Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, April 8,1998 Il Last chance to buy trees This field of red pine is ready for harvest and waiting for a new home. Paul Jones, the man in charge of the final lift, said the trees are in great shape. Rather than mow dowu the million plus seedlîngs still growing on the Forestry Lands, current owuers of the property would like t0 give the public a chance 10 buy the trees. Mr. Paul Jones, spokesper- son for the group of ewners known as VEJY, reports that there are five varielies of trees for sale ranging in size from 14 inches to approximately 2 feet taîl. The trees, White Pine,' April willI be a month of special musical events aI Orono United Church. On Salurday, April 181h aI 7:30 p.m., Ihere will be a con- cert of flube, voice and piano music. The flute belongs 10 Mamnie Niemi, a musician from Toronto.- She sbudied music at the University of Toronto and is an exciing tal- ent. She wfll be performing Bach, Goddard and Faure as well as some short concert pleces. But the classics will not be the only music on the program. Mervyn Russell will be singing a variely of Gershwin and folk songs, English and Maritime. The pianist is. Mary-Clare MacKinnon. Again, we have some mega-city talent in our village. Refreshmenls will be served following the perfor- mance. Tickets may be pur- chased from any Orono Red Pine, Norwegiau Spruce, White Spruce and Cedar are being offered 10 the public aI very reasonable rates in lots of 250 Irees or more. This final lift of tr ees wil start Ibis weekend and run for the next tbree weeks. Anyone interested in rescuing some of these bome-grown specimeus are asked to caîl Paul Jones at 983-5857. Uniled Choir member for $7.00. Thal very week-end, on Sunday, April 19 aI the regu- lar Sunday service, another Toronto musician will be per- forming. Brigid Brady, mezzo- soprano, will be comlng 10 Orono tosing before and dur- lng the 11:00 service., Brigid has sludied wilh Marjorie Sparks whose studenîs many of us had the pleasure of hearing when they sang the solos at The Messiah last December. This is yel anoth- er'opporlunily tb hear music at ils best. On Sunday, April 12 the Junior ChQir will be perform- ing at the Easler Service aI il a.m. These young children have been doing some spec- tacular work this pasl year and Ibis is a lime 10 support Ihese budding musicians. AT'H UR BLACK LT JUST MAKES COMMON SCENTS A rose by any other name would smell as sweet. William Shakespeare A rose is a rose is a rose, Gertrude Stein Do you have any ictea how thiey make perfume?, You don't want te know. Okay, LIl tell you anyway. Two ways they've been making perfume for years is (a) by agitating lcaptivewi- cals called ocelots, then col- lecting the secretions those dis- tressed cats give off through their musk glands , and (b) by collecting somelhing called ambergris which is a blob of slimy goop infrequently regur- gitated by certain species of heartburn-plagued whales. 1 have a simple question I would like 10 put 10 Messrs and Mesdames Lauder, Chanel et ai. That question is: who in their right mind wants 10 smell like wbale vomit? Not me. How about the seductive aroma of cal musk? FL' pass again, thanksvery much. V've cleaned out way 100 many boxes of kitty iîtter 10 be turned on by any feline fra- grance -- and those were from cals which weren't even agitat- ed. In any case, thanks 10 an enterprising chap by the name of James Berard, 1 dont have 10 worry about those options anymore. Berard is the head honcho of a firm based in New York called SmelITHJS. This company is a relalively new- corner 10 the dog-eat-dog (whale-eal-cat?) international perfume manufacturing busi- ness, but already Smelllhis is setting thal industry on ils ambergrîs- bedaubed ear. Berard and his laboratory boffins, geniuses that they are, decided on an ulterlynovel approach. Instead of going with the old standards like whiale amibergr is and ocelot sweat, thiey senlt ouI leamns of resear-chers 10 ask people about their favourite smnells. Lu other words, thie market- ing premis for SmeiIITHIS became: find out which smells people, actually like, and then boule il. CORRECTION Last week we reported that the BIA Easler egg hunt wilI be held aI the Clarke Museum, when actualy il will be held aI the Clarke Library. The fun starts at 10:30 a.m., SmeIITHIS manufactures perfumes, alright -- but witb fragrances uinlike any you've ever found in a botlle. Thus, SmiellTHI1S can offer a vial of Fluffy Pillowý, gnaranteed 10 make you smieÎll like fresh sheets dried oni a clothesline". Not iuto laundry? Thien perhaps you'd like te sample Ramn Forest. "A sweet jungle ramn smell senisaion". Or,- for customers with a sweet tooth, Soda Pop Fizz. "Smells just like a freshly- opened ean of pop". Or maybe youd like 10 try the SmellTHIS variation calied Cake Baller. "Yel]ow cake smell. Extremely yummy". SmellTHIS markets a fra- grance for every discriminat- ing schnozz. There's Cul Grass for folks who like that just-mown" aroma. Tbere's Beach Smells for surf 'n Sand types. They even offer Canned Peaches for people who want to smell like. . ..well, canued peaches, I guess. Digestîvelly-driven cus- tomers might also opt for Sucker Candy. Or perhaps Vanilla Shake. And for you foiks wvho reaIiy want to spice up your love life, Red Hot Chiili Peppers. This company provides aromas that even allow you te, Iravel back in lime. As an adult, you're not likely 10 sprinkle Johnson's Talcum Powder behind your ears for a hot date. But what's 10 stop you from dabbing on a few drops of SmelITHIS Baby Powder ("The, officiai, baby bull powder smell te, a T")? Long in the looth ex-bik- ers ean eveni revisit their "WiId Ones" days with a swipe of New Leather Jacket in each armpiî. 1 know I'm hooked. I've already ordered a botîle of Salon Shampoo ("The classic get-your-head-massaged-as- you-relax green apple sme l"). I've been in love with the smeill of green >apples since long before Roger Miller wrote a bit song about them. And the head-rub? That's just a bonus. Us bald guys dont gel 10 have our heads massaged that much you know. Caîl me a romantie, but ... il just makes scents le, me. Subscrîbe to Orono Weekly Tmes Special music event at Orono United Church The Regional Municipality of D urham Works Department Holiday Closure of the, Region's Waste Management Facilities The Region's Waste Management Faciities in Oshawa, Port Perry and Blackstock will be closed Friday, April 10, 1998 for Good Friday. Normal operations wiII resume Saturday, April 11, 1998. V.A. SILGAILIS, P.Eng. Commissioner of Works