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Orono Weekly Times, 1 Apr 1998, p. 3

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.iu"iIIu'IIIII'I'ui( 14 - Orono Weekly Time~, Wednesday. April L 19~8 Co-op s 5Uth annual meeting Don Mercer was presented with a painting in recognition of his 50 years of emiiployment at the Durham; Farmners Countyý Co-op. Don (L) is joinedby his wîfe Betty, and Gord Barrie, Presidenit of the Co-op. Don Mercer was recog- nized at the 5th annuai meeting of the Durham Farmers County Co-opera- tive for his many years of ser- vice. Don Mercer was one of the original empioyees of the Co-op. For 50 years Don has been delivering supplies to farms ail over the country- side. Co-op President Gord Barrie presented Don with a painting on Wednesday night. The painting shows the Old Mill and the new Co-op facîl- îty, the four original empioy- ees - Gord Simpson, Ernest Spry, Angus Loucks and Don Mercer with his pick-up truck. The painting was by local artist Dave Storey. Newcastle Ratepayers News The foliowing is a report of the Newcastle Ratepayers Association (NRA) General Meeting, held on Thursday Mardi 26, in the Lion's Roomn at the Newcastle Community Centre. Sait vs sand A letter from Councilior John Mutton, regardîng the use of sait versus sandon Miil St. was read.. The sand mixture currentiy being used is unac- ceptabie, and the'NRA recom- mend that the Municipality of Ciarinigton provide the wînter maintenance service, starting next winter for which the Region will -reimburse Clarîngton. Clarîngton uses only sait on the roads withîn the village limits. Community Policing Presîdent Wiilie Woo intro- duced In spector Ross Smith and Staff Sgt. Ted Dionne of the Durham Regionai Police Service, Division 16. Inspector Smith and Staff Sgt. Dionne explaîned the concept of Community Policing. This new polîcing concept rtegrates, iaw enforcement with commu- nity protection and safety. Wiilie thank-ed them for comîng and putting on such a good presentation. Cairn Wiilie has been in contact with Mark Gaionski, Controiler of Plants for the Bd. of Ed. Ail the bricks, 452 of them, are accounted for, but apparently the plans for the OId Newcastle Public Sehool Cairn have been misplaced. Ruth Bonathan vol- unteered to take another set of plans to the Cobourg Board Office the next day. Counicillors report Couincilior John Mutton reported on: 1. C.N.R. unde r- pass, John met with the Director of Public Works, and decided that it would be in the pubiic's best interest to mnove to option No. 1-- the wideniing of the CNR underpass. Mr. Daniels of the Kaitlin Group, seemed receptive to the idea. it couid be a couple years before anything wouid be done, so there is pienty of time to plan. 2. Assessments. Setting of the, miii rate couid be later than pianned (June) as, Council aren't getting any answers to the inquiries from the provin- cial government. 3. Transit. The Region is iook- ing at a Regionai System. Casinos Patsy Scott, the NRA's spokesperson at the council meeting on Mar. 23rd, gave an excellent presentation, and deserves a commendation,- Patsy aiso thanked the counicil members for the prompt action taken on casinos and vîdeo lot- tery terminaIs. Membership Willie, as ked forvolunteers continued page 6> 1One miglit ask Who Who' didn't attend the Owl Prowl held at the Ganaraska Forest Centre last Saturday evetllng. Forty-two prior registered and a further forty-two showed up for the event. in total it added up to eighty- four real mnterested parties, To say the Ieast the staff at the Centre were most pleased and it was mndeed a most interestlng outing. The doWnpour an hour earlier to the 6:30 evening start in no way dampened enthuslasm., There was an i nteresting display in the Resource room with emphasis -on Owls. The outing also included an informative talk on owls, Everyone was up for the Owl Prowl in the forest- and we understand that the caller did obtain one reply to his cail. No doubt a Great Homted. We do understand there