4 Orono WeeklyTlmes. Wednesday April i. 199e FARM N EWS FROST SEEDING LEGUME~S by Joan McKinlay, Soul & Crop Advlsor, OMAFRA> Frost seeding is a very eco- riomical method of improving pastures and hayfIelds ln the spring. Legumes such as tre- foil, clovers and alfalfa work best uslng this method as' their seeds are round and dense so that they roll down into the ground as the, ground opens and closes during the freeze and thaw cycles. They germinate at lower tempera- tures than grasses, and thus make useof ail the available moisture in the sprrig to ger- minate and establish. Grasses can be frost seeded but tend to sit on top of the ground and wait until the temperatures warm. This often leaves them sittlig on dry ground or worse still starting to germinate but lackIng a constant water sup- ply. There is a large risk with frost seeding but at the cost you can afford to attempt it 3- 4 times for the same price as. conventional Seedirig. Your patience and need of forage will determine if It is a good option. In general we assume that legumnes wJill be effective 50-60% of the time and grasses about 20-30%/. In fact, this means that some sprlngs you will see no response at ail, some wfil be excellent and two sprlngs will be somewhere in between. Alfalfa plants produce a chemicai substance that will not allow new aifaifa seeds to germinate wthin a metre of an old plant. This.means, that we canriot thicken alfalfa stands wth aifalfa. The only exception to this Is i the first production year as the "old" plants have not established et so you may have a grace period. Red clover wilIl give 10 Acres ,with Strelam blood growth during the first growing season but onily for one season. Trefoil wÎll not be evident during that season but will. establish for future seasons. You will flnd both of these legumes, especially the red clover harder to dry than alfalfa. For this reason we use this only as a band aid solu- tion. Nothlng compares to reseeding an alfalfa fieldfor production, economics and qualîty. Pastures, on the other hand, benefit greatly from frost seeding. The lntroduced legumes provide a high quai- ity feed and, most important- ly, fix nitrogen which they will begrudgin gly share as their roots rot over time. This improves the existing grasses as well. Trefoil is most fre- quently used at 4-6 lbs./ac. but clovers can also be used at 1-2 lb/ac. You will need to decide how tolerant you are of a bloat rlsk. Only trefoil cari provide a bloat free pasture. Timlng of frost seeding is more difficuit this year. You will want the ground to freeze and thaw a couple of tintes after broadcastlng the seed. A prolonged warm period may encourage seed to germinate only to be kllled with cold temperatures if they retumn. Only a fter summer comes, will we know wýhat the best time was. As with ail years at some point you will just have to do it. The ease, cost effec- tiveness and improvements that frost seeding can offer make it an attractive method for thickening forage stands. HORSEBACK RIDING Colonial Equestrian Centre 3706 Rundle Rd. (Courtice) i s now acceptîng new students (chlldren & aduits) for aur rîding and horseman- ship programs, summer camps, etc. For further information or ta register cail: 1-(905) 623-7336 Home of the LBowm anvill e Pony Club Food for thought Along with eating rtgbt, daily physical activity is one of the best ways, of reduding the risk of cardiovamtuar disease. Shalinq a Healthier Future, ,Ço IT PAYS' TO i ADVERTIS-E Near ski huIs. Double country lot acros s from -s chool. 3 bedroom remodeled bungalow, double car garage with loft. Listed at $146,500. For viewing cati Steve Lawrence at 987-7653. trees, sream, an, tîcencea kennel, 1/,3 mile raclc on l1 310ce.Wokn ob am Greu ero acres. 3+2 bedroomn bungalow wth 2 kitchens, family roorn 4.9ars okn oby-r.Greu ero with woodsfove în basement wtth separate entrance. Open bungalow. M/F famity, laundry, and home office. Listed at concept home with cathedral ceilings and stone freplace in $279,000.To view caîl Steve Lawrence at 987-7653. sunken livngroom. Lsted at $219,900. To vew cati Steve Lawrence at 987-7653. ~ Steve Lawrence Ful Time Professional Sales' Representative ~ (905)u 97SLD sutton group-excel realty nc. Out of area cali 800-230-0078 Hooper's Jewellers ... Antique Pocket Watches and Modern Watch Repairing Corne in and see Our collection of Howard Miller Grandfather Clocks --SaIes and Service 'sJwelr 39 KCing St. W. 623-5747 Bowmanviile EXCEPTIONAL BUSINESS WEB SITES, $25/year. 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