ELOon Weekly Tîmries,, Wednesday, April 8, 1998 - 9 Lunch wîth Tonks Fancy financîng delivers the goods for Newcastle Town Hall Créative financing on the part of the Mayor, clears the way. for Town Hall Renovations. The Mayor motioned that $3,000 earmarked for fence improvements at the Newcastle Memorial Park and $6,000 for a display cabinet for municipal archives be deferred to next years budget. Ans additional $1 1,000 carne from the build- ing maintenance reserve fund. These funds plus a Municipal Grant of $ 15,000 add up to $3 5,000 - the amaunt that was asked for by the Town Hall Board. Mayor Hamre said she felt the community could have done more to raise the funds needed for the improvements. Councillor Young stated that the Chamber of Commerce was going ta discuss fundraising at their meeting that evening. When the Mayor suggested that any additional funds raised by the communitycould reduce the dollars the municipality hands over for the praject, Councillor Young felt he could not bring that message to the Cham ber. Council also approved releasing the $20,000 from the Montagu e Trust. The total renovation is esti- mated at $80,000. The Lions Club of Newcastle bas donated $25,000 ta the projeci. The Newcastle Community Centre would like the renovations completed by October 23, 1998, when they plan ta, hold the Hall's 75th anniversary ce]- ebrations. Theaddition will include a permanent bar facili- ty, handicapped washrooms, a janitors roam and a new entrance ta the kitchen. Government appointed Maderator Allan Tanks, made a lunch time stop at Town Hall, ta listen ta concerns regarding the GTSB. AIllan Tonks came ta Bowmanville for a lunch time meeting with cauncil to listen ta, their cancerns regarding the prapased Greater Toronto Services Board (GTSB). Mr. Tonk's mission for the next few weeks is to listen ta concerns from the municipalities sur- raunding the Greater Toronto Area. "My raie is ta take the draft legislation out and receive input," said Tanks. "The input 1 receive, I arn ta distill and put inta a respanse. As of April 8, 1 will be writing a letter high- lighting the issues I felt." Allan Tanks is the Government's appointed Moderator for the proposed Greater Toronto Services Board (GSTB). Mayor Hamre told Tanks that Clarington bas a healthy rural/urban mix, and'a large majarity of the Claringtan resi- dents surveyed priar ta last' Fall's election, stated they want- ed no part of a GTSB. "Our people don't want ta get lost in the huge urban gavernment'" Han-re said. The Mayor went araund the table and gave each cauncillor an appartunity ta state their cancerns and question Tanks., ,Most councillars were very concerned that a 28 member GTSB wauld have 14 members fram Greater Toronto, and 14 members frorn the surrounding regians. Durham regian will have 3 members, one af themn being the Regianal Chair. Council feels strangly that this wilI lead ta taxation withaut representatian. Il is the makeup of this board, and the potential lack of representatian from Clarington that has counicillors s0 worried. Cauncillor Schell feit the board would focus on the ilîs of Toronto. Schell also stated that this board "can only cost us money with very little benefit." When Councillor Nav'ak said that we would be willing ta pay for GO Transit if we were ta get service, Tanks stated that a strong saciety is built when "you cantribute ta the whale as much as you can." Tanks- explained the GTA is nat just a palitical Cammunity of Interest, "it is much broader than that." "The mandate of the GTSB should be clearly defined," stat- ed Councillor Young. .Tanks described the objec- tive of the GTSB is ta: " Be campetitive. " Use infrastructure in an effi- cient and cost effective way. *Re-invest in GTSB., "The matter of representa- tion iscaming ffhrough loud and clear" said Tanks aI the end of Manday's meeting. Whenthe meeting.wrapped up Tanks said: "I will be back." SERVING DURHAM REGION SINCE 1841 FUNERAL SERVICES PRE-ARRANGED & PREPAID "WIhere orofessionaI Etiquette is Important' Funeral Directors Paul1 R. Marris Robert E. Williams Gary M. Canway Doug R. Rutherford ANSWERING YOUR CALL 24 HOURS 623-5480 4 Division St. Bowmnanvllle Training Program HOSPICE DURHAM has scheduled another Volunteer Training Prograxn to begin ini April. This 24 hour course wfi be held at the Hospice Durhamn offices,, 850 Champlain Avenue, Oshawa (North Anierican Van Lines build- ing), four consecutive Tuesdays beginning April 28 to May 19, 1998. The course will run from 9:00 a.m. ta 4:00 p.m. with a lunch break from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. Topics1 covered are: Communication Skills, Emotional Support & Family Dynamics, Trans fer Techniques and Physical Considerations, Multi-cultur- alism and Burial Rites, Grief &-Bereavement, and Raie of the Volunteer. Hospice Durham is a free cammunity based volunteer pragram that pravides in- home support to individuals and familles facing a life- threatening illness. Volunteers help hospice familles by praviding com- panibnship and emotional support and assist with non- medical tasks. To caver course materials and expenses, a $20.00 reg- istration fee is requested for peaple who intend ta volun- teer with Hospice Durham. For other interested persans, we request a fee of $40.00. For mare information about the Hospice Durham program or ta register for the course, cail (905) 435-5242 orfor those nat in aur local calling care toll-free at 1-888- 790-9414. thought!-e AIong wth eating right, daity physical actiity is one cf the best ways of reducing the risk of cardiovascutar disease. Sharing a Ag Heaithier FuhreP i -- , îa cîunc [E Funeral Home THOUGHTýFULNESS, SERVICE & CONCERN A Famlly Owned Business, Offering: Traditional Funeral Services Prearranged & Prepaid Services - Cremation Arrangements Alternatives to Traditional Funerals - Out of Town Sbipping Cory Kulpers - Presîdent 53 Division Street Bowmanville, Ontario Li C MZ 623-5668 OFF STREET PARKING Ne rýwcmsde Gof Course Openîing for 19983 GOLF SEASON Thursday, April 9th Weekend iwe S18 Holes - $27 18 Hales - $24 9 Hales - $20 9 Hales - $17 Twiight 4:30 p. m. - 9 Ho/e Rates Fil Dress Code ~Weekend Tee Times (905) 9837-48351 Show ber you care at Faster & on Mother's Day!1 Give ber a pre-paid gift certificate from... NAIL ESTHETICS by Denise & LI--sA's LOCKS 26 Centre Street, Orono HOURS:,Tuesýdai' & Thursdai' 9 -8 SWnesday &Friday 9 - 5 Satu rday 8 -2 1