are more events coming your way from the Forest Centre this year. A schedule is expected to be included in the Ganaraska mid April Newsletter. These events will also appear in the local newspapers. Bîrders Outnumber Presquile Waterfowl. It was off to Presquile Provincial Park Sunday morning for the annual Waterfowl Festival. This event is held over a two week period. One more week yet for this year. The event was certainly well organized by the Frlends of Presquile Park and the Ministry of Natural Resources. Volunteer bird- ers were on hand Wlth Vlewing Scopes at a goodly number of elevated look-out structures. They were most helpful to those wanting to miake sightlngs and asking questions. Unfortunately the "stars" of the show were just not out in numbers. A rough guess would be 'more birders than ducks'. The ice from the bay had disappeared leaving plenty of room for the ducks that were present to disperse over a wide area and quite some distance from shore. A strong wind ruffled the waters with waterfowl bouncing in and out of sight. The report was that the ducks were there two weeks ago but had left for the north. Murray Taylor and Barkley Crozler, visitlng their hunt camp Sunday, report the fact that the ducks are up north. On the positive side it was a beautiful day at -Presquile, and the new Centre completed last year next to the Lighthouse is a must to visit. The bird carvings are well worth the trip along with other features relating to'the physical features of the Peninsula. Maybe this festival is al old-hat having attended it with Bill Bunting away back in the, past and,,each year since. I did enjoy watching a young couple taking turns, sighting a lone duck in a narrows and then leafing the pages in the ID birdbook. So here Bunting and I were years ago doing the same thing and trying to meet- another challenge in bird identification. Another generation in the worldof things. St. Saviour's Anglican Church MILL ST., ORONO, ONTARIO Rev. Cliff Evans 983-5594 - 983-9639 Sunday Service, Sunday School & Youth Group 9:30 a.m. 1ist & 3 rd Sunday of Month HOLY COMMUNION 2nd & 4th Sunday MORNING PRAYER RONO TOWN HL EUCHRE RESULTS High - 1) Norm Moffat - 83, 2) Lorna Crockett - 81, 3) Olive Littie - 77, 4) Roy Hayward - 76, 5) jim- Boyd -73, Robert Bubar - 73; Low - Marie Couroux; Draws - Minnie Taylor, Vi I-ayward, Giadys Green- wood (2), Lorna Crockett, Elaine Doty, Martha Clark. Euchre Tournament Resuits Wayne Lowery & Diane Poiiey - 85, Martha & Don Budd - 82, Edgar Milison & Don Thompson - 78, Dean Poii'ey & Richard Lowery - 75; 50/50 Draw - Veima Jakeman. KENDAL UNITED CHURCU Kendal, Ontario "The Heart of Our Community" Sunday, April 5, 1998 11:15 ar. '.Judas WhoW" Maundy Thursday Worship & Feliowship April 9, 1998 Pot Luck Supper - 6:30 p.m. Communion Presentation - 7:30 p.m. Everyone Jnvited Prayer, Information & Support for Men Living with Prostate Cancer & their Families Tuesday, April 14, 1998 7:30 p.m. Everyone Invited Pkeasejoin us Minîster: Rev. David Black 786-2950 ORONO * PASTORAL CHARGE Rev. Mervyn Russeil Secretary Marlene Rsebrough 983-5702 Chu rch Office. 983-5502 CHURCH SERVICES Kirby United Church at 9:30 a.rn. Orono United Church 11:00 ar. Sunday School Classes and Nursery facilities available during Church Servies A.A. meets every Thursday 7:30 pm. EASTER SRVICES Maundy Thursday, April 9th Communion Supper & Service 6:30 p.m. Good Friday, April 1Oth, 10 a.m. Service at Orono United Church This service is shared with St. Savour's Anglican Church. Mr. Gordon Leek from St. Saviour's wilI be the speaker. Sunrise Service Easter Sunday April 12th, 7 a.m. at Lang Chapel, Orono Cemetary. This is a short service of approx. 40 min- utes welcoming Christs victory over sin and death. Followed by coffee and hot cross buns, Kirby United Church Easter Morning Breakfast 1April 12th, 8 - 9 a.m hosted by Krby Sunday School Easter Sunday Morning Services April l2th Kirby 9:30 a.m. - Orono il ar.

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