck Moffat - 72,' Low - Bill Grady, Hilda Caswell; Draws - Marthia Clark (2), Ray Staples, Edgar Milison, Grace Coathiam-. Euchre Tournanient- March 28 at 2p.m.( ORONO PASTORAL SCHARGE ' M inister Rev. Mervyn o ~' Secretary S Marlene Risebrough 983-5702 Church Office 983-5502 CHURCH SERVICES Kirby United Church at 9:30 a. m. Orono United Church 11:00 ar. Sunday School Classes and Nursery facilities available during Church Services A.A. meets eveîy Thursday 7:30 p. m. St. Saviou r- 's Anglican Church MILL ST., ORONO, ONTARIO Rev. Cliff Evans 983-5594 * 983-9639 Sunday Service, Sunday School & Youtb Group 9:30 a.m. 1lst & 3 rd Sunday of Month HOLY COMMUNION 2nd & 4th Sunday MORNING PRAYER 9e! /fm 1iep'ea I/e §1n es

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