The March 27th meeting of Bowmanville Toastmaster was, chaired by Toastmaster Carol Wonnacott whose theme was "The Gift of Gab"' use it or lose t. The Table Topics Master Toastmaster Connie Nelson pursued the idea of the gift of the gab with table topics based on a fortune telling ses- sion. Toastmaster Steven Cooke captured the impromptu speaking trophy with a tale on the friendly atmosphere at Bowmanville Toastmasters. He also was selected as the To mark the World's tirst community theatre production, of "Kiss 0f The Spider Womiani". Durham Shoestring Performers announced a spe- cial benefit performance ta aid The Denise House/Sedna Womens Shelter & Support Services in Oshawa. The additional performance witt take place on April 1, 1998 at 8 p.m. A portion of the tick- et sales witl be donated to The Denise House for this perfor- mance. One in every ten women in Canada is abused by her mate. Chances are a child from an abusive enviromnent witl grow up ta be abused or tolerate being abused. Wife abuse is a criminal offence. That's why The Denise House was estab- tished in August, 1984. They offer the following assistance: protection and safety through accommodation for women and children; a 24-hour crisis line; meals. c lothîng and necessities; -suppo rtive counselling for woman and children; informa- tion resources regarding legal, ,medicat, financial and child Orono Weekiy lTimes, Wednesday, Apil 1, 1998 -7 Clarington launches best evaluator. In the business meeting Toastmaster Cami Berry earned the spark plug trophy for providing zest ta the meet- ing. He also received the tro- phy as the best speaker for'a prepared speech. Join us for fun and leamn- ing any Tuesday evening from 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. We meet at "Thie Darlington Hydro Information Centre Bowmanville, For more infor- mation please caîl Irene Konzelmann 983-94123 Orono. abuse care services, an-gaing support for former residents. The Denise House was namned for a former resident wvho was abused and eventually murdered by lier husband in March of 1988. Denise stands for wliat shiould not have liap- pened, and unfortunatty, wliat can happen. The programs offered by The Denise House have grown in recognition, including programs and ser- vices ta women Who choose not ta reside ai the shelter. The Denise House anis ta improve socïety's attitude and behavior, whicli can contribute to the abuse ofwomen and chldren. The themne of "The Kiss of the Spider Woman" shares another form, of torture and abuIse. t focuses on two char- aciers in a Latin Amerîcan prison: Molina, a -window dresser, is imprisoned for his sexual preferences and alleged- ly corruptig a minor. Sharing lis ceil is Valentin, a revalu- tionary imprisoned for his political rebelliousness. Poised ai opposite ends of, the social spectrum, they endure daily instailments af torture and degradatian at the hands of the Warden and his guards. Aurora, the Spider W oman, a fictional movie star created in Molinas imagination as a cop- ing1 mechanism, gradually' weaves her way into the mind of Vatentin. She tures them both away ta the technicolour wortd Malina lias invented, an escape which gives them the strength they need to sustaîn the tarture of their reality and brings the two men dloser than each of them ever imagined. The lifting, seductive music ittustrates the: emotianal tur- moit the characters go through dealing with their bteak sur- roundings and the brutally unfair treatment they receive. Kiss of the Spider Woman runs April 1, 2, 3, 4, 1998 at the Arts Resource Centre, Oshawa City Hall Complex. Tickets are availabte at Information Oshawa at the Oshawa Centre or from Walters Musie Centre, 349 King Street West. Curtain for each perfor- mance is 8 p.m. For further information caîl: Carolyn Wilson at (905) 725-9256. ri easter seai $ocietv Early Spring communîty After several years or a re- active style of policing, the Durhamn Regional Police Service are taking a new pro- active approach known as Comînunity Policing. To assist 16 Division (Clarîngton) get on board with the rest of the Region. Staff Sergeant Ted Dionne has been assigned- to the squad. Dionne has been transferred from Ajax were he was working full time on community initiatives. 1Community Policing is not a program; it is a way of doing business -- a phloso- phy, one that Chief MeAlpine is personally committed ta." Community Policing recog- nizes, that maintaining order and preventing crime are shared responsibilities of the community and the police. Working in partnership, the community and th e police participate jointly in decision- making and problem-solving. Clarington lias been divid- ed inta six, areas, with each area having theirown police officers assigned ta them. The areas in Cl-arington are Caurtice North, Courtice South,- Bowmanville North, Bowmanville South, Newcastle, and Orono. The area known as Orono is the largest in terms of square miles, and cavers everythin£! from Regionat Rd. 57 in Bowianvilte, east ta the Clarke/Hope Townline, and from Boundary Rd. in the north ta Cane. Rd. 4. The four officers assigned ta this area are Tom Martin, Larry Lunn, John Grant and Mike Swaga. The four officers assigned ta Newcastle are:, Art Baine, Lauri Edwards, Shawn Kenny and Dennis Rudman. Officers witt be getting' out of their cruisers more, and will get to know the peo- ple living and working in KIM LITTLE (905) 983-0512 Competitive Term Life- Permanent Insurance Disability Income - Group P lans - Mutual Funds- G.I.C.'s - R.R.S.P.'s - R.R..F's CONFIDENTIAL FINANCIAL SERVICES (1969) LIMITED F NEWCASTLE FUNERAL HOMIE Funerak Vire ctor - Carl? Good *Personat, professional, affordable service. Genesis Bereavement Resource Centre on-site ta serve the community. Informative funeral home tours are welcome. 386 Mill Street South, Newcastle (~IstnorI~of401-'rPakig ff '<be Street)' (905) 987-3964 t 0fol ~Park:ng policing their area. Inspector Ross Smith and Staff Sergeant Ted Dionne were învited ta last week's Newcastle Ratepayers Association Meeting, ta explain the new systemn and ta answer questions from the members. Inspector Smith expiained that emergency catis witl continue to be han- dled in the same manner -- cati 911. Calîs where time is not of the essence, wilI be answered by an officer assigned ta that particutar area. Staff Sergeant Dianne explained that "Community Policing is really re-entering the way poticing usedý to be done." Dionne stated "be a nosy neiglibour,-that wilt help everyone." The Community Poticing concept, recagnizes the fact that the best sotutions ta com- munity problems, came from the community. Before the Rate payers meeting was aver, one of the members vatun- teered to form a committee ta look at loffering atternatives to the youths who hang aut, in great numbers in downtown Newcastle. Cammunity Policing was officially launched in Claringtan on March l7th. Fram now on, we can expeet to see agreater police pres- ence in the outlying areas. Clarington Fîre CafIls The Clarington Fire Deparment responded to the following calls during the perîod of March 23 ta Mardi 30, 1998: 1 vehicle fîre; 1 grass fire; 2 fires; 3 motor vehiùcle accidents; 8 medical assistance calis; 2 911 calis; 1 assist other agency cal; 5 aiann activation cails an-d 6 check-out calls. March 3 1, and the crocuses are in fuit bloom. Bowmanvi lie Toastmasters Benefit performance for. The Denise House