6 - Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday. April 1, 1998 by Mandi Paquin The students of St. Stephen's are well into their second semester and are greatly reste d after a week off for Mardli Break. AUl of our OAC students are excited about heading off to universi- ty. Wilth marks being sub- mitted in mid-Aprii, it's com- ing down to the crunch and all of our graduates are work- ing diligently to have great midterm marks. On Monday, Mardi 30t1 we hld our first graduation meeting to start preparing for the big event in June. This year's yearbook is planning to put baby pictures beside ail of the graduates along with a few facts about everyone. This slouid be a neat addition to the yearbook and hopefully we won't get too many nudes. Speaking of big events, S t. Stephen's lad its flrst ever Spam Carvlng Contest on Frlday, Mardi 27 and our students came up witl some very interesting designs. Five prizes of movie gift certificates were awarded to the wnners. Some people thouglit carving meat was_ gross but overail it was great fun and a new way to get students excited. This year's sclool play is well into its rehearsals. Samson requires practicing singing, dancing and mucli more sothere is a lot of work and time involved. Over the MarcI Break students and teachers gave up their time to help in creating the sets for this exciting play. Student Council held its monthly meeting in Mid- Mardi and there was some- thIng very special about thifs meeting: Rice Crispies Squares. Yes, tlat's riglit, we lad freshly. made Rice Crispies Squares to liven up a very full agenda. Our next Student Council meeting will be on April 9th and you just neyer know what kinds of treats will be next time. The countdown to the St. Stephen's trip to New York City is on. The final payment was due on Friday, March 27th and all the participants are hoping the dollar is going to get stronger before we leave on May 7th. The trip will be of four days duration, leaving on Thursday and returning on the Sunday. The trip is going to include the Lion King on Broadway, attending a taping of the Conan O'Brien show, Central Park, the liard Rock Cafe and many shopping opportunities. During the lunch hours from 3th to April 9th, one of our history teachers, Mr. Monrison, is preseniting 'The Great War and the Shaping of the 2th Century." Thi s show will be great for anyone with an interest in Canadian and World history and how our world lias changed over the 2th century. St. Stephen's had an infor- mation niglit concerning the construction of our new school. At this meeting mem- bers of the Board were in attendance as well as the architect who explained the design of the new school. Parents dlscovered the new programs and extras avail- able to the students and, per- haps the biggest change, St. Stephen's is getting a uni- form. We lad a group of stu- dents who put on a fashion show of ail the possible uni- formn cholces. Even the PM of the Student Council was strutting lis stuif up on the stage. Everyone is very excit- ed about the new develop- ments in St. Stephen's Secondary.- Fatal motor vehicle collision - Clarington On Friday, Marcl 27th, 1998, at 8:20 p.m., a single vehicle collision occurred on Concession Road #3 near Elliot Road, Newtonville, in the Town of Clarington. A black Chevrolet pick up was west bound on Conc. 3 with three occupants, when It went out of control, crossed the roadway and flipped over in the ditch. At least two of the three occupants were thrown from the truck and were found on the ground by emergency personnel wlen they arrlved. The third per- son, wlo police believe was the driver, was found injured. wondering nearby. The driver of the truck has been identified as Cindy Lou Terry, 40 years uld, of Newcastle,Ontario. She was taken to Bowmaniville, Memnorial Hospitail where she remiaIns with senious injuries., Onie of the passengers was Albert Young, 55 years, of R. R. #3, Port Hope. He was pro- nounced dead at the scene. The other passenger was 34 year old Melody Byrt, aiso of R. R. #3, Port Hope. She was taken by ambulance to Bowmanville Hospital, but later air llfted to Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre in Toronto. Byrt later succumbed to her injuries and died in hos- pital on Saturday evening, March 28th, 1998. Police believe that alcohol was a factor in this incident, and it is under investigation by the Traffic Management Unit of the Durham Regional Police Service. Anyone with information regardlng this incident, Is asked to cail police at (905) 579-1520, Ext. 5256. 8hannual Easter Egg hunt The Easter Bunny is head- ed to the Parkwood Estate - for the 8th annual Easter Egg Hunt, Saturday, April 11, 1998. The event is presented by Parkwood and Parkwood Rotary, and is open to chul- dren under 10 years when accompanied by an aduit. Due to the incredible pop- ularity of the event, there xiii be twro huint times il a.m. and 1:-00 p.m. Admission will be limnited to ticket holders only. Tickets are free and are available at the Parkwood Gift Shop, Tuesday through Sunday 1:30 to 4:00 p.m. Festivities will also include costumed characters, music, face-palnting and refresh- ments, a fire truck and police cruiser display. Once again, families are encouraged to bring along a non-perishable food dona- tion, whlch wlll be turned over to Simcoe Hall Settiement House Year-round Crisis Food Bank for distri- bution. Parkwood's annual Easter Egg Hunt event lias been made possible each year through the support of Parkwood Rotary, which pro- vides organizational assis- tance for the event and most of the goodies! Many club members will be on hand at the hunt, as crowd-coxitrol- ling, egg-guarding, ticket-talc- ing, chld-retrieving "Bunny Police!" Parkwood Estate also acknowledges the generous support of William Chocolate, Pelican Party ime Catering, Durham Regional Police, Oshawa Fire -Department, Can Ox Canadian Welding Gases and Buckingham Meat Market. Newcastle Ratepayfers (continued from page 14) from the floor to form a memn- bership committee; there were none. Brenton Riekard sug- gested that the Executive should be the membership commrittee. There was no fur- thier discussion. Youth Commiittee Rev. David Chisling, volun- teers to chair a youthi commiit- tee with the power to add. He was asked to attend the next Execuitive Meeting. 75th Anniversary Brenton Rickard. went over the plans for the Commrunity Hall's 75th Anniversary, planned for the wveekend of October 23 rd. Inspector Smnith announced a Police Conimunity Day at Station 16 on Sunday May 3rd. from il1an to 4 pmn, and asked everyone to attend. Th e Manager of the Hoand-Made on Premises 2 Belgian Chocolate JE Easter Bunnies dia 1& Truffles SWhîte Chocolate 0 Milk Chocolate & TeaRoomBitter Su'eet Chocolate Proprietors: Gary & Carol Vreeker 983-977 '9 MiStetorono Closed Sunday & Monday SERVING DURHAM REGION SINCE 1841 FUNERAL SERVICES PRE-ARRANGED & PREPAID I"'Wfiere !Professiona( Etiquette is Important' Funeral Directors Paul R. Morris Robr E. Wiliafas Gary M. Conway Doug R. Rutherford ANS WERING YOUR CALL 24 HOURS 623-5480 4 Division St. Bowmanville Infroducing.. Michael*-&Liam* Brown - Your. Orono Ral Estate Te»"am!. cmfm I- Liam says: VI can take care of alyour real estate needs - after ail, I'm turning 3 this month. My Dad helps out too. You know, with the technical stuf He's really good at it! " If you are thinking about selling your home, or you're thinking about buying a new home and need to find out about buyer's agency, contact: MICHAEL BROWN at Re/Ma x Reflection Realty Inc. (905) 434-52222 (24 hr), at home in Orono 983-5756 or e-mail cehart@netcom.ca *Sales Representative **Sales Rep s Son and on e major incentive Niýý ::: JI